For a list of all members of this type, see Compute members.
Name | Description | |
Abs | Overloaded. Returns the absolute value of x. | |
Acos | Overloaded. Returns the arccosine of x. Arccosine is the inverse of Cos(x) on the range [0 pi]. | |
Append | Overloaded. Appends a series of Vector instances together. | |
Arg | Overloaded. The argument of a x. | |
Asin | Overloaded. Returns the arcsine of x. Arcsine is the inverse of sin(x) on the range [-pi/2 pi/2]. | |
Atan | Overloaded. Returns the arctangent of x. Arctangent is the inverse of Tan(x) on [-pi/2 pi/2]. | |
Atan2 | Overloaded. Returns the four-quadrant arctangent of yx. Atan2 is the Arg{x + yi}. | |
AverageDeviation | Overloaded. Returns the average absolute deviation from the mean of a Vector of data. | |
AverageIf | Overloaded. Returns the average value of the Vectorx where the corresponding BooleanVector is True. | |
Bin | Overloaded. Returns a new Vector y, where y[i] = n if x[i] is in the nth bin. | |
Ceiling | Overloaded. Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. | |
Cis | Overloaded. Returns the exponential function of a purely imaginary number. | |
CofactorMatrix | Overloaded. Returns the (i,j) cofactor of x. If i+j is even, the (i,j) cofactor is equal to the determinant of the (i,j) minor Matrix of x. If i+j is odd, the (i,j) cofactor is the negative determinant of the (i,j) minor Matrix of x. | |
Conj | Overloaded. Returns the Complex conjugate of x. | |
Convolve | Overloaded. Returns the convolution of a ComplexVector and a Vector. | |
Correlation | Overloaded. Returns the Pearson's correlation coefficient for two Vector instances. | |
Cos | Overloaded. Returns the cosine of x. | |
Cosh | Overloaded. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x. | |
Covariance | Overloaded. Returns the sample covariance of two Vector instances. | |
CumProduct | Overloaded. Returns the cumulative product of the elements of x. | |
CumSum | Overloaded. Returns the cumulative sum of the elements of x. | |
Derivative | Overloaded. Returns the partial derivative of the Matrix f along the Nth dimension. | |
Determinant | Overloaded. Returns the determinant of a square Matrixx. | |
Diagonal | Overloaded. Returns the diagonal of an N-dimensional Matrixx. | |
Difference | Overloaded. Returns a Vector with the difference of successive values of x. | |
Exp | Overloaded. Returns the number e raised to the power x. | |
Factor | Returns a Vector containing the prime factors of n. | |
Factorial | Overloaded. Returns n factorial. | |
Find | Overloaded. Find takes a BooleanVectorx and returns the indices where x is True. | |
Floor | Overloaded. Returns the largest integer less than or equal to x. | |
Gcd | Returns the greatest common divisor of m and n using Euclid's algorithm. | |
Histogram | Overloaded. Returns a histogram of the data in the Vectorx using N evenly-spaced bins. | |
IdentityMatrix | Returns an N-dimensional identity Matrix. | |
Imaginary | Overloaded. Returns the imaginary part of x. | |
Index | Overloaded. Returns a Vector of successive indices from 0 to end. | |
IndexToSubscript | Returns the Matrix subscript that corresponds with the one-dimensional index. | |
IsEven | Returns True if x is an even number; False otherwise. | |
IsInf | Overloaded. Returns True if x is Inf; False otherwise. | |
IsInt | Overloaded. Returns True if n is integer valued; False otherwise. | |
IsNaN | Overloaded. Returns True if x is NaN; False otherwise. | |
IsNatural | Overloaded. Returns True if n is a natrual number; False otherwise. | |
IsNegInf | Overloaded. Returns True if x is -Inf; False otherwise. | |
IsOdd | Returns True if x is an odd number; False otherwise. | |
IsPrime | Overloaded. Returns True if n is a prime number; False otherwise. | |
Lcm | Returns the least common multiple of m and n. | |
Line | Overloaded. Returns a Vector with evenly spaced elements. | |
Log | Overloaded. Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of x. Log(x) is the inverse of Exp(x). | |
