
TSqlLanguage.SymbolNames Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TSqlLanguage.SymbolNames.

Public Fields
Public FieldAbsentKeywordName for the AbsentKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAcpKeywordName for the AcpKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAddExpressionName for the AddExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAddKeywordName for the AddKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAdhocDataSourceName for the AdhocDataSource symbol.  
Public FieldAdhocTableSourceName for the AdhocTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldAllExpressionName for the AllExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAllKeywordName for the AllKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAllowPageLocksKeywordName for the AllowPageLocksKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAllowRowLocksKeywordName for the AllowRowLocksKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAlterKeywordName for the AlterKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAmpersandEqualsTokenName for the AmpersandEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldAmpersandTokenName for the AmpersandToken symbol.  
Public FieldAndExpressionName for the AndExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAndKeywordName for the AndKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAnyExpressionName for the AnyExpression symbol.  
Public FieldAnyKeywordName for the AnyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldApplyKeywordName for the ApplyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldArgumentName for the Argument symbol.  
Public FieldAscKeywordName for the AscKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAsKeywordName for the AsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAssignmentSetClauseName for the AssignmentSetClause symbol.  
Public FieldAsteriskEqualsTokenName for the AsteriskEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldAsteriskTokenName for the AsteriskToken symbol.  
Public FieldAuthorizationKeywordName for the AuthorizationKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAutoKeywordName for the AutoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldAvgKeywordName for the AvgKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBackupKeywordName for the BackupKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBarEqualsTokenName for the BarEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldBarTokenName for the BarToken symbol.  
Public FieldBase64KeywordName for the Base64Keyword symbol.  
Public FieldBeginEndBlockStatementName for the BeginEndBlockStatement symbol.  
Public FieldBeginKeywordName for the BeginKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBetweenExpressionName for the BetweenExpression symbol.  
Public FieldBetweenKeywordName for the BetweenKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBigintKeywordName for the BigintKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBinaryKeywordName for the BinaryKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBitKeywordName for the BitKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBitwiseAndExpressionName for the BitwiseAndExpression symbol.  
Public FieldBitwiseNotExpressionName for the BitwiseNotExpression symbol.  
Public FieldBitwiseOrExpressionName for the BitwiseOrExpression symbol.  
Public FieldBitwiseXorExpressionName for the BitwiseXorExpression symbol.  
Public FieldBreakKeywordName for the BreakKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBrowseForClauseName for the BrowseForClause symbol.  
Public FieldBrowseKeywordName for the BrowseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBulkKeywordName for the BulkKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldBulkOpenRowsetName for the BulkOpenRowset symbol.  
Public FieldByKeywordName for the ByKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCallerKeywordName for the CallerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCaretEqualsTokenName for the CaretEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldCaretTokenName for the CaretToken symbol.  
Public FieldCascadeKeywordName for the CascadeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCaseKeywordName for the CaseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCastKeywordName for the CastKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCharKeywordName for the CharKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCheckConstraintName for the CheckConstraint symbol.  
Public FieldCheckKeywordName for the CheckKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCheckpointKeywordName for the CheckpointKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCloseKeywordName for the CloseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCloseParenTokenName for the CloseParenToken symbol.  
Public FieldClusteredKeywordName for the ClusteredKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCoalesceKeywordName for the CoalesceKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCodePageKeywordName for the CodePageKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCollateKeywordName for the CollateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldColonColonTokenName for the ColonColonToken symbol.  
Public FieldColumnAliasName for the ColumnAlias symbol.  
Public FieldColumnAliasListName for the ColumnAliasList symbol.  
Public FieldColumnConstraintsName for the ColumnConstraints symbol.  
Public FieldColumnDefinitionName for the ColumnDefinition symbol.  
Public FieldColumnKeywordName for the ColumnKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCommaTokenName for the CommaToken symbol.  
