
FilterViewModelBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by FilterViewModelBase.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorFilterViewModelBase ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldFilterMembersPropertyNameConstant for the name of FilterMembers property to be used in PropertyChanged event  
Public FieldIsExpandedPropertyNameConstant for the name of IsExpanded property to be used in PropertyChanged event  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAdvancedFilterViewModelGets the view model for the advanced filtering.  
Public PropertyCaptionGets the string representation for the filter.  
Public PropertyCompareKeyGets an instance of object which uniquely identifies this instance.  
Public PropertyDataProviderGets the model provider which is responsible for providing the data.  
Public PropertyFilterMembersGets the filter members. The collection contains all the members in the root level  
Public PropertyHasPendingChangesGets a value indicating whether this instance has uncommited changes.  
Public PropertyHierarchyGets the hierarchy which will be used for filling the filter members.  
Public PropertyIsAllSelectedGets or sets a value indicating whether all Infragistics.Olap.Data.IFilterMember instances of FilterMembers collection are selected.  
Public PropertyIsDirtyGets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has pending changes.  
Public PropertyIsLoadingMembersGets a value indicating whether the loading of FilterMembers is in progress.  
Public PropertyParentInFrontGets or sets a value indicating whether parent is in front of children.  
Public PropertyViewModelThe IOlapViewModel for this filter item.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAttachToProviderConnects this FilterViewModelBase with particular IDataProvider.  
Public MethodCommitChangesCalled in order to commit the pending changes.  
Public MethodCompareToCompares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.  
Public MethodContainsFilterMemberDetermines whether a filter member is found in children filter members of this instance for the specified member.  
Public MethodDetachFromProviderDisconnects this FilterViewModelBase from particular IDataProvider.  
Public MethodGetFilterMemberOverloaded. Gets the filter member related to given Infragistics.Olap.Data.IMember.  
Public MethodLoadFilterMembersAsyncLoads the filter members asynchronously.  
Public MethodRollbackChangesCalled in order to rollback the pending changes.  
Public MethodSelectMatchingFilterMembersSee IFilterViewModel.SelectMatchingFilterMembers.  
Public MethodWaitToLoadBlocks current thread until load of the members finish.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodGenerateFilterMembersGenerates list of filter members based on members collection.  
Protected MethodGetMemberFilterSourceGets the filter source instance for the member.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedInvoked whenever the effective value of any property on this ViewModelBase has been updated. The specific dependency property that changed is reported in the event data. (Inherited from Infragistics.Olap.ViewModelBase)
Protected MethodOnSelectionChangedRaises the SelectionChanged event.  
Public Events
Public EventLoadFilterMembersCompletedFired when asynchronous loading of filter members is completed.  
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Olap.ViewModelBase)
Public EventSelectionChangedFired when selection of any of child Infragistics.Olap.Data.Base.FilterMember changes.  
See Also