
MdxAxisFilterElement Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by MdxAxisFilterElement.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorMdxAxisFilterElement ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the MdxAxisFilterElement class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyElementTypeGets the type of the MDX element.  
Public PropertyFilterCollectionGets a collection of all particiapting filter items. When MDX query is composed these elements have to be used as base for creation of a nested subquery (supported by SSAS) or as base for creation of a calculated members which have to be included in WHERE clause.  
Public PropertyMdxExpressionGets the MDX expression.  
Public PropertySingleFilterElementsGets the single filter elements. These elements could be included to the WHERE clause when the MDX query is composed.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddFilterPartAdds a collection of existing filters.  
Public MethodRebuildExpressionRebuilds the MDX expression.  
See Also