Public FieldCommitKeywordName for the CommitKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCommonTableExpressionName for the CommonTableExpression symbol.  
Public FieldCompositeGroupingSpecificationName for the CompositeGroupingSpecification symbol.  
Public FieldCompressionPartitionRangeName for the CompressionPartitionRange symbol.  
Public FieldCompressionPartitionsClauseName for the CompressionPartitionsClause symbol.  
Public FieldComputeKeywordName for the ComputeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldConcatKeywordName for the ConcatKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldConstraintKeywordName for the ConstraintKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldContainsKeywordName for the ContainsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldContainsTableKeywordName for the ContainsTableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldContentKeywordName for the ContentKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldContinueKeywordName for the ContinueKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldConvertKeywordName for the ConvertKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCountKeywordName for the CountKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCreateKeywordName for the CreateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCreateProcedureStatementName for the CreateProcedureStatement symbol.  
Public FieldCrossKeywordName for the CrossKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCubeGroupingSpecificationName for the CubeGroupingSpecification symbol.  
Public FieldCubeKeywordName for the CubeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCurrencyLiteralTokenName for the CurrencyLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldCurrentDateKeywordName for the CurrentDateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCurrentKeywordName for the CurrentKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCurrentTimeKeywordName for the CurrentTimeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCurrentTimestampKeywordName for the CurrentTimestampKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCurrentUserKeywordName for the CurrentUserKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldCursorIdName for the CursorId symbol.  
Public FieldCursorKeywordName for the CursorKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDatabaseKeywordName for the DatabaseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDataCompressionKeywordName for the DataCompressionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDataCompressionOptionName for the DataCompressionOption symbol.  
Public FieldDataModificationTopRowFilterName for the DataModificationTopRowFilter symbol.  
Public FieldDataModificationWhereClauseName for the DataModificationWhereClause symbol.  
Public FieldDateKeywordName for the DateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDatetime2KeywordName for the Datetime2Keyword symbol.  
Public FieldDatetimeKeywordName for the DatetimeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDatetimeOffsetKeywordName for the DatetimeOffsetKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDbccKeywordName for the DbccKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeallocateKeywordName for the DeallocateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDecimalKeywordName for the DecimalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareKeywordName for the DeclareKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareTableBodyName for the DeclareTableBody symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareTableStatementName for the DeclareTableStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareVariableElementName for the DeclareVariableElement symbol.  
Public FieldDeclareVariableStatementName for the DeclareVariableStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDefaultKeywordName for the DefaultKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeletedKeywordName for the DeletedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeleteKeywordName for the DeleteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDeleteStatementName for the DeleteStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDenyKeywordName for the DenyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDescKeywordName for the DescKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDiskKeywordName for the DiskKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDistinctKeywordName for the DistinctKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDistributedKeywordName for the DistributedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDivideExpressionName for the DivideExpression symbol.  
Public FieldDocumentKeywordName for the DocumentKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDollarSignIdentityKeywordName for the DollarSignIdentityKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDollarSignRowGuidKeywordName for the DollarSignRowGuidKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDotTokenName for the DotToken symbol.  
Public FieldDoubleKeywordName for the DoubleKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDropDefaultStatementName for the DropDefaultStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDropExistingKeywordName for the DropExistingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDropKeywordName for the DropKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDropProcedureStatementName for the DropProcedureStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDropTableStatementName for the DropTableStatement symbol.  
Public FieldDumpKeywordName for the DumpKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldDynamicKeywordName for the DynamicKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldElementsKeywordName for the ElementsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldElseClauseName for the ElseClause symbol.  
Public FieldElseKeywordName for the ElseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEncryptionKeywordName for the EncryptionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEndKeywordName for the EndKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEndOfStreamTokenName for the EndOfStreamToken symbol.  
Public FieldEqualsExpressionName for the EqualsExpression symbol.  
