
Infragistics.Documents.RichText Namespace

ClassAreaSpecificSettings Represents the margins around a cell in a table
ClassBlockNode Base class for nodes that represent block level content.
ClassBorderSettingsBase An abstract base class that exposes border properties that are common to all BorderSettings classes, i.e. Top and Bottom.
ClassBreakNode Represents an explicit line break.
ClassCharacterSettings Settings that relate to runs of characters within paragraphs
ClassCharacterStyle Represents a style that is applied to paragraphs.
ClassColorInfo An immutable object which represents a color in a RichTextDocument.
ClassColorInfoConverter Converts ColorInfo instances from one type to another.
ClassDocumentBodyNode Represents the document body, which contains paragraphs, tables and other document content.
ClassDocumentContentChangedEventArgs Event args class for the RichTextDocument's RichTextDocument.ContentChanged event.
ClassDocumentProperties Class which exposes the document level properties for a RichTextDocument.
ClassDocumentRootNode Represents a RichTextDocument's root node.
ClassDocumentSettings Settings that relate to fonts
ClassFindCriteria Contains various parameters for find and replace opertions.
ClassFindMatch Contains information regarding a match found in a RichTextDocument.
ClassFindResult Contains results of a find operation in a RichTextDocument.
ClassFloatingTableSettings Settings that relate to fonts
ClassFontSettings Settings that relate to fonts
ClassFrameSettingsBase Settings that relate to a floating frame of text
ClassHyperlinkNode Represents a hyperlink in the document.
ClassImageNode Represents an image in the document.
ClassLanguageSettings Settings that relate to fonts
ClassListLevelDefinition Settings that relate to a specific indentation level in a list of paragraphs.
ClassListLevelDefinitionCollection A collection of ListLevelDefinitions
ClassListLevelOverride Represents the list level settings overridden by a specific list.
ClassListLevelOverrideCollection Represents a collection of ListLevelOverride objects. Used by RichTextList's RichTextList.LevelOverrides property.
ClassListStyle Represents a style that is used for numbering paragraphs.
ClassListTemplate Represents a template from which lists or list styles can determine the definitions of their levels.
ClassNodeAttribute Represents a node attribute.
ClassNodeAttributeCollection Represents a collection of NodeAttribute objects. Used by NodeBase's NodeBase.CustomAttributes property.
ClassNodeBase Base class for all the Nodes that form the document tree.
ClassNodeCollection Represents a collection of NodeBase objects. Used by NodeBase's NodeBase.ChildNodes property.
ClassNodeTreeWalker Abstract base class used to support the Visitor pattern on NodeBase derived classes. By default it will visit all child nodes.
ClassNodeVisitor Abstract base class used to support the Visitor pattern on NodeBase derived classes
ClassNodeVisitor<TReturn> Abstract base class used to support the Visitor pattern on NodeBase derived classes
ClassNodeVisitor<TArg,TReturn> Abstract base class used to support the Visitor pattern on NodeBase derived classes
ClassNumberFormat Determines the format of numbered list of paragraphs.
ClassParagraphBorderSettings An object that exposes the settings related to all sides of a paragraph's borders.
ClassParagraphIndentationSettings Settings that determine the indentation of a paragraph
ClassParagraphNode Represents a paragraph in the document.
ClassParagraphSettings Settings that relate to a paragraph node
ClassParagraphSpacingSettings Settings that relate to a floating frame of text
ClassParagraphStyle Represents a style that is applied to paragraphs.
ClassPlainTextFormatOptions Represents the various options available when serializing or deserializing plain text.
ClassRange Represents a contiguous area in a RichTextDocument.
ClassReplacement Contains information regarding a replacement made in a RichTextDocument.
ClassReplaceResult Contains results of a replace operation in a RichTextDocument.
ClassRichTextBorder An object that exposes the settings related to one side of a paragraph or table cell's borders.
ClassRichTextClipboardOperationCancelEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed to cancellable events regarding Clipboard operations.
ClassRichTextClipboardOperationEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed to events regarding Clipboard operations.
ClassRichTextDocument An object that represents a rich text document
ClassRichTextDocumentVersion Represents a specified version of a RichTextDocument.
ClassRichTextImage Represents image data.
ClassRichTextImageTransform Represents a transform to apply when rendering the image in the document.
ClassRichTextList Represents a bulleted or numbered list in the document.
ClassRichTextListCollection Represents a collection of RichTextList objects.
ClassRichTextListItemInfo Contains information about a list item in a bulleted or numbered list.
