
Infragistics.Olap Namespace

ClassAdvancedFilterViewModel An implementation of the IAdvancedFilterViewModel interface used in the FilterViewModelBase view model.
ClassAggregationHelper Exposes methods for obtaining the appropriate aggregator based on the input parameters.
ClassAggregator<T> Represents a sum aggregator which operates over the specified type of data.
ClassAreaFieldSettings Field settings applied to IOlapViewModel.Rows, IOlapViewModel.Columns, IOlapViewModel.Filters and IOlapViewModel.Measures collections.
ClassAreaItemsCollection Class used for filter collections used by IOlapViewModel.
ClassAverageAggregator<T> Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassAverageOfChildrenAggregator Evaluates the average value of children items for particular parent member.
ClassAverageResult<T> Represents the result of average operation.
ClassAverageValue Provides a convenient way to accumulate and calculate the average value of given quantity.
ClassAverageValue<T> Provides a convenient way to accumulate and calculate the average value of given quantity.
ClassBaseMeasureViewModel Provide a wrapper for the Measure to be used in the View
ClassBeginsWithLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.BeginsWith condition.
ClassBetweenLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.Between condition.
ClassBottomItemsValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the TopValueFilterCondition.Items condition in BOTTOM form.
ClassBottomPercentValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the TopValueFilterCondition.Percent condition in BOTTOM form.
ClassBottomSumValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the TopValueFilterCondition.Sum condition in BOTTOM form.
ClassCalculatedItemViewModel Base implementation of view model with calculated members support.
ClassCalculatedMeasureViewModel Represents query-scoped calculated measure defined using WITH keyword.
ClassCalculatedMemberViewModel Represents query-scoped calculated member defined using WITH keyword.
ClassCommonStateNotifier<TState> A class used to communicate the changes to a common state to multiple participants.
ClassCommonStateNotifierEventArgs<TState> Event arguments for the CommonStateNotifier<TState>.OnNotify event.
ClassContainsLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.Contains condition.
ClassCountAggregator Aggregates the count of specified sequence.
ClassDataProviderBase Abstract class used to access the internal properties of the base implementation of the Model interfaces.
ClassDataProviderSourceChangedEventArgs Class for event arguments for IChangeableDataProvider.DataProviderSourceChanged event.
ClassDataSourceBase Implements base methods of the controller that contains the data extracted from OLAP analysis server.
ClassDataSourceBase.DataSourceState The state of DataSourceBase instance related to execution of particular DataSourceBase.Work.
ClassDataSourceBaseExtension Provides extension methods for getting and restoring the current customizations of a DataSourceBase instance.
ClassDataSourceSnapshotRestoreCompletedEventArgs Event arguments for Infragistics.Olap.Data.DataSourceSnapshot.RestoreCompleted event.
ClassDateConditionExpression Represents a filter expression for filtering a level's labels by their date values.
ClassDecimalAverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassDecimalMaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of decimal as its input data type.
ClassDecimalMinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of decimal as its imput data type.
ClassDecimalSumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of decimal as its imput data type.
ClassDiscoverCommandCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the DiscoverCommandCompleted event.
ClassDoesNotBeginWithLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.DoesNotBeginWith condition.
ClassDoesNotContainLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.DoesNotContain condition.
ClassDoesNotEndWithLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.DoesNotEndWith condition.
ClassDoesNotEqualLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.DoesNotEqual condition.
ClassDoesNotEqualValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the ValueFilterCondition.DoesNotEqual condition.
ClassDoubleAverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassDoubleMaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of double as its input data type.
ClassDoubleMinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of double as its imput data type.
ClassDoubleSumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of double as its imput data type.
ClassDynamicCustomAttributeBuilder Provides way for creation of System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder for dynamic types at run time.
ClassDynamicTypeBuilder Provides a way for creation of TypeBuilder used for generation of dynamic types at run time.
ClassDynamicTypePropertyInfo Contains information about property created for dynamic types at run time.
ClassEmptyAggregateable Represents an empty aggregateable.
ClassEmptyAggregationResult Represents an empty aggregation result.
ClassEmptyAggregator Represents an empty aggregator,
ClassEndsWithLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.EndsWith condition.
ClassEqualsLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition Equals condition.
ClassEqualsValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the ValueFilterCondition Equals condition.
ClassExecuteCommandCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the ExecuteCommandCompleted event.
ClassFilterableMeasureViewModel An implementation of the IFilterableMeasureViewModel interface used in the BaseMeasureViewModel and the CalculatedMeasureViewModel view models.
ClassFilterViewModelBase Base implementation of view model responsible for filter functionality
ClassFloatAverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassFloatMaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of float as its input data type.
ClassFloatMinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of float as its imput data type.
ClassFloatSumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of float as its imput data type.
ClassGetFilterSourcesCompletedEventArgs Provides an event arguments for IPivotDataSlicerProvider.GetFilterSourcesCompleted event.
ClassGreaterThanLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.GreaterThan condition.
ClassGreaterThanOrEqualToLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.GreaterThanOrEqualTo condition.
ClassGreaterThanOrEqualToValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the ValueFilterCondition.GreaterThanOrEqualTo condition.
ClassGreaterThanValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the ValueFilterCondition.GreaterThan condition.
ClassHierarchicalItem Provides convinient way different varios items to be dispalayed in hierarchycal structure.
ClassInt16AverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassInt16MaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of System.Int16 as its input data type.
ClassInt16MinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of short as its imput data type.
ClassInt16SumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of short as its imput data type.
ClassInt32AverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassInt32MaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of int as its input data type.
ClassInt32MinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of int as its imput data type.
ClassInt32SumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of int as its imput data type.
ClassInt64AverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassInt64MaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of long as its input data type.
ClassInt64MinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of long as its imput data type.
ClassInt64SumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of long as its imput data type.
ClassLabelConditionExpression Represents a filter expression for filtering the labels by their display names.
ClassLabelConditionViewModel Represents an implementation of the ILabelConditionViewModel interface.
ClassLabelFilterConditionWrapper A base class for all llabel conditions wrappers that are used to display a condition in the UI.
ClassLessThanLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.LessThan condition.
ClassLessThanOrEqualToLabelFilterWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.LessThanOrEqualTo condition.
ClassLessThanOrEqualToValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the ValueFilterCondition.LessThanOrEqualTo condition.
ClassLessThanValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the ValueFilterCondition.LessThan condition.
ClassLevelSortDirection Specifies the relation between a level and its default members sort direction.
ClassLevelSortDirectionCollection A collection of KeyValuePair objects which define how label sorting will be applied to the members of a level.
ClassLoadCubesCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the IDataProvider.LoadCubesCompleted event.
ClassLoadSchemaCompletedEventArgs Provides data for the LoadSchemaCompleted event.
ClassLogicalFilterExpressionGroup Groups expressions with logical operations.
ClassMeasureListViewModel Base implementation of measures list view model functionality.
ClassMetadataTreeEventArgs Event arguments for DataSourceBase.MetadataTreeItemAdding event.
ClassNotBetweenLabelFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the LabelFilterCondition.NotBetween condition.
ClassNullableDecimalAverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassNullableDecimalMaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of decimal? as its input data type.
ClassNullableDecimalMinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of decimal? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableDecimalSumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of decimal? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableDoubleAverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassNullableDoubleMaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of double? as its input data type.
ClassNullableDoubleMinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of double? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableDoubleSumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of double? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableFloatAverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassNullableFloatMaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of float? as its input data type.
ClassNullableFloatMinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of float? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableFloatSumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of float? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableInt16AverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassNullableInt16MaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of Nullable as its input data type.
ClassNullableInt16MinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of short? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableInt16SumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of short? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableInt32AverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassNullableInt32MaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of int? as its input data type.
ClassNullableInt32MinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of int? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableInt32SumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of int? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableInt64AverageAggregator Calculates the average over a specified sequence.
ClassNullableInt64MaxAggregator Represents a max value aggregator which operates with type of long as its input data type.
ClassNullableInt64MinAggregator Represents a min value aggregator which operates with type of long? as its imput data type.
ClassNullableInt64SumAggregator Represents a sum aggregator which operates with type of long? as its imput data type.
ClassOlapComposition Class responsible for composition of types and their connections. The composition should be resolvable, that means that the tree of required interfaces should be fulfillable and all the interfaces should have unique class for resolving
ClassOlapContainer<T> Inversion of Control container responsible for registering compositions and resolving objects
ClassOlapElementCollection<T> Contains a read-only, indexed collection of OLAP elements
ClassOlapResources A resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
ClassPercentOfTotalAggregator Aggregator which operates over another aggregator and calculates the percentiges of each value over given total.
ClassPrefilteredMemberInfo Provides information about initialy loaded members.
ClassResultChangedEventArgs Provides data specific to IOlapViewModel.ResultChanged event.
ClassSingleResult<T> Represents the result of aggregation operation where the types of result value and result cache are the same.
ClassSortDescriptionCollection A collection of KeyValuePair objects which define how sorting will be applied to the grid.
ClassSortDescriptor Represents simple member of multimentional cube.
ClassStringToAreaMemberCollectionConverter This class make possible the AreaMembers collection set as a string containing the comma separated names of the members.
ClassStringToCubeConverter This class make possible the cube to be set as a string containing the name of the cube
ClassStringToMeasureGroupConverter This calss is used for selection of measure group by its name set as a string.
ClassSwapCollection<T> Provides base class for collections used by DataSourceBase.
ClassSwitchAxisMemberResult Provides information about the way the result is built.
ClassTopCountAggregator<T> Evaluates the most frequent item of specified type over given sequence.
ClassTopCountCache<T> Represents cache storage for the aggregated values.
ClassTopCountOfStringAggregator Evaluates the most frequent string value over given sequence.
ClassTopCountResult<T> Represents the result produced by evaluation of TopCountAggregator<T>.
ClassTopItemsValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the TopValueFilterCondition.Items condition in TOP form.
ClassTopPercentValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the TopValueFilterCondition.Percent condition in TOP form.
