
Cell Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Cell.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCell ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Cell class.  
Public Fields
Public FieldCellOrdinalAttributeThe name of the CellOrdinal attribute  
Public FieldPropertyNameFormattedValueThe name of the element containing the formatted value of the cell  
Public FieldPropertyNameValueThe name of the element containing the value of the cell  
Public FieldTagNameThe name of the tag for Cell element  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCellOrdinalGets the cell ordinal. It represent the unique index in the table of values To extract the real column and row numbers you can use following approach:
            int columnNumber = cell.CellOrdinal % columnsCount;
            int rowNumber = cell.CellOrdinal / columnsCount;
Public PropertyPropertiesGets the properties. The properties collection is generated from the child elements of Cell element.  
See Also