
User Selection Interactions and Usability (xamComboEditor)

Topic Overview


This topic describes user selection interactions in the xamComboEditor™ control.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

User Interactions and Usability

User interactions summary chart

The following table summarizes the selection user interaction capabilities of the xamComboEditor control.

The user can… Using… Details Configurable?

Select single item


Select a single item by clicking on the xamComboEditor toggle button to open the items Drop-Down list and selecting one specific item.


Select single item


Select a single item using the Down arrow key to open the items Drop-Down list and use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate through the items.


Select single item

Item check box

Select a single item by clicking on the xamComboEditor toggle button to open the items Drop-Down list and checking an item check box.


The XamComboEditor CheckBoxVisibility property should be set to Visible.

Select multiple items


Select multiple items by clicking on the xamComboEditor toggle button to open the items Drop-Down list, pressing the CTRL key and selecting items with the left mouse button.

Select multiple items


Select multiple items using the Down arrow key to open the item’s Drop-Down list and Up and Down arrow keys to navigate through the items and hitting Enter key to select.

Select multiple items

Item check box

Select multiple items by clicking on the xamComboEditor toggle button to open the items Drop-Down list and checking items check boxes.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic describes how to programmatically perform selection in the xamComboEditor control.

This topic describes how to configure multiple selection in the xamComboEditor control.