
Infragistics.Controls.Primitives Namespace

ClassBoolToHiddenConverter Value converter used to return a Visibility of either Visible or Hidden based on the provided boolean value.
ClassBoolToVisibilityConverter Represents the converter that converts Boolean values to and from Visibility enumeration values..
ClassDoubleToStringConverter Represents a converter that converts a String value to its System.Nullable<Double> representation.
ClassEmbeddedTextBox A custom textbox that is embedded within another element and does not provide its own chrome or any state based visual changes.
ClassEmptyToCollapsedConverter Custom value converter used to collapse an element when a specified value is null or an empty string.
ClassExpansionIndicator Displays an indicator that an end-user can use to expand/collapse.
ClassFixedValueConverter Custom value converter that returns the DestinationValue if the SourceValue matches the value provided
ClassInverseBooleanConverter Represents a converter that converts a Boolean or System.Nullable<Boolean> value to its inverse. A System.Nullable<Boolean> value of null is converted to null if the targetType is System.Nullable<Boolean>, otherwise it is converted to true.
ClassPopupResizer A control that will resize a specified popup.
ClassResourceProvider Abstract base class that exposes an indexer to retrieve values based on a key.
ClassResourceProvider<T> Abstract base class that exposes an indexer to retrieve values based on an enum.
ClassResourceProviderWithOverrides<T> Abstract base class that exposes an indexer to retrieve values based on an enum from a System.Windows.ResourceDictionary.
ClassResourceStringBase Abstract base class that represents a string resource
ClassScaledDoubleConverter Represents a converter that scales a double value by multiplying it by a scale factor.
ClassSystemResourceProvider Class that exposes an indexer to retrieve system colors and their associated brushes identified by SystemResourceId.
ClassUniformGrid A custom panel that positions each item in a separate cell within a grid of evenly sized cells.
ClassValidationDecorator Element used in the template of a WPF or Silverlight control to display validation error information.
ClassValueConverterGroup Custom value converter where the results are based upon the value converters in the Converters collection
ClassXamlHelper Static class with attached properties to help with cross platform development with WPF and Silverlight.
InterfaceIResourceProviderClient Used to notify ResourceProvider client elements that the resources may have changed
EnumerationResizerPosition Describes whether the Resizer is above or below the content its resizing.
EnumerationSystemResourceId An enum that identifies system colors and associated brushes for use by SystemResourceProvider
See Also