Public FieldEqualsTokenName for the EqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldErrlvlKeywordName for the ErrlvlKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldErrorFileKeywordName for the ErrorFileKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldEscapeKeywordName for the EscapeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExceptKeywordName for the ExceptKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExceptQueryExpressionName for the ExceptQueryExpression symbol.  
Public FieldExclamationEqualsTokenName for the ExclamationEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldExclamationGreaterThanTokenName for the ExclamationGreaterThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldExclamationLessThanTokenName for the ExclamationLessThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldExecKeywordName for the ExecKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExecuteAsClauseName for the ExecuteAsClause symbol.  
Public FieldExecuteKeywordName for the ExecuteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExistsExpressionName for the ExistsExpression symbol.  
Public FieldExistsKeywordName for the ExistsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExitKeywordName for the ExitKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExpandKeywordName for the ExpandKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExplicitKeywordName for the ExplicitKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldExpressionCallTargetName for the ExpressionCallTarget symbol.  
Public FieldExpressionGroupingSpecificationName for the ExpressionGroupingSpecification symbol.  
Public FieldExpressionNameName for the ExpressionName symbol.  
Public FieldExpressionWithSortOrderName for the ExpressionWithSortOrder symbol.  
Public FieldExternalKeywordName for the ExternalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFalseKeywordName for the FalseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFastFirstRowKeywordName for the FastFirstRowKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFastForwardKeywordName for the FastForwardKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFastKeywordName for the FastKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFetchKeywordName for the FetchKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFileKeywordName for the FileKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFillFactorKeywordName for the FillFactorKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFirstRowKeywordName for the FirstRowKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFloatKeywordName for the FloatKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldForcedKeywordName for the ForcedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldForceKeywordName for the ForceKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldForceSeekKeywordName for the ForceSeekKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldForeignKeywordName for the ForeignKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldForKeywordName for the ForKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFormatFileKeywordName for the FormatFileKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFormsOfKeywordName for the FormsOfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldForwardOnlyKeywordName for the ForwardOnlyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFreeTextKeywordName for the FreeTextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFreeTextTableKeywordName for the FreeTextTableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFromKeywordName for the FromKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFullKeywordName for the FullKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldFullTextColumnsName for the FullTextColumns symbol.  
Public FieldFullTextPredicateName for the FullTextPredicate symbol.  
Public FieldFunctionCallName for the FunctionCall symbol.  
Public FieldFunctionCallSetClauseName for the FunctionCallSetClause symbol.  
Public FieldFunctionKeywordName for the FunctionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGetdateKeywordName for the GetdateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGlobalKeywordName for the GlobalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGoKeywordName for the GoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGoStatementName for the GoStatement symbol.  
Public FieldGotoKeywordName for the GotoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGrantKeywordName for the GrantKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanEqualsTokenName for the GreaterThanEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanExpressionName for the GreaterThanExpression symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanOrEqualExpressionName for the GreaterThanOrEqualExpression symbol.  
Public FieldGreaterThanTokenName for the GreaterThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldGroupByClauseName for the GroupByClause symbol.  
Public FieldGroupingKeywordName for the GroupingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldGroupingSetsGroupingSpecificationName for the GroupingSetsGroupingSpecification symbol.  
Public FieldGroupKeywordName for the GroupKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldHashIdentifierTokenName for the HashIdentifierToken symbol.  
Public FieldHashKeywordName for the HashKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldHavingClauseName for the HavingClause symbol.  
Public FieldHavingKeywordName for the HavingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldHierarchyidKeywordName for the HierarchyidKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldHintKeywordName for the HintKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldHoldLockKeywordName for the HoldLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIdentifiersCallTargetName for the IdentifiersCallTarget symbol.  
Public FieldIdentifierTokenName for the IdentifierToken symbol.  
Public FieldIdentityColKeywordName for the IdentityColKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIdentityInsertKeywordName for the IdentityInsertKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIdentityKeywordName for the IdentityKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIfKeywordName for the IfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIfStatementName for the IfStatement symbol.  
