
Project Settings Configuration Overview

Topic Overview


This topic gives an overview of the xamGantt™ ProjectSettings class and its configurable aspects.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic describes basic conceptual information about xamGantt, project, tasks and other xamGantt elements.

This group of topics describes the xamGantt control in details.

This topic gives an overview of the xamGantt Project class and its configurable aspects.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


ProjectSettings class summary

The ProjectSettings class provides settings that affect various aspects of the Project.

These configurable aspects include:

  • the scheduling engine’s behavior (for example, AlwaysHonorTaskConstraintDates, ShouldCalculateAfterEachEdit properties)

  • how entered durations are converted to the actual time (for example, DaysPerMonth, MinutesPerDay, MinutesPerWeek properties)

  • critical path calculation (for example, CriticalSlackLimit, ShouldCalculateMultipleCriticalPaths properties)

  • the project’s visual representation of its information (for example, DateStringFormat property).

Most of the ProjectSettings’s properties match those exposed in Microsoft Project 2010.

Project Settings Configuration Properties Summary

Project settings configuration properties summary chart

The following table lists some of the main configurable aspects of the xamGantt ProjectSettings.

Configurable aspect Details Properties

Configuring the tasks constraint dates priority over the tasks dependencies

Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the tasks constraint dates have a higher priority than the tasks relationships.

Configuring whether new resources are allowed to be added to the project

Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating whether a new ProjectResource should be added to the Project ResourceItems when entering an unrecognized name into the task resources.

Configuring the critical slack limit in days

Returns or sets the number of days of slack under which a task is considered critical when calculating the project critical path.

Configuring the dates format

Returns or sets a DateTime string format used to indicate how dates render within the control.

Configuring the number of days per month

Returns or sets a value indicating the number of days used when calculating a month unit (for example, when a ProjectDuration has a Format of Months.)

Configuring the duration format

Returns or sets the task’s duration format.

Configuring the first day of week

Returns or sets the day used as the first day of the week.

Configuring if the project root task is visible in the xamGantt control user interface

Returns or sets a value of type Boolean indicating if the project displays its RootTask.

By default, the project root task is not visible.

Configuring the minutes per day

Returns or sets a value indicating the number of minutes used when calculating a day unit (for example when a ProjectDuration has a Format of Days.)

Configuring the minutes per week

Returns or sets a value indicating the number of minutes used when calculating a week unit (for example when a ProjectDuration has a Format of Weeks.

Configuring if the newly created tasks are manually scheduled by default.

Returns or sets a value of type Boolean indicating whether newly created tasks are manually scheduled.

By default, the newly created tasks are manually scheduled.

Configuring if the project is recalculated on every change to the tasks

Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the scheduling engine recalculates after each project change.

By default, the project recalculates on every task change.

Configuring the calculation of multiple critical paths

Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating if the scheduling engine calculates a critical path for each independent network of tasks.

Configuring if the manual tasks are updated on changes in their predecessors or successors

Returns or sets a Boolean value indicating if the start, finish, and duration of the manually scheduled tasks should be updated when predecessors or successors change.

By default, the manual tasks are updated.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains how to display the project’s summary task using the xamGantt control.

This topic explains how to configure the critical slack limit for a project task using the xamGantt control.