
UndoManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by UndoManager.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorUndoManager ConstructorInitializes a new UndoManager  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllowMergingReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the UndoUnit.Merge method may be used to merge changes.  
Public PropertyCanRedoReturns a boolean indicating if there is an operation that can be redone.  
Public PropertyCanUndoReturns a boolean indicating if there is an operation that can be undone.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CurrentReturns a thread static singleton instance of an UndoManager.  
Public PropertyCurrentHistoryItemReturns the UndoHistoryItem from the UndoHistory or RedoHistory that is currently being executed or null if no undo/redo is in progress.  
Public PropertyCurrentTransactionReturns the current open leaf UndoTransaction  
Public PropertyIsPerformingRedoReturns a boolean indicating if the manager is performing a redo operation.  
Public PropertyIsPerformingRollbackReturns a boolean indicating if the UndoManager is performing a Rollback of a UndoTransaction  
Public PropertyIsPerformingUndoReturns a boolean indicating if the manager is performing an undo operation.  
Public PropertyIsSuspendedReturns a boolean indicating if the recording of UndoUnit instances in the history has been suspended using the Suspend method.  
Public PropertyMergeTimeoutReturns the amount of time since the last operation that a UndoUnit.Merge will be allowed.  
Public PropertyRedoHistoryReturns a read-only collection of the items in the redo history.  
Public PropertyRootTransactionReturns the outermost current open transaction or null if there is currently no transaction open.  
Public PropertyTopRedoHistoryItemReturns the next item on the top of the RedoHistory  
Public PropertyTopUndoHistoryItemReturns the next item on the top of the UndoHistory  
Public PropertyUndoHistoryReturns a read-only collection of the items in the undo history.  
Public PropertyUndoLimitReturns or sets the maximum number of items to maintain within the undo/redo history.  
Public PropertyUndoUnitFactoryReturns or sets an object that is used to create the default UndoUnit instances for this UndoManager  
Public PropertyUndoUnitFactoryResolvedRead-Only property that returns the UndoUnitFactory that the UndoManager uses to create the UndoUnit units.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHasListeners (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddChangeOverloaded. Adds an UndoUnit to the history.  
Public MethodAddCollectionChangeOverloaded. Adds an UndoUnit for the specified collection change to the undo history.  
Public MethodAddPropertyChangeOverloaded. Adds an PropertyChangeUndoUnitBase for the specified property value change to the undo history.  
Public MethodClearHistoryClears the undo and redo history.  
Public MethodExecuteInTransactionOverloaded. Executes the specified action within an UndoTransaction  
Public MethodForEachPerforms the specified action on each UndoUnit within the undo and redo history.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromReferenceUsed to obtain the UndoManager instance that has been registered with a given object.  
Public MethodPreventMergeUsed to ensure that the next UndoUnit that is recorded is not allowed to merge with the last operation on the UndoHistory.  
Public MethodRedoPerforms one or more redo operations from the current history.  
Public MethodRegisterReferenceUsed to associate an object with a given UndoManager  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)RegisterResourcesAdds an additonal Resx file in which the control will pull its resources from.  
Public MethodRemoveAllRemoves all the matching UndoUnit instances from the UndoHistory and RedoHistory collections.  
Public MethodResumeResumes the recording of UndoUnit instances in the history.  
Public MethodStartTransactionOverloaded. Used to start a new transaction that will group one or more UndoUnit actions.  
Public MethodSuspendSuspends the recording of UndoUnit instances in the history.  
Public MethodUndoPerforms one or more undo operations from the current history.  
Public MethodUnregisterReferenceUsed to remove an registration for an object that was registered with this UndoManager instance via the RegisterReference method.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnregisterResourcesRemoves a previously registered resx file.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnFirstListenerAdding (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnHasListenersChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodRaisePropertyChangedEvent (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
See Also