Public FieldIgnoreConstraintsKeywordName for the IgnoreConstraintsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIgnoreDupKeyKeywordName for the IgnoreDupKeyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndexKeywordName for the IgnoreNonClusteredColumnStoreIndexKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIgnoreTriggersKeywordName for the IgnoreTriggersKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldImageKeywordName for the ImageKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInColumnsName for the InColumns symbol.  
Public FieldIndexExpressionOptionName for the IndexExpressionOption symbol.  
Public FieldIndexKeywordName for the IndexKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIndexStateOptionName for the IndexStateOption symbol.  
Public FieldIndexTableHintName for the IndexTableHint symbol.  
Public FieldInExpressionName for the InExpression symbol.  
Public FieldInflectionalKeywordName for the InflectionalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInKeywordName for the InKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInnerKeywordName for the InnerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInsertColumnListName for the InsertColumnList symbol.  
Public FieldInsertedKeywordName for the InsertedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInsertKeywordName for the InsertKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldInsertStatementName for the InsertStatement symbol.  
Public FieldIntersectKeywordName for the IntersectKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIntersectQueryExpressionName for the IntersectQueryExpression symbol.  
Public FieldIntKeywordName for the IntKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIntoClauseName for the IntoClause symbol.  
Public FieldIntoKeywordName for the IntoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIsAboutKeywordName for the IsAboutKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIsKeywordName for the IsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldIsNotNullExpressionName for the IsNotNullExpression symbol.  
Public FieldIsNullExpressionName for the IsNullExpression symbol.  
Public FieldJoinKeywordName for the JoinKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldJoinParenthesisName for the JoinParenthesis symbol.  
Public FieldKeepDefaultsKeywordName for the KeepDefaultsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldKeepFixedKeywordName for the KeepFixedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldKeepIdentityKeywordName for the KeepIdentityKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldKeepKeywordName for the KeepKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldKeyKeywordName for the KeyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldKeysetKeywordName for the KeysetKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldKillKeywordName for the KillKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLanguageKeywordName for the LanguageKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLastRowKeywordName for the LastRowKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLeftKeywordName for the LeftKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanEqualsTokenName for the LessThanEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanExpressionName for the LessThanExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanGreaterThanTokenName for the LessThanGreaterThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanOrEqualExpressionName for the LessThanOrEqualExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLessThanTokenName for the LessThanToken symbol.  
Public FieldLikeExpressionName for the LikeExpression symbol.  
Public FieldLikeKeywordName for the LikeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLineNoKeywordName for the LineNoKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLoadKeywordName for the LoadKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldLoopKeywordName for the LoopKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMaxDopKeywordName for the MaxDopKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMaxErrorsKeywordName for the MaxErrorsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMaxKeywordName for the MaxKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMaxRecursionKeywordName for the MaxRecursionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMergeKeywordName for the MergeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMethodSpecifierName for the MethodSpecifier symbol.  
Public FieldMinKeywordName for the MinKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMinusEqualsTokenName for the MinusEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldMinusTokenName for the MinusToken symbol.  
Public FieldModuloExpressionName for the ModuloExpression symbol.  
Public FieldMoneyKeywordName for the MoneyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldMultilineCommentAsteriskContentName for the MultilineCommentAsteriskContent symbol.  
Public FieldMultilineCommentContentName for the MultilineCommentContent symbol.  
Public FieldMultilineCommentEndName for the MultilineCommentEnd symbol.  
Public FieldMultilineCommentStartName for the MultilineCommentStart symbol.  
Public FieldMultiplyExpressionName for the MultiplyExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNameKeywordName for the NameKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNationalKeywordName for the NationalKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNcharKeywordName for the NcharKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNegateExpressionName for the NegateExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNewLineTokenName for the NewLineToken symbol.  
