
Infragistics.Persistence.Primitives Namespace

ClassElementData An object used to store all the information to serialize or deserialize an object.
ClassGroupData An object used to store all the information to serialize or deserialize a group of objects.
ClassPersistenceObject An object used to store the root level of serialziation.
ClassPropertyData An object that acts as a serializable container for storing information of an object.
ClassPropertyDataInfo An object used to store information about a specific property that has been serialzied.
ClassPropertyDataPair An object used to store PropertyData with its lookup key in a format that can be serialized.
ClassTypeDataPair An object used to store the AssemblyQualifiedName of a type with its lookup key in a format that can be serialized.
EnumerationPersistenceOption An enum that specifies how something should be persisted.
EnumerationPropertyNamePersistenceOptions Describes the options available for finding properties by a name.
See Also