
TabStop Structure Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TabStop.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorTabStop ConstructorInitializes a new TabStop structure  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAlignmentDetermines how text will be aligned to this tab stop  
Public PropertyLeaderDetermines what characters will lead the tab.  
Public PropertyPositionThe position of the tab stop  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded. Compares the specified object to this object to see if they are equivalent.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns the hash code of the structure.  
Public MethodToStringReturns the string representation of this object.  
Public Operators
public Operator Equality Compares the values of two TabStop structures for equality
public Operator Greater Than Compares the relative values of two TabStop structures
public Operator Implicit Type Conversion Implicitly converts the TabStop to an Extent representing its position.
public Operator Inequality Compares the values of two TabStop structures for inequality
public Operator Less Than Compares the relative values of two TabStop structures
See Also