Public FieldNoCheckKeywordName for the NoCheckKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNoExpandKeywordName for the NoExpandKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNoLockKeywordName for the NoLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNonClusteredKeywordName for the NonClusteredKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNoneKeywordName for the NoneKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNotBetweenExpressionName for the NotBetweenExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotEqualsExpressionName for the NotEqualsExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotExpressionName for the NotExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotGreaterThanExpressionName for the NotGreaterThanExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotInExpressionName for the NotInExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotKeywordName for the NotKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNotLessThanExpressionName for the NotLessThanExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNotLikeExpressionName for the NotLikeExpression symbol.  
Public FieldNoWaitKeywordName for the NoWaitKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNtextKeywordName for the NtextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNullableConstraintName for the NullableConstraint symbol.  
Public FieldNullIfKeywordName for the NullIfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNullKeywordName for the NullKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNumericDecimalLiteralTokenName for the NumericDecimalLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldNumericHexadecimalLiteralTokenName for the NumericHexadecimalLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldNumericIntegerLiteralTokenName for the NumericIntegerLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldNumericKeywordName for the NumericKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldNvarcharKeywordName for the NvarcharKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOemKeywordName for the OemKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOffKeywordName for the OffKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOffsetsKeywordName for the OffsetsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOfKeywordName for the OfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOnKeywordName for the OnKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOnlineKeywordName for the OnlineKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOnlyKeywordName for the OnlyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOpenDataSourceKeywordName for the OpenDataSourceKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOpenKeywordName for the OpenKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOpenParenTokenName for the OpenParenToken symbol.  
Public FieldOpenQueryKeywordName for the OpenQueryKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOpenQueryTableSourceName for the OpenQueryTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldOpenRowsetDataModificationTargetName for the OpenRowsetDataModificationTarget symbol.  
Public FieldOpenRowsetDataSourceName for the OpenRowsetDataSource symbol.  
Public FieldOpenRowSetKeywordName for the OpenRowSetKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOpenRowsetProviderName for the OpenRowsetProvider symbol.  
Public FieldOpenRowsetQueryName for the OpenRowsetQuery symbol.  
Public FieldOpenRowsetTableSourceName for the OpenRowsetTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldOpenXmlKeywordName for the OpenXmlKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOpenXmlTableSourceName for the OpenXmlTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldOptimisticKeywordName for the OptimisticKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOptimizeForOptimizerHintName for the OptimizeForOptimizerHint symbol.  
Public FieldOptimizeKeywordName for the OptimizeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOptionClauseName for the OptionClause symbol.  
Public FieldOptionKeywordName for the OptionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOrderByClauseName for the OrderByClause symbol.  
Public FieldOrderKeywordName for the OrderKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOrExpressionName for the OrExpression symbol.  
Public FieldOrKeywordName for the OrKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOuterKeywordName for the OuterKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOutKeywordName for the OutKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOutputClauseName for the OutputClause symbol.  
Public FieldOutputKeywordName for the OutputKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOverKeywordName for the OverKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldOwnerKeywordName for the OwnerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPadIndexKeywordName for the PadIndexKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPageKeywordName for the PageKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPagLockKeywordName for the PagLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldParameterizationKeywordName for the ParameterizationKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldParenthesisExpressionName for the ParenthesisExpression symbol.  
Public FieldPartitionsKeywordName for the PartitionsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPathKeywordName for the PathKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPercentEqualsTokenName for the PercentEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldPercentKeywordName for the PercentKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPercentTokenName for the PercentToken symbol.  
Public FieldPivotColumnName for the PivotColumn symbol.  
Public FieldPivotedTableSourceName for the PivotedTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldPivotKeywordName for the PivotKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPlanKeywordName for the PlanKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPlusEqualsTokenName for the PlusEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldPlusExpressionName for the PlusExpression symbol.  
Public FieldPlusTokenName for the PlusToken symbol.  
