
Exclude Specific Control Properties

You can exclude control properties from getting persisted in the Infragistics Persistence Framework™. This example shows you how to exclude the CheckBox control’s Content property from being persisted.


<CheckBox x:Name="chkOption" Content="Email Receipt">
    <ig:PersistenceSettings x:Name="settings" SavePersistenceOptions="AllButIgnored" >
            <ig:PropertyNamePersistenceInfo PropertyName="Content" />

Set the PersistenceSettings object’s SavePersistenceOptions property to AllButIgnored.

Use the PropertyNamePersistenceInfo object’s PropertyName property to specify the CheckBox control’s Content property that will be ignored for persistence.

In Visual Basic:

' create a new PersistenceSettings object
Dim settings As New PersistenceSettings()
' set save persistence option - AllButIgnored
settings.SavePersistenceOptions = Persistence.Primitives.PersistenceOption.AllButIgnored
' we will identify the specific property by its name
Dim pnpi As New PropertyNamePersistenceInfo()
pnpi.PropertyName = "Content"
' add the property in the IgnorePropertySettings collection
Dim memoryStream As MemoryStream = PersistenceManager.Save(chkOption, settings)

In C#:

// create a new PersistenceSettings object
PersistenceSettings settings = new PersistenceSettings();
// set save persistence option - AllButIgnored
settings.SavePersistenceOptions = Persistence.Primitives.PersistenceOption.AllButIgnored;
// we will identify the specific property by its name
PropertyNamePersistenceInfo pnpi = new PropertyNamePersistenceInfo();
pnpi.PropertyName = "Content";
// add the property in the IgnorePropertySettings collection
MemoryStream memoryStream = PersistenceManager.Save(chkOption, settings);

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