
Adding a Trend Line


This topic explains, with code examples, how to add a trend line over a XamSparkline™ control.

Required background

The following table lists the topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides an overview of the XamSparkline control, its benefits, and the supported chart types.

This topic provides an overview of the possible ways to configure the XamSparkline control. Links to the detailed configurations (available in separate topics) are provided as well.

Adding a Trend Line


The trend line displays in the XamSparkline control as another layer on top of the Sparkline layer. To display a trend line, use the TrendLineType property.

The trend lines are calculated according to the algorithm specified by the TrendLineType property using the values of the data that the chart is bound to. The supported trend lines are listed and explained in the XamSparkline Overview topic.

Trend line types can be displayed only one at a time. (No multiple trend lines can be displayed simultaneously.)

By default, the trend line is not displayed.

Specifying the trend line type

The following table maps the XamSparkline trend line types to the TrendLineType property settings that deliver them.

Trend line type TrendLineType property setting

Qubic Fit


Cumulative Average


Exponential Average


Exponential Fit


Linear Fit


Logarithmic Fit


Modified Average


Power Low Fit


Quadratic Fit


Quartic Fit


Quintic Fit


Simple Average


Weighted Average



The screenshot below demonstrates how the Sparkline looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value


sparkline visual elements 26.png

Code Example

The following code demonstrates setting of the TrendLineType property to QuinticFit. In XAML:

<igSparkline:XamSparkline TrendLineType="QuinticFit"/>

In C#:

this.XamSparkline1.TrendLineType = SparklineTrendType.QuinticFit;

In Visual Basic:

Me.XamSparkline1.TrendLineType = SparklineTrendType.QuinticFit

Configuring the Trend Line

The Trend Line can be configured in the following aspects:

  • Trend line type

  • Trend line period

  • Trend line color

  • Trend line thickness

For details on how to configure the trend lines, refer to the Configuring the Trend Line topic.

Related Content

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides an overview of the XamSparkline control, its benefits, and the supported chart types.

This topic provides an overview of the possible ways to configure the XamSparkline control. Links to the detailed configurations (available in separate topics) are provided as well.

This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure the trend line of XamSparkline for custom appearance and color.

This topic explains the featured properties of the XamSparkline control.