
IValueConditionViewModel Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IValueConditionViewModel.

Public Properties
 PropertyHierarchiesGets the collection of hierarchies of the PivotGrid that can be filtered.  
 PropertyIsCompleteIndicates whether the current condition is complete - all fields are filled.  
 PropertyLevelsGets the collection of levels for the currently selected hierarchy.  
 PropertyMeasureThe viewmodel's measure.  
 PropertySelectedHierarchyGets or sets the selected hierarchy.  
 PropertySelectedLevelGets or sets the selected level.  
 PropertySelectedValueFilterConditionGets or sets the selected condition.  
 PropertyTextValueGets or sets the text value for this condition.  
 PropertyTopValueExpressionThe viewmodel's top value expression.  
 PropertyValueGets or sets the value for this condition.  
 PropertyValueExpressionThe viewmodel's value expression.  
 PropertyValueFilterConditionsGets the collection of ValueFilterConditions that this condition can apply.  
Public Methods
 MethodDestroyMethod invoked when the view model is removed from the parent collection.  
 MethodUpdateExpressionUpdate the filter expression for this view model.  
See Also