Public FieldPrecisionKeywordName for the PrecisionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPrimaryKeywordName for the PrimaryKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPrintKeywordName for the PrintKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPrintStatementName for the PrintStatement symbol.  
Public FieldProcedureKeywordName for the ProcedureKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldProcedureOptionName for the ProcedureOption symbol.  
Public FieldProcedureOptionsClauseName for the ProcedureOptionsClause symbol.  
Public FieldProcedureParameterName for the ProcedureParameter symbol.  
Public FieldProcedureReferenceName for the ProcedureReference symbol.  
Public FieldProcKeywordName for the ProcKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPropertyFieldOrMethodName for the PropertyFieldOrMethod symbol.  
Public FieldPropertyKeywordName for the PropertyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldPublicKeywordName for the PublicKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldQualifiedJoinName for the QualifiedJoin symbol.  
Public FieldQueryDerivedTableName for the QueryDerivedTable symbol.  
Public FieldQueryExpressionName for the QueryExpression symbol.  
Public FieldQueryParenthesisName for the QueryParenthesis symbol.  
Public FieldQuerySpecificationName for the QuerySpecification symbol.  
Public FieldRaiseErrorKeywordName for the RaiseErrorKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRawKeywordName for the RawKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadCommittedKeywordName for the ReadCommittedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadCommittedLockKeywordName for the ReadCommittedLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadKeywordName for the ReadKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadOnlyForClauseName for the ReadOnlyForClause symbol.  
Public FieldReadOnlyKeywordName for the ReadOnlyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadPastKeywordName for the ReadPastKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadTextKeywordName for the ReadTextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadUncommittedKeywordName for the ReadUncommittedKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReadUnderscoreOnlyKeywordName for the ReadUnderscoreOnlyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRealKeywordName for the RealKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRecompileKeywordName for the RecompileKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReconfigureKeywordName for the ReconfigureKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReferencesKeywordName for the ReferencesKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRemoteKeywordName for the RemoteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRepeatableKeywordName for the RepeatableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRepeatableReadKeywordName for the RepeatableReadKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRepeatSeedClauseName for the RepeatSeedClause symbol.  
Public FieldReplicationKeywordName for the ReplicationKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRestoreKeywordName for the RestoreKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRestrictKeywordName for the RestrictKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldReturnKeywordName for the ReturnKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRevertKeywordName for the RevertKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRevokeKeywordName for the RevokeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRightKeywordName for the RightKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRobustKeywordName for the RobustKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRollbackKeywordName for the RollbackKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRollupGroupingSpecificationName for the RollupGroupingSpecification symbol.  
Public FieldRollupKeywordName for the RollupKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRootKeywordName for the RootKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRowCountKeywordName for the RowCountKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRowGuidColKeywordName for the RowGuidColKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRowKeywordName for the RowKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRowLockKeywordName for the RowLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRowsKeywordName for the RowsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRowsPerBatchKeywordName for the RowsPerBatchKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldRowValueName for the RowValue symbol.  
Public FieldRuleKeywordName for the RuleKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSampleNumberClauseName for the SampleNumberClause symbol.  
Public FieldSaveKeywordName for the SaveKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSchemaDeclarationItemName for the SchemaDeclarationItem symbol.  
Public FieldSchemaKeywordName for the SchemaKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSchemaObjectDataModificationTargetName for the SchemaObjectDataModificationTarget symbol.  
Public FieldSchemaObjectNameName for the SchemaObjectName symbol.  
Public FieldSchemaObjectTableSourceName for the SchemaObjectTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldScrollKeywordName for the ScrollKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldScrollLocksKeywordName for the ScrollLocksKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSecurityAuditKeywordName for the SecurityAuditKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSelectColumnName for the SelectColumn symbol.  
Public FieldSelectKeywordName for the SelectKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSelectStatementName for the SelectStatement symbol.  
