
Configuring the Caps of Diagram Connections (xamDiagram)

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to configure the caps of the diagram connections of the xamDiagram™ control by either selecting a pre-defined cap or applying a custom cap.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic provides a conceptual overview of the xamDiagram control and its main features and capabilities.

This topic explains how to add the xamDiagram control to a WPF application.

This topic covers the two possible approaches to configuring the start and end points of diagram connections in xamDiagram : by specifying the nodes to connect to or by specifying the coordinates of the connection’s start and end points on the diagram space.

This topic explains how to configure the connection points of diagram nodes in the xamDiagram control. This would be necessary if you use custom nodes or need to customize the pre-set connection points of the standard nodes.


Diagram connections caps configuration summary

The caps of a diagram connection are the shapes that indicate its start and end. By default the start of a connection has no cap and its end is a filled arrow cap.

xamDiagram Configuring The Caps Of Diagram Connections 1.png

The xamDiagram provides a number of pre-defined shapes for the caps. (See the Visual Elements Overview ( xamDiagram) topic for details.) A pre-defined cap is selected through the StartCapType/ EndCapType properties. These properties accept as a value the respective cap shapes available as a DiagramConnectionCapType enumeration. When using one of the pre-defined cap types, you can additionally specify the cap size through the StartCapSize/ EndCapSize properties.

If you need entirely custom caps, a custom Style with target type of DiagramConnectionCapPresenter can be set to the StartCapStyle/ EndCapStyle properties. In this, style any custom ControlTemplate can be specified for achieving the desired look.

Pre-defined connections caps configuration summary chart

The following table maps the desired node shape to the property settings that manage it.

Configurable aspect Details Properties

Cap type

Specifies the shape of the cap.

Cap size

Specifies the size of the cap shape.

Cap fill color (filled cap types only)

Specifies the fill color of the cap shape

Custom connections caps configuration summary chart

The following table maps the desired connection cap configuration to the property settings that manage it. The aspects highlighted in green are available in detail in this help content.

Configurable aspect Details Properties

Type and size

Custom caps can be configured using a style a style.

Configuring a Pre-Defined Connection Cap


To set the desired cap shape for the diagram connection, specify the corresponding enum value as the value of the StartCapType/ EndCapType property. To change the size of the cap, set the StartCapSize/ EndCapSize property accordingly.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to set the: Use this property: And set it to:

Start cap shape

The desired cap type from the ones available in the DiagramConnectionCapType enumeration

End cap shape

The desired cap type from the ones available in the DiagramConnectionCapType enumeration

Size of the start cap

The desired size in pixels.

Size of the end cap

The desired size in pixels.

Fill color of the caps (filled caps only)

The desired brush.


The screenshot below demonstrates how a xamDiagram with several connections with various EndCapType and EndCapSize settings would look as a result of the code listed after it (The StartCapType and StartCapSize properties are not set in the example for simplicity as they work in the same way):

xamDiagram Configuring The Caps Of Diagram Connections 2.png

Following is the code that implements this example.


