
Others Category

This topic demonstrates how to configure the Others category for the XamPieChart™ control. At the end of the topic, the complete code sample is provided.

The topic is organized as follows:


Sometimes, the underlying data for the Pie Chart control will contain many items with small values. In this case, the Others category will permit automatic aggregation of several data values into a single slice.


Following is a preview of the final result:

PieChart OthersCategory 02.png

Figure 1: A pie chart featuring the Others category as implemented by the sample code


This topic assumes you have already read the Data Binding topic, and uses the code therein as a starting point.


  1. Defining a Data Model.

  2. Configuring an instance of the Data class as the ItemSource for a Pie Chart

  3. Configuring the Others category

  4. (Optional) Verifying the result


  1. Define a Data Model .

Define a simple data model called DataItem. Then, define a Data collection containing several DataItems of relatively small value:

In C#:

    public class DataItem
        public string Label { get; set; }
        public double Value { get; set; }
    public class Data : ObservableCollection<DataItem>
        public Data()
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 1", Value = 5 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 2", Value = 6 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 3", Value = 3 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 4", Value = 7 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 5", Value = 1 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 6", Value = 1 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 7", Value = 1 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 8", Value = 1 });
            Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 9", Value = 1 });

In Visual Basic:

Public Class DataItem
    Public Property Label() As String
            Return _Label
        End Get
            _Label = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _Label As String
    Public Property Value() As Double
            Return _Value
        End Get
            _Value = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private _Value As Double
End Class
Public Class Data
    Inherits ObservableCollection(Of DataItem)
    Public Sub New()
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 1", .Value = 5  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 2", .Value = 6  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 3", .Value = 3  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 4", .Value = 7  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 5", .Value = 1  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 6", .Value = 1  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 7", .Value = 1  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 8", .Value = 1  })
        Add(New DataItem() With { .Label = "Item 9", .Value = 1  })
    End Sub
End Class
  1. Configure an instance of the Data class as the ItemSource for a Pie Chart .


    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
            <local:Data x:Key="data" />
        <ig:ItemLegend x:Name="Legend"
                       HorizontalAlignment="Right" />
        <ig:XamPieChart Name="pieChart"
                        ItemsSource="{StaticResource data}"
                        Legend="{Binding ElementName=Legend}" />

The Pie Chart will now display as shown in Figure 2:

PieChart OthersCategory 01.png

Figure 2: The pie chart, before configuring the Others category

  1. Configure the Others category .

Items 5 through 9 are very small, giving the chart a cluttered appearance. Assign these items to the Others category using the OthersCategoryThreshold, OthersCategoryType, and OthersCategoryText properties on XamPieChart:


<ig:XamPieChart Name="pieChart"
                OthersCategoryText="Others" />

Here, the OthersCategoryThreshold is set to 2, and OthersCategoryType is set to Number. Therefore, items with value less than or equal to 2 will be assigned to the “Others” category.

  1. (Optional) Verify the result.

Run the application. The Pie Chart should now display as shown in Figure 1, above.


If you set OthersCategoryType to Percent, then OthersCategoryThreshold will be interpreted as a percentage rather than as a value, i.e. items whose values are less than 2% of the sum of all item values would be assigned to the Others category. You can use whichever OthersCategoryType is most appropriate for your application.

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