Public FieldSelfKeywordName for the SelfKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSemanticKeyphraseTableKeywordName for the SemanticKeyphraseTableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSemanticSimilarityDetailsTableKeywordName for the SemanticSimilarityDetailsTableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSemanticSimilarityTableKeywordName for the SemanticSimilarityTableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSemicolonTokenName for the SemicolonToken symbol.  
Public FieldSerializableKeywordName for the SerializableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSessionUserKeywordName for the SessionUserKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSetKeywordName for the SetKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSetLocalVariableStatementName for the SetLocalVariableStatement symbol.  
Public FieldSetsKeywordName for the SetsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSetUserKeywordName for the SetUserKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldShutdownKeywordName for the ShutdownKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleBulkInsertOptionName for the SimpleBulkInsertOption symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleKeywordName for the SimpleKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleOptimizerHintName for the SimpleOptimizerHint symbol.  
Public FieldSimpleTableHintName for the SimpleTableHint symbol.  
Public FieldSingleBlobKeywordName for the SingleBlobKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSingleClobKeywordName for the SingleClobKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSingleLineCommentName for the SingleLineComment symbol.  
Public FieldSingleNclobKeywordName for the SingleNclobKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSlashEqualsTokenName for the SlashEqualsToken symbol.  
Public FieldSlashTokenName for the SlashToken symbol.  
Public FieldSmallDatetimeKeywordName for the SmallDatetimeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSmallintKeywordName for the SmallintKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSmallmoneyKeywordName for the SmallmoneyKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSomeExpressionName for the SomeExpression symbol.  
Public FieldSomeKeywordName for the SomeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSortInTempDBKeywordName for the SortInTempDBKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSqlDataTypeName for the SqlDataType symbol.  
Public FieldSqlvariantKeywordName for the SqlvariantKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStatementListName for the StatementList symbol.  
Public FieldStaticKeywordName for the StaticKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStatisticsKeywordName for the StatisticsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStatisticsNoRecomputeKeywordName for the StatisticsNoRecomputeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStdevKeywordName for the StdevKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStdevpKeywordName for the StdevpKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralName for the StringLiteral symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralContentName for the StringLiteralContent symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralDoubleQuoteContentName for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteContent symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralDoubleQuoteEndName for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteEnd symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralDoubleQuoteStartName for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteStart symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralDoubleQuoteTokenName for the StringLiteralDoubleQuoteToken symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralEndName for the StringLiteralEnd symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralStartName for the StringLiteralStart symbol.  
Public FieldStringLiteralTokenName for the StringLiteralToken symbol.  
Public FieldSubqueryName for the Subquery symbol.  
Public FieldSubtractExpressionName for the SubtractExpression symbol.  
Public FieldSumKeywordName for the SumKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSystemKeywordName for the SystemKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldSystemUserKeywordName for the SystemUserKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTableAliasName for the TableAlias symbol.  
Public FieldTableHintsOptimizerHintName for the TableHintsOptimizerHint symbol.  
Public FieldTableKeywordName for the TableKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTableSampleClauseName for the TableSampleClause symbol.  
Public FieldTableSampleKeywordName for the TableSampleKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTabLockKeywordName for the TabLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTabLockxKeywordName for the TabLockxKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTextKeywordName for the TextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTextSizeKeywordName for the TextSizeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldThenKeywordName for the ThenKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldThesaurusKeywordName for the ThesaurusKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTiesKeywordName for the TiesKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTildeTokenName for the TildeToken symbol.  
Public FieldTimeKeywordName for the TimeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTimestampKeywordName for the TimestampKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTinyintKeywordName for the TinyintKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldToKeywordName for the ToKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTopKeywordName for the TopKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTopRowFilterName for the TopRowFilter symbol.  
Public FieldTranKeywordName for the TranKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTransactionKeywordName for the TransactionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTriggerKeywordName for the TriggerKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTrueKeywordName for the TrueKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTruncateKeywordName for the TruncateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTryConvertKeywordName for the TryConvertKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTSEqualKeywordName for the TSEqualKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTSqlBatchName for the TSqlBatch symbol.  
