
Infragistics.Controls.Layouts.Primitives Namespace

ClassGridBagConstraint Class for providing constraint objects to the grid-bag layout manager.
ClassGridBagConstraintConstants Defines constants used by grid-bag constraint object.
ClassGridBagLayoutItemDimensions For internal use. A class that contains dimensions of a layout item.
ClassGridBagLayoutItemDimensionsCollection For internal use. A class that contains GridBagLayoutItemDimensions instances each of which associated with a ILayoutItem.
ClassGridBagLayoutManager GridBagLayoutManager class.
ClassLayoutItemsCollection ILayoutItem collection.
ClassLayoutManagerBase Base class for others to implement their own layout managers.
InterfaceIAutoSizeLayoutItem Used by the grid-bag layout manager to ensure that auto-sized items are not resized smaller than their preferred sizes when shrinking all the items to auto-fit in the available extent.
InterfaceIGridBagConstraint Interface for providing constraints to the grid-bag layout manager.
InterfaceILayoutContainer ILayoutContainer interface.
InterfaceILayoutItem Interface for implementing layout items.
EnumerationGridBagLayoutManager.GridBagLayoutMode GridBagLayout mode.
See Also