ClassRichTextObjectBase Abstract base class for various rich text settings classes.
ClassRichTextObjectCollectionBase<T> Abstract base class for collections of rich text sub-objects.
ClassRichTextObjectEqualityComparer<TValue> Compares two RichTextObjectBase derived objects for deep object equivalency, meaning the entire sub-object hierarchy has the same property values.
ClassRichTextObjectHelpers Static class with methods used to perform some advanced operations on certain rich text objects.
ClassRichTextObjectKeyedCollectionBase<T> A base class for keyed collections of RichTextObjectBase derived classes.
ClassRichTextScriptCodeMappings Contains mappings from ISO 15924 four-letter script codes to font names.
ClassRichTextSettingsBase Abstract base class for various rich text settings classes.
ClassRichTextStyleBase Abstract base class for rich text style
ClassRichTextStyleCollection Represents a collection of styles which can be applied to contents in the document.
ClassRichTextThemeColorScheme Represents the theme colors contained in a RichTextThemeInfo.
ClassRichTextThemeFontScheme Represents the theme fonts contained in a RichTextThemeInfo.
ClassRichTextThemeFontSet Represents a set of fonts associated with each script type.
ClassRichTextThemeInfo Represents the theme information for the RichTextDocument.
ClassRunNode Represents content inside paragraphs, including paragraphs inside table cells.
ClassSelection Represents a Range or Ranges of content in a RichTextDocument.
ClassTableAreaCellSettings Settings that relate to a table cell within a table style area
ClassTableAreaRowSettings Settings that are specified for a table area that relate to a table row
ClassTableAreaSettings Settings that relate to a specific area of a table
ClassTableAreaTableSettings Contains settings that apply to a table
ClassTableBorderSettings An object that exposes the settings related to borders of a table.
ClassTableBorderSettingsBase An abstract base class that exposes border properties that are common to all table related BorderSettings classes.
ClassTableCellBorderSettings An object that exposes the settings related to the borders of a table cell.
ClassTableCellMargins Represents the margins around a cell in a table
ClassTableCellNode Represents a cell in a table.
ClassTableCellSettings Settings that relate to a table cell
ClassTableCellSettingsBase Abstract base class for settings that relate to a table cell
ClassTableColumn Represents a table column.
ClassTableColumnsCollection Represents a collection of TableColumn objects. Used by TableGrid's TableGrid.Columns property.
ClassTableGrid Represents table grid that defines columns of a TableNode.
ClassTableInstanceSettingsBase An abstract base class for settings that apply to a specific instance of a table
ClassTableLevelSettingsBase An abstract base class for settings that apply to a table
ClassTableNode Represents a table.
ClassTableRowNode Represents a row in a table.
ClassTableRowSettings Settings that relate to a table row
ClassTableRowSettingsBase An abstract base class for settings that apply to a table row
ClassTableRowSettingsExceptions Contains table level settings that are specified at a row level to override those of the containing table.
ClassTableSettings Contains settings that apply to a table
ClassTableSettingsBase An abstract base class for settings that apply to a table or row in a table.
ClassTableStyle The style used by Tables in a RichTextDocument
ClassTabStopCollection A collection of TabStop structures
ClassTextFrameSettings Settings that relate to a floating frame of text
ClassTextNode Represents text in the document.
ClassThemeColorDefinition Represents the definition for a theme color.
InterfaceICharacterSettingsOwner Represents an object which can own a CharacterSettings instance.
InterfaceIParagraphSettingsOwner Represents an object which can own a ParagraphSettings instance.
StructureDocumentSpan Structure containing an offset and length that identify a run of text within a document
StructureExtent Represents a extent value
StructureFirstLineIndentation Represents the first line indentation of a paragraph.
StructureIndentation Represents the vertical spacing before or after a paragraph Represents the first line indentation of a paragraph.
StructureLineSpacing Represents the vertical spacing of each line within a paragraph
StructureParagraphVerticalSpacing Represents the vertical spacing before or after a paragraph
StructureRectOffsets Used to specify portion of a source rectangle in terms of percentage of width and height of the source rectangle.
StructureRichTextFont Represents a specific or themed font in a RichTextDocument.
StructureRichTextMargin Represent a width value on all 4 sides
StructureRichTextPoint Represents a point where X and Y coordinate values are represented by Extent structures.
StructureRichTextSize Represents a size where width and height is represented by Extent structures.
StructureShading Represents the shading applied to characters, paragraphs or table cells
StructureTableExtent Represent an extent within a table.