<ig:XamDiagram >
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,0"   EndPosition="300,0"   EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="None" Content="None" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,20"  EndPosition="300,20"  EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="OpenArrow" Content="OpenArrow" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,40"  EndPosition="300,40"  EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="ClosedArrow" Content="ClosedArrow"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,60"  EndPosition="300,60"  EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="FilledArrow" Content="FilledArrow" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,80"  EndPosition="300,80"  EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="IndentedClosedArrow" Content="IndentedClosedArrow"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,100" EndPosition="300,100" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="IndentedFilledArrow" Content="IndentedFilledArrow" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,120" EndPosition="300,120" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="OpenDoubleArrow" Content="OpenDoubleArrow"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,140" EndPosition="300,140" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="ClosedDoubleArrow" Content="ClosedDoubleArrow" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,160" EndPosition="300,160" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="FilledDoubleArrow" Content="FilledDoubleArrow"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,180" EndPosition="300,180" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="DimensionLine" Content="DimensionLine" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,200" EndPosition="300,200" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="Dot" Content="Dot"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,220" EndPosition="300,220" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="FilledDot" Content="FilledDot" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,240" EndPosition="300,240" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="Diamond" Content="Diamond"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,260" EndPosition="300,260" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="FilledDiamond" Content="FilledDiamond" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,280" EndPosition="300,280" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="Square" Content="Square"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,300" EndPosition="300,300" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="FilledSquare" Content="FilledSquare" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,320" EndPosition="300,320" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="ClosedNoDash" Content="ClosedNoDash"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,340" EndPosition="300,340" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="FilledNoDash" Content="FilledNoDash" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,360" EndPosition="300,360" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="OpenOneDash" Content="OpenOneDash"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,380" EndPosition="300,380" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="OpenTwoDash" Content="OpenTwoDash" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,400" EndPosition="300,400" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="OpenThreeDash" Content="OpenThreeDash"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,420" EndPosition="300,420" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="ClosedOneDash" Content="ClosedOneDash" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,440" EndPosition="300,440" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="ClosedTwoDash" Content="ClosedTwoDash"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,460" EndPosition="300,460" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="ClosedThreeDash" Content="ClosedThreeDash" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,480" EndPosition="300,480" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="FilledOneDash" Content="FilledOneDash"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,500" EndPosition="300,500" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="FilledTwoDash" Content="FilledTwoDash" />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,520" EndPosition="300,520" EndCapSize="20,10" EndCapType="FilledThreeDash" Content="FilledThreeDash"  />
      <ig:DiagramConnection StartPosition="20,540" EndPosition="300,540" EndCapSize="10,10" EndCapType="Fork" Content="Fork" />

Configuring a Custom Connection Cap


By setting the StartCapStyle and EndCapStyle properties to a custom style for DiagramConnectionCapPresenter with custom ControlTemplate, almost any cap can be specified. In addition to this, the DiagramConnectionCapPresenter exposes a set of additional properties for controlling the cap’s display. The following screenshot illustrates these properties relative to a node (1), connection point (2), and a custom cap (3):

xamDiagram Configuring The Caps Of Diagram Connections 3.png

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Apply a custom cap

The desired style

Set the offset of the custom cap from the point where the connection line ends. (The cap is placed along the connection line.)

The desired offset in pixels

Offset the point where the connection line ends from the expected end point (The new end point is located along the connection line.)

The desired offset in pixels

Allow rotating of the cap at the angle of the connection


Prevent (disallow) rotating of the cap at the angle of the connection



The screenshot below demonstrates how a diagram connections looks as a result of the code below:

xamDiagram Configuring The Caps Of Diagram Connections 4.png

Following is the code that implements this example.


<ig:XamDiagram x:Name="Diagram">
    <ig:DiagramNode Key="Node1"
                    Position="100,20" />
    <ig:DiagramNode Key="Node2"
                    Position="320,150" />
    <ig:DiagramConnection x:Name="Connection1"
            <Style TargetType="ig:DiagramConnectionCapPresenter">
            <!-- The button will be centered over the connection's EndPosition -->
                <Setter Property="PlacementOffset"
                        Value="0" />
            <!-- The button will always stay horizontally positioned-->
                <Setter Property="UseRotation"
                        Value=" />
                <Setter Property="Template">
                            <Button Content="Cap"
                                    Height="30" />
            <Style TargetType="ig:DiagramConnectionCapPresenter">
            <!-- Offset the end of the line to the center of the cross shape -->
                <Setter Property="LineOffset"
                        Value="8" />
                <!-- The cross shape will be offset by half of
                        its width along the connection line -->
                <Setter Property="PlacementOffset"
                        Value="8" />
                <Setter Property="Template">
                            <Path Stretch="Fill"
                                  Stroke="{Binding Connection.Stroke, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}">
                                          <LineGeometry StartPoint="0,0"
                                                        EndPoint="10,10" />
                                          <LineGeometry StartPoint="0,10"
                                                        EndPoint="10,0" />

Related Content


The following topic provides additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how to configure the basic properties of diagram items in the xamDiagram control related to their look-and-feel.