
EbnfLoadErrorReason Enumeration

Constants which describe the reason for an import error.
Public Enum EbnfLoadErrorReason 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum EbnfLoadErrorReason : System.Enum 
AttributeBlockWithinRuleAn attribute block has been defined in the middle of a rule.
ContradictorySyntacticExceptionA syntactic exception appears to prevent all variations of the original content.
DefaultLexerStateCannotHaveExitSymbolsA symbol is marked as an exit symbol in the default lexer state, which is not allowed to have exit symbols.
DuplicateLexerStateNameA LexerState name is already in use by another LexerState.
DuplicateSymbolNameA symbol name is already in use by another symbol.
EmptyGrammarDefinitionThe grammar definition is empty.
EndOfStreamSymbolReferencedThe Grammar.EndOfStreamSymbol was referenced by a rule that is not the start symbol or the start symbol is not a well-formed start symbol with a single non-terminal symbol followed by the end of stream symbol.
GrammarPropertiesNotAtTopThe grammar properties are not at the top of the EBNF file.
GroupingSymbolMismatchAn grouping symbol, such as an open parenthesis or closing parenthesis was encountered without a corresponding opening/closing symbol.
InsignificantSymbolReferencedA non-terminal symbol contains a reference to an insignificant terminal symbol, which can never be included in the non-terminal symbol because the syntax analyzer ignores them.
InvalidPropertyValueThe specified value is not valid for the property to which it is being assigned.
InvalidRegularExpressionAn invalid regular expression pattern was specified.
InvalidSymbolNameA symbol has an invalid name. The name must be an underscore or letter followed by zero or more letters, numbers, or underscores.
InvalidSyntacticExceptionA syntactic exception has an invalid exception portion. The exception portion of a syntactic exception rule cannot use recursively defined non-terminal symbols directly or indirectly.
InvalidXmlA special sequence contains invalid XML content.
LexerStateCannotHaveSpecialSymbolsThe Grammar.EndOfStreamSymbol or Grammar.UnrecognizedSymbol has been added to a lexer state. Those symbols are implicitly included in all lexer states and cannot be added to them directly.
MissingAssignmentSymbolThe statement does not contain equals sign following the declaration. All statements must contain one and only one assignment symbol following the declaration.
MissingDeclarationThe left-hand side of the statement cannot be parsed into a valid identifier. All statements must begin with a valid identifier which is not enclosed in quotes.
MissingEndOfStatementThe statement does not contain a semicolon.
MissingNamePropertyA declaration is missing a value for the 'Name' property.
MissingOperatorAn operator is expected at the specified location. This is usually caused by the occurrence of two adjacent operands.
MissingValueAn XML tag has no value specified.
MissingValuePropertyA TerminalSymbol declaration is missing the TerminalSymbol.Value property.
MultipleLexerStatesThere are multiple entered LexerStates defined for a symbol.
OpenLiteralStringAn opening quote symbol was encountered without a closing one.
StartSymbolIsReferencedA symbol is referenced which is a well formed start symbol for the grammar. The start symbol can only be referenced if it is not defined as having a single production of a non-terminal followed by the end of stream symbol.
UnbalancedXmlTagAn opening XML tag was encountered without a corresponding closing one, or a closing XML tag was encountered without a corresponding opening one.
UndeclaredReferenceA reference to an identifier that was never declared was encountered.
UnexpectedAssignmentSymbolThe grammar contains an equals sign in an area where it is not expected.
UnexpectedIdentifierThe grammar contains an identifier in an area where it is not expected.
UnexpectedOperatorThe grammar contains an operator in an area where it is not expected.
UnrecognizedContentA statement contains content which is not recognizable.
UnrecognizedSymbolReferencedThe Grammar.UnrecognizedSymbol has been added to a rule for a non-terminal symbol. The unrecognized symbol cannot be used in the syntax tree.
UnrecognizedXmlAttributeAn XML attribute was encountered, but its name was not recognized.
UnrecognizedXmlTagA well-formed XML tag was encountered, but its name was not recognized.

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also