StructureTableRowHeight Represents the height of a table row.
StructureTabStop A struct that represents a tab stop in a paragraph
StructureTextFrameHeight Represents the height of a text frame.
StructureVersionedDocumentOffset Represents a document offset within a specific version of a document.
StructureVersionedDocumentSpan Represents a span of document content within a specific RichTextDocumentVersion based on an offset and length.
EnumerationAutomaticColorUsageType Provides a context where a color is being used to resolve automatic colors.
EnumerationCharacterEmphasisMark Specified an emphasis mark placed on characters
EnumerationCharacterFormatType Enum used by the RichTextDocument.ToggleCharacterFormatting method.
EnumerationDocumentChangeType Used by the DocumentContentChangedEventArgs's DocumentContentChangedEventArgs.ChangeType property.
EnumerationExtentRule Determines how an extent will be calculated
EnumerationExtentUnitType Determines the unit type for a Extent structure
EnumerationFindOperator Used to specify FindCriteria.Operator property.
EnumerationFontUsageHint Determines which font class to use for a run of text
EnumerationHighlightColor Represents the various highlight colors available for text.
EnumerationLineBreakClearMode Used to specify BreakNode.BreakClearMode property.
EnumerationLineBreakType Used to specify BreakNode.BreakType property.
EnumerationLineFlowDirection Represents the various ways lines of text can be flowed in a document.
EnumerationListType Represents the various types into which a list can be classified.
EnumerationNumberAlignment Determines how a paragraph numbers will be aligned.
EnumerationNumberFormatType Determines the format of numbered list of paragraphs.
EnumerationNumberSuffix Determines what follows the numbering symbol in a numbered paragraph.
EnumerationOffsetTrackingMode Determines how VersionedDocumentOffsets track between versions.
EnumerationParagraphAlignment Determines how text will be aligned horizontally.
EnumerationParagraphTextAlignment Determines how text will be aligned vertically within a paragraph.
EnumerationRichDocumentBreakType Identifiers the possible break types in a RichTextDocument
EnumerationRichDocumentRangeContentType Identifies the possible content types when manipulating a Range in a RichTextDocument
EnumerationRichDocumentSelectionMovementType Options for how the a selection should be moved.
EnumerationRichTextBorderType Determines the type of the border around an element
EnumerationRichTextImageFormat Used to specify image format to use.
EnumerationRichTextNodeType Represents the various node types available.
EnumerationRunVerticalAlignment Determines how text will be aligned vertically within a run.
EnumerationSelectionCollapseDirection Options for how to collapse a Selection.
EnumerationShadingPattern Determines the pattern to use to shade the background of an element
EnumerationSpanTrackingMode Determines how VersionedDocumentSpans track between versions.
EnumerationStyleDisplayMode Represents the various display modes available for styles.
EnumerationSystemColorType Represents the various system colors.
EnumerationTableAlignment Determines how a table will be aligned.
EnumerationTableArea Identifies an area inside a table
EnumerationTableAreaSettingsUsageFlags Identifies which table area settings to use for a table
EnumerationTableCellBorderResolutionFlags Represents the various resolution options which can be used for table cell borders.
EnumerationTableCellVerticalAlignment Determines how a table will be aligned.
EnumerationTableCellVerticalMerge Determines how a table will be aligned.
EnumerationTableExtentBehavior Enum used to specify how the widths of the table and its columns should be initialized when creating a new table via RichTextDocument.InsertTable method. Note that once the table is created, the end user can still resize its columns in the UI as desired.
EnumerationTableExtentUnitType Determines how the value of a TableExtent structure is interpreted
EnumerationTableLayout Determines the algorithm to use when laying out the contents of a table
EnumerationTabStopAlignment Determines the type of a tab stop.
EnumerationTabStopLeader Determines what characters will lead the tab.
EnumerationTextFrameAnchor Determines how text frame will be anchored
EnumerationTextFrameDropCap Determines how text frame will be displayed
EnumerationTextFrameHorizontalAlignment Determines how the text frame will be aligned horizontally
EnumerationTextFrameVerticalAlignment Determines how the text frame will be aligned vertically
EnumerationTextFrameWrap Determines how other text will be allowed to wrap around the text frame
EnumerationThemeColorType Represents the various theme colors in a document.
EnumerationThemeFontType Represents the various types of theme fonts
EnumerationUnderlineType Determines what type of underline to draw in a run of text..
EnumerationUnsupportedContentHandlingMode Represents the various ways to handle known rich content that cannot be fully supported or round-tripped.
See Also