
ResourceWasher Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ResourceWasher.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorResourceWasher ConstructorConstructor  
Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsExcludedFromWashPropertyIdentifies the IsExcludedFromWash attached dependency property  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)WashGroupPropertyIdentifies the WashGroup attached dependency property  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAutoWashGets/sets whether the wash will be triggered automatically.  
Public PropertyCountGets the number of entries in the base System.Windows.ResourceDictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyDeferrableContentGets or sets the deferrable content for this resource dictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyInvalidatesImplicitDataTemplateResourcesGets or sets a value that indicates whether the invalidations fired by the System.Windows.ResourceDictionary object cause System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter objects to reevaluate their choice of template. The invalidations happen when an implicit data template resource changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyIsFixedSizeGets whether this System.Windows.ResourceDictionary is fixed-size. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyGets whether this System.Windows.ResourceDictionary is read-only. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyItemGets or sets the value associated with the given key. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyKeysGets a collection of all keys contained in this System.Windows.ResourceDictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyMergedDictionariesGets a collection of the System.Windows.ResourceDictionary dictionaries that constitute the various resource dictionaries in the merged dictionaries. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertySourceGets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) to load resources from. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertySourceDictionaryGets/sets adictionary that contains the resources to clone.  
Public PropertyValuesGets a collection of all values associated with keys contained in this System.Windows.ResourceDictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public PropertyWashColorGets/sets the default color to use to wash the resources in the SourceDictionary  
Public PropertyWashGroupsReturns a collection of WashGroup objects.  
Public PropertyWashModeGets/sets the method used to wash colors in the resources in the SourceDictionary.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAddAdds a resource by key to this System.Windows.ResourceDictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public MethodBeginInitBegins the initialization process.  
Public MethodClearClears all keys (and values) in the base System.Windows.ResourceDictionary. This does not clear any merged dictionary items. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public MethodContainsDetermines whether the System.Windows.ResourceDictionary contains an element with the specified key. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public MethodCopyToCopies the System.Windows.ResourceDictionary elements to a one-dimensional System.Collections.DictionaryEntry at the specified index. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public MethodEndInitEnds the initialization process.  
Public MethodFindNameNot supported by this Dictionary implementation. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns an System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the System.Windows.ResourceDictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetIsExcludedFromWashGets the value of the 'IsExcludedFromWash' attached property  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetWashGroupGets the value of the 'WashGroup' attached property  
Public MethodRegisterNameNot supported by this Dictionary implementation. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public MethodRemoveRemoves the entry with the specified key from the base dictionary. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SetIsExcludedFromWashSets the value of the 'IsExcludedFromWash' attached property  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SetWashGroupSets the value of the 'WashGroup' attached property  
Public MethodUnregisterNameNot supported by this Dictionary implementation. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Public MethodWashResourcesClones and washes the resources from the SourceDictionary  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnGettingValueOccurs when the System.Windows.ResourceDictionary receives a request for a resource. (Inherited from System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)
Protected MethodPerformColorWashWashes a color.  
See Also