
Infragistics Namespace

ClassAlphaColorConverter Value converter that returns a color or brush with the opacity based on the blend of the specified color and the specified opacity.
ClassAnimation An object that can help to animate anything that needs animating via events.
ClassAnimationEventArgs The EventArgs that are passed into the Animation.Tick event.
ClassAssemblyVersion Contains version information for the Infragistics assemblies.
ClassCalculatedForegroundConverter Value converter that calculates a foreground color based on the specified background color.
ClassCancellableEventArgs An event argument object with a boolean flag added to track if the event is cancelled.
ClassColorBlendConverter Value converter that calculates a blended color based on the specified BlendMode
ClassCommandBase The base class for commands.
ClassCommandSourceCollection A collection of Infragistics.Controls.CommandSource objects which support a command.
ClassCommandSourceManager A static class that manages all registered ICommandTarget and Infragistics.Controls.CommandSource objects of an application.
ClassCoreUtilities Contains static helper methods.
ClassCurrentItemEventArgs An event argument object with the item that was currently set.
ClassDateRangeConverter Type converter for the DateRange structure
ClassDependencyObjectNotifier Abstract base class for objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged and derive from DependencyObject
ClassDependencyObjectRecyclingContainer<T> A base class for objects that want to support recycling which supports objects that will be System.Windows.DependencyObject.
ClassInvalidEventNameException An System.Exception that is thrown when and invalid event name is given to a Infragistics.Controls.CommandSource
ClassKnownBoxes Class that maintains references to commonly boxed values such as booleans.
ClassModifierKeysConverterEx Represents converter similar to MS ModifierKeysConverter but with support for ModifierKeys.None
ClassNestedPropertyChangedEventArgs Event arg class used to specify full notification context when sub objects raise events and the listening object also implements INotifyPropertyChanged
ClassNullableEnumTypeConverter<T> Converts Nullable Enum types from strings to the specified enum.
ClassPropertyChangeNotifier Abstract base class for objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged
ClassPropertyChangeNotifierExtended Abstract base class for objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
ClassRecyclingContainer<T> A base class for objects that want to support recycling.
ClassRecyclingManager An object that manages all recycling for an application.
ClassStringResourceLocationAttribute A custom attribute to specify the location of strings. Use: [assembly: StringResourceLocation("Infragistics.Silverlight.Strings")]
ClassValueConverterBase Abstract base class for a value converter.
ClassWeakReferenceHelper<T> Represents a list that store weak references to values. This list allows to store values while still allowing that the values can be reclaimed by garbage collection and avoid memory leaks.
InterfaceICollectionBase A base collection interface that provides hooks for derived classes to override base functionality.
InterfaceICollectionBase<T> A base collection interface that provides hooks for derived classes to override base functionality.
InterfaceICommandTarget Used to designate objects which expect a Command to be executed against it.
InterfaceINeedInitializationForPersistence Allows an object to perform some sort of initialization, before it is loaded via the Control Persistence Framework.
InterfaceIProvideCustomObjectPersistence An interface that will interupt the normal saving of an object by the persistence framework, so that it can save itself.
InterfaceIProvideCustomPersistence Allows an object to save and load itself, instead of having the Control Persistence Framework, decie how it should be saved and loaded.
InterfaceIProvideCustomStorage Allows an object to save and load additional information.
InterfaceIProvidePersistenceLookupKeys Some collections have specific keys that identify them. So, when saving and loading, it's important that these properties get set first, so that they can be rehydrated instead of destroyed.
InterfaceIProvidePropertyPersistenceSettings Allows objects to to specify which properties should be saved when the PersistenceManager goes to save it.
InterfaceIProvideScrollInfo An interface that returns the scrollbars of a control.
InterfaceIRecyclableElement An interface for objects that will be managed by the RecyclingManager which will allow certain objects to be temporarily allow the item to avoid recycling.
InterfaceISelectableObject An interface for items that can be selected.
InterfaceISupportPositioning An interface implemented by objects that need to be sorted based on a list of before and after relationships.
InterfaceISupportRecycling An interface that should be implemented on objects that represent control objects that should be Recycled.
StructureDateRange Structure used to represents a range of dates.
EnumerationColorBlendMode Enumeration indicating the type of color blend operation to be performed.
EnumerationExtendedVisibility Specifies whether an item will be displayed and/or take up space.
See Also