
What’s New in 2014 Volume 2

Topic Overview


This topic gives a brief overview of the new controls and features introduced in the Ultimate UI for WPF 2014 Volume 2 Release.

What’s New Summary

What’s new summary chart

The following table summarizes the new features of the Ultimate UI for WPF 2014 Volume 2. Additional details follow the summary table.

Infragistics Excel Engine

Feature Description

MVVM binding facilitations added.

Cells, columns and rows manipulation operations added.

Undo and redo support (when used with the xamSpreadsheet control) added.

Infragistics Theme Manager

Feature Description

Infragistics Theme Manager provides a quick and easy way for applying a theme to all Infragistics controls as well as to the Microsoft WPF common controls.


Feature Description

The new SelectedColorPreview property gets/sets the color that is currently being hovered.


Feature Description

MVVM binding facilitations added.

The new FieldBinding markup extension facilitates the binding of Field, FieldSettings, FieldLayout and FieldLayoutSettings to MVVM properties.

The new CellBindings collection property facilitates the binding of a cell settings to properties exposed off the associated data item.

The new editor fields offer an easy and straightforward way to specify a particular editor to handle the specific data type.

The Template Field provides functionality for specifying custom data templates for both display and edit modes in the xamDataPresenter controls.

Now every Field in the xamDataPresenter controls can be configured to be an unbound field.

New properties for configuring the editing of Field and Cell objects are added.


Feature Description

The new SelectedDataItems property gets/sets the selected data items.

The new IsSelectedMemberPath property configures the path to the data model boolean property that determines if a data item is selected or not.


Feature Description

A new diagramming control.


Feature Description

The control provides user friendly properties editing experience.


Feature Description

The control allows visualizing and editing of spreadsheet data.


Feature Description

Built-in functionality for printing OLAP data

Infragistics Excel Engine

Binding Facilitations

The Infragistics Excel Engine’s Workbook and Worksheet classes are now implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to facilitate binding to their properties.

Cells, Columns and Rows Manipulation

The Infragistics Excel Engine now supports methods for adding and removing cells, columns and rows.

Undo/Redo Support

The Infragistics Excel Engine now supports undo and redo operations when used with the xamSpreadsheet control.

Infragistics Theme Manager

New Control

The main purpose of the Infragistics Theme Manager is to provide an easier way for applying a specified theme to an application or a control with a single line of code.


Previewing the Selected Color

The new SelectedColorPreview property gets/sets the color that is currently being hovered.


Binding Field and FieldLayout Objects to DataContext

The Field/FieldLayout DataContext property facilitates the MVVM binding.

Binding Field, FieldSettings, FieldLayout and FieldLayoutSettings to MVVM Properties

The new FieldBinding markup extension facilitates the binding of Field, FieldSettings, FieldLayout and FieldLayoutSettings to MVVM properties.

Binding Cell Settings to Data Item Properties

The new CellBindings collection property facilitates the binding of a cell settings to properties exposed off the associated data item.

Specific Editor Fields

The new specific editor fields offer an easy and straightforward way to specify a particular editor to handle the specific data type.

The following editor fields are provided:

  • CheckBox Field

  • ComboBox Field

  • Currency Field

  • DateTime Field

  • Masked Text Field

  • Numeric Field

  • Text Field

Template Field

Template field provides functionality for specifying custom data templates for both display and edit modes in the xamDataPresenter controls.

Unbound Field

Now every Field can be configured to be unbound just by setting the BindingType property to Unbound.

New properties IsTabStop, IsEnabled, IsEnabledInAddRecord and IsReadOnly

The following new properties are added for the Field object: IsReadOnly, IsEnabledInAddRecord and IsEnabled and IsTabStop property for Cell or Field.


Selected Data Items

The new SelectedDataItems property sets/gets the collection of selected data items.

Modifying the Item Selection via a Data Model Boolean Property’s Value

Configure the selected/unselected data items using an underlying data model’s boolean property value to determine the items’ current state in the xamDataTree control. This data model property’s name is set through the new IsSelectedMemberPath property.


New Control

The xamDiagram control (released as a CTP with the WPF 2014 Volume 1 release) allows you to create your very own diagramming solution, with all of the features that expected from an advanced diagramming tool. The xamDiagram ships with all the features you will need to start writing anything from simple flow charts and activity diagrams, to complex LinqToSQL relationship diagrams as well as with support for data binding and MVVM.

WhatsNew 14.2 WPF 1.png


The xamPropertyGrid control provides the user with a friendly properties editing experience of a single object or multiple objects. The following screenshot shows the xamPropertyGrid while showing/editing a lot of object’s properties grouped by categories:

xamPropertyGrid 09.png


The xamSpreadsheet control allows visualizing and editing of spreadsheet data, represented by the data model supported by the Infragistics Excel Engine .

The following screenshot shows the xamSpreadsheet control displaying some spreadsheet data:

xamSpreadsheet 13.png



Using the WPF Reporting framework, the xamPivotGrid can be printed or exported to an XPS document.