
Infragistics.Windows.Reporting Namespace

ClassPagePosition Base class for storing position information during pagination.
ClassReportBase Abstract base class for reporting.
ClassReportSection Abstract base class that represents a section in a report.
ClassReportSettings A class that exposes settings that relate to a Report.
InterfaceIEmbeddedVisualPaginator Interface implemented by embedded visual elements within a ReportSection that need to alter their visual tree in response to pagination in the containing ReportSection.
InterfaceIEmbeddedVisualPaginatorFactory Interface implemented by a control that can create an element that implements the IEmbeddedVisualPaginator interface.
EnumerationHorizontalPaginationMode Determines how to print a logical page when it it too wide to fit on a single page.
EnumerationPageOrientation Identifies the page orientation
EnumerationPagePrintOrder Identifies the order pages in a report when the HorizontalPaginationMode is set to 'Mosaic' and logical pages are split up onto multiple pages.
EnumerationRepeatType Determines how logical headers within the page content area will be treated within a report section.
See Also