Public FieldTSqlScriptName for the TSqlScript symbol.  
Public FieldTypeKeywordName for the TypeKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldTypeWarningKeywordName for the TypeWarningKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUnionAllQueryExpressionName for the UnionAllQueryExpression symbol.  
Public FieldUnionKeywordName for the UnionKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUnionQueryExpressionName for the UnionQueryExpression symbol.  
Public FieldUniqueConstraintName for the UniqueConstraint symbol.  
Public FieldUniqueIdentifierKeywordName for the UniqueIdentifierKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUniqueKeywordName for the UniqueKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUniqueRowFilterName for the UniqueRowFilter symbol.  
Public FieldUnknownKeywordName for the UnknownKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUnpivotedTableSourceName for the UnpivotedTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldUnpivotKeywordName for the UnpivotKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUnqualifiedJoinName for the UnqualifiedJoin symbol.  
Public FieldUnrecognizedTokenName for the UnrecognizedToken symbol.  
Public FieldUpdateForClauseName for the UpdateForClause symbol.  
Public FieldUpdateKeywordName for the UpdateKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUpdateStatementName for the UpdateStatement symbol.  
Public FieldUpdateTextKeywordName for the UpdateTextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUpdlockKeywordName for the UpdlockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUseKeywordName for the UseKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUserDataTypeName for the UserDataType symbol.  
Public FieldUserDefinedTypeCallTargetName for the UserDefinedTypeCallTarget symbol.  
Public FieldUserDefinedTypePropertyAccessName for the UserDefinedTypePropertyAccess symbol.  
Public FieldUserKeywordName for the UserKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldUseStatementName for the UseStatement symbol.  
Public FieldValueColumnName for the ValueColumn symbol.  
Public FieldValuesExpressionName for the ValuesExpression symbol.  
Public FieldValuesInsertSourceName for the ValuesInsertSource symbol.  
Public FieldValuesKeywordName for the ValuesKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldVarbinaryKeywordName for the VarbinaryKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldVarcharKeywordName for the VarcharKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldVariableDataModificationTargetName for the VariableDataModificationTarget symbol.  
Public FieldVariableFunctionCallName for the VariableFunctionCall symbol.  
Public FieldVariableTableSourceName for the VariableTableSource symbol.  
Public FieldVariableTokenName for the VariableToken symbol.  
Public FieldVariableValuePairName for the VariableValuePair symbol.  
Public FieldVarKeywordName for the VarKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldVarpKeywordName for the VarpKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldVaryingKeywordName for the VaryingKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldViewKeywordName for the ViewKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldViewsKeywordName for the ViewsKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWaitForKeywordName for the WaitForKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWeightKeywordName for the WeightKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhenKeywordName for the WhenKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhereClauseName for the WhereClause symbol.  
Public FieldWhereKeywordName for the WhereKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhileKeywordName for the WhileKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWhitespaceTokenName for the WhitespaceToken symbol.  
Public FieldWithCommonTableExpressionsName for the WithCommonTableExpressions symbol.  
Public FieldWithinKeywordName for the WithinKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWithKeywordName for the WithKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWithTableHintsClauseName for the WithTableHintsClause symbol.  
Public FieldWriteKeywordName for the WriteKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldWriteTextKeywordName for the WriteTextKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldXLockKeywordName for the XLockKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldXmlDataKeywordName for the XmlDataKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldXmlDataTypeName for the XmlDataType symbol.  
Public FieldXmlForClauseName for the XmlForClause symbol.  
Public FieldXmlKeywordName for the XmlKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldXmlSchemaKeywordName for the XmlSchemaKeyword symbol.  
Public FieldXsinilKeywordName for the XsinilKeyword symbol.  
See Also