
Infragistics.Olap.Data Namespace

ClassAxisNode Represents an axis in a Result
ClassDataProviderSourceChangedInfo Provides an interface for non constant in time data providers.
InterfaceIAxisNode Represents an axis in a Result.
InterfaceICalculatedOlapElement Base interface for calculated OLAP elements.
InterfaceICell Represents a cell in a Result
InterfaceICube The ICube interface represents an OLAP cube that holds a multi dimensional representation of a flat data set. A cube is analogous to a table in a relational database. Where a table in a relational database has two dimensions, a cube can have any number of dimensions. In its simplest form, the dimensions of a cube correspond to a field of the flat data set.
InterfaceIDimension Represents a dimension within a cube
InterfaceIFilterMember Represents a wrapper for IMember to add a functionality for setting filter properties
InterfaceIFilterSource Provides a base interface for the
InterfaceIHierarchy Represents a hierarchy within a dimension
InterfaceIKpi Represents a KPI within a cube
InterfaceILevel Represents a level within a hierarchy
InterfaceIMeasure Represents a measure within a cube
InterfaceIMeasureGroup Represents a dimension within a cube
InterfaceIMember Represents a member within a level
InterfaceIOlapElement Interface used for define common properties of OLAP elements
InterfaceIResult Represents the data that is generated from the provider. It can be used for binding to the olap data viewer.
InterfaceIResultAxis Represents an axis in a Result
InterfaceISchema Represents the schema for the olap data.
InterfaceISupportFilters Base interface for different set of filters supported by Infragistics.Olap.IOlapViewModel.
InterfaceITuple Represents an ordered sequence of members.
InterfaceITuplesSet Represents a set that will be used in a query.
See Also