ClassTopSumValueFilterConditionWrapper A wrapper for the TopValueFilterCondition.Sum condition in TOP form.
ClassTopValueConditionExpression Represents a filter expression for filtering the labels by a top/bottom condition.
ClassUniqueItemsCollectionsGroup<T> Provide grouping for collections where item should be unique for all of the collections of the group.
ClassValueConditionExpression Represents a filter expression for filtering the labels by the sum of their values.
ClassValueConditionExpressionBase Represents a filter expression for filtering the labels by the sum of their values.
ClassValueConditionViewModel Represents an implementation of the IValueConditionViewModel interface used by the FilterableMeasureViewModel.
ClassValueFilterConditionWrapper A base class for all value conditions wrappers that are used to display a condition in the UI.
ClassViewModelBase Base implementation of view model providing implementation for INotifyPropertyChanged
ClassXamSlicerItemSelectionChangedEventArgs Event arguments for IPivotDataSlicer.SlicerItemSelectionChanged event.
InterfaceIAdvancedFilterViewModel Interface for the advanced filter view model.
InterfaceIAggregateable Provide support for different types of aggregation operations to be applied over aggregaeable data.
InterfaceIAggregationResult Represents the result of aggregation operation.
InterfaceIAggregationResult<TResult,TCache> Represents the result of aggregation operation.
InterfaceIAggregator Represents an aggregator which operates over given items source.
InterfaceIAggregator<TResult> Represents an aggregator which operates over given items source with specific types of the result, cache and input values.
InterfaceIAggregator<TResult,TCache> Represents an aggregator which operates over given items source with specific types of the result, cache and input values.
InterfaceIAggregator<TResult,TCache,TInput> Represents an aggregator which operates over given items source with specific types of the result, cache and input values.
InterfaceIAreaItemViewModel Represents simple member of multimentional cube.
InterfaceICalculatedItemViewModel Base interface for calculated area items.
InterfaceIChangeableDataProvider Provides an interface for non constant in time data providers.
InterfaceICompoundAggregator An aggregator which aggregates the results of set of specified aggregators.
InterfaceIConnectionSettings Implementation of this interface should provide all the settings that are needed for accessing the data source
InterfaceIDataProvider An interface for generating the Model from data source
InterfaceIFilterableMeasureViewModel Interface for filterable measure view models.
InterfaceIFilterExpression Interface for all filter expressions.
InterfaceIFilterExpressionGroup Interface for filter expression groups.
InterfaceIFilterViewModel View model responsible for filter functionality. Provide a wrapper for the Hierarchy to be used in the View.
InterfaceILabelConditionViewModel An interface of the view model for the value conditions in the "Label Filter" dialog.
InterfaceIMeasureListViewModel Represents a special member type of multidimentional cube produced by multiple mesure members.
InterfaceIMeasureViewModel Provide a wrapper for the Measure to be used in the View
InterfaceIOlapComposition Represents a composition of types and their connections.
InterfaceIOlapConnection Implementation of this interface are responsible for establish a connection to data provider
InterfaceIOlapViewModel Represents the controller that contains the data extracted from OLAP analysis server.
InterfaceIPivotDataSlicer Provides an interface with base methods and properties for implementation of a data slicer which IPivotDataSlicerProvider understands and operates with.
InterfaceIPivotDataSlicerItem Provides an interface with the base properties for implementation of a slicer item stored in IPivotDataSlicer.Items collection.
InterfaceIPivotDataSlicerProvider Provides an interface with base methods and properties for implementation of a slicer provider.
InterfaceISortableOlapDatasource Provides methods and information about how the result data should be sorted.
InterfaceISupportTransactions Base interface for objects which support transactional model.
InterfaceIValueConditionViewModel An interface for the view model of the value conditions in the "Measure Filter" dialog.
EnumerationAggregatorType An enumeration of different function that can be applied to measures.
EnumerationDateFilterConditions An Enumeration with the possible condition for a date filter.
EnumerationExecutionContext Specifies the context in which given operation is considered.
EnumerationHierarchyExpansionMode Specifies the expansion behavior of the header nodes when in given area are added multiple hierarchies. This beahvior is applied in the conjunction with the expansion state of IFilterViewModel.FilterMembers related to given Infragistics.Olap.Data.IHierarchy.
EnumerationHierarchyOrigin An enumeration of different hierarchy origin.
EnumerationItemTypes Enumeration of different type of meta items that HierarchicalItem can represents.
EnumerationLabelFilterCondition An Enumeration with the possible condition for a label filter.
EnumerationLevelSortBehavior Specifies a sort behavior for a level members.
EnumerationLogicalFilterExpressionGroupOperator An enumeration with the operators of the LogicalFilterExpressionGroup.
EnumerationMeasureListLocation Specifies the location for measure list dimention element.
EnumerationSortDirection Specifies the direction in which to sort values stored into Infragistics.Olap.Data.IResult.Cells.
EnumerationSwitchAxisMemberAction Provides information about the operation related to SwitchAxisMemberResult when .
EnumerationTopValueFilterCondition An Enumeration with the possible condition for a top filter.
EnumerationValueFilterCondition An Enumeration with the possible condition for a value filter.
See Also