
Infragistics.Olap.FlatData Namespace

ClassCubeMetadata Provides description of the Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube build over the System.Type of the data source items used by FlatDataSource.
ClassDataPropertyMetadata Contains metadata information about the source property of data item.
ClassDataRowMetadata Contains metadata information about data row.
ClassDataSourceHelper Provides methods for resolving th
ClassDataTableMetadata Contains metadata information about the data used by FlatDataSource.
ClassDataTimeTypeExtensions Provides extension methods for System.DateTime type.
ClassDimensionMetadata Provides description of the Infragistics.Olap.Data.IDimension build over the property specified by SourcePropertyName. This class is used with FlatDataSource where instance of System.Collections.IEnumerable is used as data source. DimensionMetadata can be assigned to each property that data source items type expose.
ClassFlatDataConnectionSettings Enables implementations of Infragistics.Olap.IOlapViewModel to connects to data sources of type System.Collections.IEnumerable when instances of FlatDataConnectionSettings is passed to Infragistics.Olap.IDataProvider.ConnectionSettings
ClassFlatDataFilterViewModel Provides a class instance of Infragistics.Olap.IFilterViewModel used by FlatDataModelProvider.
ClassFlatDataModelProvider Responsible for generating the Model from System.Collections.IEnumerable data source
ClassFlatDataModelProviderSourceChangedInfo Provides specific information when FlatDataSource.ItemsSource changes.
ClassFlatDataSource Provides a way to use System.Collections.IEnumerable as data source to display data in XamPivotGrid.
ClassFlatFilterMember The default measure used by FlatDataModelProvider and FlatDataSource.
ClassFlatLevel Represents a level within a Hierarchy that is specific to a FlatDataSource.
ClassFlatMeasure The default measure used by FlatDataModelProvider and FlatDataSource.
ClassFlatTuple Represents an ordered sequence of members used by FlatDataSource.
ClassHiearachyExtensions Provides extension methods related to creation and building of custom hierarchies used by FlatDataSource.
ClassHierarchyDescriptor Contains information about how Infragistics.Olap.Data.IHierarchy is created for Infragistics.Olap.Data.IDimension used by FlatDataSource. A Infragistics.Olap.Data.IDimension is created for every single public property exposed by System.Type of the items from IEnumerable data source. This class mainly is used when hierarchies are defined from XAML.
ClassHierarchyDescriptor<T> Contains information about how Infragistics.Olap.Data.IHierarchy is created for Infragistics.Olap.Data.IDimension used by FlatDataSource.
ClassHierarchyLevelDescriptor Contains information about how Infragistics.Olap.Data.ILevel is created for Infragistics.Olap.Data.IHierarchy used by FlatDataSource.
ClassInvalidEnumeratorException An System.Exception that is thrown when the GetEnumerator method of the IEnumerable returns null for the DataSourceHelper.
ClassItemsSourceChangedEventArgs Event arguments passed when IFlatDataConnectionSettings.ItemsSourceChanged event occurs.
ClassReflectionHelper Provides a helper methods to create a cached delegates to field and property get methods and method call delegates.
InterfaceIFlatDataConnectionSettings Enables implementation of Infragistics.Olap.IConnectionSettings to connects to sources of type System.Collections.IEnumerable.
EnumerationComparisonOperator Enum describing operators which can be used for filtering.
EnumerationDimensionsGenerationMode Specifies the data source used to extract information about the dimensions generation for a FlatDataSource.
EnumerationDimensionType Specifies the type of the dimension described by DimensionMetadata.
EnumerationExtendedVisibility Specifies whether an item will be displayed and/or take up space.
EnumerationFlatDataModelProviderChangeType Specifies how the Infragistics.Olap.IChangeableDataProvider is changed.
EnumerationItemsSourceChangedAction Specifies the type of the change of FlatDataSource.ItemsSource.
EnumerationLinqSummaryOperator An enum used by summary to designate that a LINQ summary should be use.
EnumerationLogicalOperator And enumeration of available operators.
EnumerationSummaryExecution Enum that is used to determine when a summary should be calculated.
See Also