
RecyclingItemContainerGenerator Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RecyclingItemContainerGenerator.

Public Properties
Public PropertyCountOfActiveContainersReturns the number of active containers (read-only)..  
Public PropertyCountOfAllContainersReturns the total number of containers, both active and deactived (read-only).  
Public PropertyStatusReturns the current status of the generator (read-only).  
Public Methods
Public MethodBeginGenerationOverloaded. Called at the beginning of the generation process.  
Public MethodContainerFromIndexReturns the element corresponding to the item at the given index within the ItemCollection.  
Public MethodContainerFromItemReturns the UIElement container corresponding to the given item.  
Public MethodDeactivateAllContainersDeactivates all containers.  
Public MethodDeactivateContainerDeactivates a specific container  
Public MethodEndGenerationCalled at the end of the generation process.  
Public MethodGenerateNextOverloaded. Returns the container element used to display the next item.  
Public MethodGeneratorPositionFromIndexReturns the GeneratorPosition object that maps to the item at the specified index.  
Public MethodIndexFromContainerReturns the index to an item that corresponds to the specified, generated UIElement.  
Public MethodIndexFromGeneratorPositionReturns the index that maps to the specified GeneratorPosition.  
Public MethodItemFromContainerReturns the item that corresponds to the specified, generated UIElement.  
Public MethodPrepareItemContainerPrepares the specified element as the container for the corresponding item.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves one or more generated (realized) items.  
Public MethodRemoveAllRemoves all generated (realized) items.  
Public MethodRemoveAllDeactivatedContainersRemoves all generated containers that have previously been deactivated.  
Public MethodStartAtOverloaded. Prepares the generator to generate items, starting at the specified GeneratorPosition, and in the specified GeneratorDirection.  
Public MethodVerifyAllDeactivatedContainersRemoves any generated containers that have previously been deactivated but are no longer valid.  
Public Events
Public EventContainerDiscardedOccurs when a container has been discarded.  
Public EventStatusChangedOccurs when the Status has changed.  
See Also