Log10 | Overloaded. Returns the base 10 logarithm of x. | |
Log2 | Overloaded. Returns the base 2 logarithm of x. | |
MatrixProduct | Overloaded. Returns the product of two Matrix instances. | |
Max | Overloaded. Compares x1 to x2 and returns the largest one. | |
Mean | Overloaded. Returns the mean value of a Vector of observations. | |
Median | Overloaded. Returns the median value of a Vector of observations. | |
Min | Overloaded. Compares x1 to x2 and returns the smallest one. | |
MinorMatrix | Overloaded. Returns the (i,j) minor Matrix of x. The (i,j) minor Matrix of x is the result of removing the ith row and jth column of x. | |
Mode | Overloaded. Returns the mode of the elements of a Vectorx. | |
NChooseK | Returns n choose k. | |
NormalDistribution | Overloaded. Returns the normal distribution of x with mean mu and standard deviation sigma. | |
Pow | Overloaded. Returns x1 raised to the power x2. | |
Primes | Returns a Vector containing the primes before n. | |
Product | Overloaded. Returns the product of the elements of a Vector. | |
Random | Overloaded. Returns a double drawn from the uniform distribution between 0 and 1. | |
Real | Overloaded. Returns the real part of x. | |
Repeat | Overloaded. Appends a Vector to itself N times. | |
Reverse | Overloaded. Returns a Vector with the elements of x in reverse order. | |
Round | Overloaded. Returns x rounded to the nearest integer. | |
SetDifference | Overloaded. Returns a Vector with the elements contained in x1 that are not contained in x2. The result is sorted and unique. | |
SetIntersection | Overloaded. Returns a Vector with the elements common to both x1 and x2. The result is sorted and unique. | |
SetUnion | Overloaded. Returns a Vector with all elements contained in either x1 or x2. The result is sorted and unique. | |
Sign | Overloaded. Returns the sign of x. | |
Sin | Overloaded. Returns the sine of x. | |
Sinh | Overloaded. Returns the hyperbolic sine of x. | |
Size | Overloaded. Returns the size of x. | |
Sort | Overloaded. Returns a Vector with the elements of x sorted by value in ascending order. | |
Sqrt | Overloaded. Returns the square-root of x. | |
Squeeze | Overloaded. Returns a Matrix equivalent to x with unitary dimensions removed. | |
StandardDeviation | Overloaded. Returns the standard deviation of a Vector of observations. | |
StandardError | Overloaded. Returns the standard error of the sample mean for a Vector of observations. | |
Standardize | Overloaded. Returns the z-score of x with respect a distribution of mean mu and standard deviation sigma. | |
SubscriptToIndex | Returns the one-dimensional index that corresponds with the Matrixsubscript. | |
Sum | Overloaded. Returns the sum of the elements of a Vector. | |
SumIf | Overloaded. Returns the sum of the elements of the Vectorx where the corresponding BooleanVector is True. | |
SumProduct | Overloaded. Returns the sum of the products of the corresponding elements of each Vector in x. | |
Switch | Overloaded. Returns a Vector equal to x with the dimensions switched. | |
Tan | Overloaded. Returns the tangent of x. | |
Tanh | Overloaded. Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x. | |
Trace | Overloaded. Returns the trace of the Matrixx. The trace is the sum of the elements of x along the main diagonal. | |
Transpose | Overloaded. Returns a Vector identical to x but with the opposite orientation. | |
TryAverageIf | Overloaded. Returns the average value of the Vectorx where the corresponding BooleanVector is True as the result. | |
TrySumProduct | Overloaded. Returns the sum of the products of the corresponding elements of each Vector in x as the result. | |
Unique | Overloaded. Returns a new Vector with the unique elements of x, sorted in ascending order. | |
Variance | Overloaded. Returns the sample variance of a Vector of observations. | |
VectorProduct | Overloaded. Returns the vector product, also known as the dot product or inner product, of two Vector instances. | |
Zeros | Overloaded. Returns a row Vector with N zeros. |