
About xamComboEditor

The xamComboEditor™ control contains a drop-down container with items and a value display for end-user input.

This control is not an ItemsControl. You cannot add items directly in XAML. This is a control that must be strictly bound to data. Some of the important features of this control include:

  • Modes – Edit mode and Select mode. These modes are configured by the IsEditable property. Edit mode is enabled by default.

  • Filtering - Enabled through the AllowFiltering property. This feature is enabled by default. Furthermore, you can customize the filtering; the xamComboEditor control’s ItemFilters property is used for this. There are several comparison operators that you may find useful: StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains and DoesNotContain.

  • In Select mode,the end-user is able to type in filter criteria within a 1 second timer which will filter the items in the drop-down list. In Select mode, the end-user’s typed in filter criteria is not shown in the control’s text box. In Edit mode, anything entered in the text box will also filter the items in the drop-down list.

  • AutoComplete - works in Edit mode. When end users start typing, the control filters the data and displays the rest of the suggested text by highlighting it. This feature is configured by the control’s AutoComplete property. This feature is disabled by default.

  • Multiple items selection - The AllowMultipleSelection property is used to enable this feature. Multiple items are selected by using the CONTROL key. This feature can be used in both Edit and Select modes. In Edit mode, you can set your own delimiter with the MultiSelectValueDelimiter property – this way, end users can type in multiple delimited values when entering data into the control.

  • Check boxes can also be used to select items; Check boxes can be shown by setting the CheckBoxVisibility property to Visible. This feature can be enabled in both Edit and Select modes. This approach is very convenient for multi-items selection because there is no need to press the CONTROL key. Furthermore, the drop-down list will not close until you click the xamComboEditor control’s toggle button or press the ESCAPE key.

  • Adding new items - The xamComboEditor control allows you to enter custom values as combo items just by typing in the input field and pressing the Enter key.

  • You can easily work with the combo items – you can add, remove and disable them. They are fully customizable through a DataTemplate.