
Configuring the Drop-Down (xamMultiColumnComboEditor)

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to configure the layout and behavior of the xamMultiColumnComboEditor™ Drop-Down.

Required background

The following topic is a prerequisite to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic describes how to add a xamMultiColumnComboEditor control to your application and use some of its properties.

Drop-Down Configuration Summary

Drop-Down configuration summary chart

The following table briefly explains the configurable aspects of the xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down and maps them to the properties that configure them. Further details for some of the aspects are available after the table.

Configurable aspect Details Properties

Configures if the Drop-Down is resizable via a resize handle.

Returns or sets the minimum width of the Drop-Down.

Returns or sets the maximum width of the Drop-Down.

Returns or sets the minimum height of the Drop-Down.

Returns or sets the maximum height of the Drop-Down.

Configuring if the Drop-Down is Opened

Returns or sets if the selectable Drop-Down is open

Configuring the Drop-Down Button Visibility

Configures when the Drop-Down toggle button is visible.

Configuring Footer Text

Configures footer text

Styling the Drop-Down Footer Template

Customizes the Drop-Down footer and its content

Enabling/Disabling Users to Resize the Drop-Down


The xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down is resizable in order to view all the items information using a resize handle.

The xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down resizing feature is enabled by default.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Enable/Disable the xamMultiColumnComboEditor drop-down resizing feature



The screenshot below demonstrates how the xamMultiColumnComboEditor looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value


Configuring DropDownMCC 1.png

Following is the code that implements this example.


<ig:XamMultiColumnComboEditor x:Name="ComboEditorProducts"
                              Height="30" Width="300"
                              ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Products}"
        <ig:TextComboColumn Key="ProductName"/>
        <ig:TextComboColumn Key="ProductID"/>
        <ig:TextComboColumn Key="UnitsInStock"/>

Configuring the Minimum Drop-Down Width


Specify the minimum Drop-Down width using the xamMultiColumnComboEditor MinDropDownWidth property.

The property’s default value is double.NaN.

If the MinDropDownWidth property’s value is not set, the minimum width of the Drop-Down is limited to the width of the xamMultiColumnComboEditor control text input field.

If the MinDropDownWidth value is greater than the MaxDropDownWidth value, the Drop-Down is no longer resizable horizontally and its width is fixed to the MinDropDownWidth value.


If a negative value is set to the MinDropDownWidth property, a System.ArgumentException is thrown.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Limit the minimum Drop-Down width during resizing



The screenshot below demonstrates how the xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down behaves as a result of the following settings:

Property Value


Configuring DropDownMCC 2.png

Configuring the Maximum Drop-Down Width


Specify the maximum Drop-Down width using the xamMultiColumnComboEditor MaxDropDownWidth property.

The property’s default value is double.PositiveInfinity.


If a negative value is set to the MaxDropDownWidth property, a System.ArgumentException is thrown.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Limit the maximum Drop-Down width during resizing



The screenshot below demonstrates how the xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down behaves as a result of the following settings:

Property Value


Configuring DropDownMCC 3.png

Configuring the Minimum Drop-Down Height


Specify the minimum Drop-Down height using the xamMultiColumnComboEditor MinDropDownHeight property.

The property’s default value is 0.0.

If the MinDropDownHeight value is not set, the minimum height of the Drop-Down is limited to 40px.

If the MinDropDownHeight value is greater than the MaxDropDownHeight value, the Drop-Down is no longer resizable vertically and its height is fixed to the MinDropDownHeight value.


If a negative value is set to the MinDropDownHeight property, a System.ArgumentException is thrown.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Limit the minimum Drop-Down height during resizing and filtering



The screenshot below demonstrates how the xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down behaves as a result of the following settings:

Property Value


Configuring DropDownMCC 5.png

Configuring the Maximum Drop-Down Height


Specify the maximum Drop-Down height using the xamMultiColumnComboEditor MaxDropDownHeight property.

Failure to set this property results in the available space above and below the control being estimated. The Drop-Down list is restricted within the available height of the application.


Setting the MaxDropDownHeight property to a negative value causes a System.ArgumentException to be thrown.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired configuration to the property settings that manage it.

In order to: Use this property: And set it to:

Limit the maximum Drop-Down height



The screenshot below demonstrates how the xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down behaves as a result of the following settings:

Property Value


Configuring DropDownMCC 4.png

Drop-Down Events Summary

Drop-Down events summary chart

The following table lists the events related to the user operations with the xamMultiColumnComboEditor Drop-Down.

Details Event

Occurs when the IsDropDownOpen property is changing from true to false.

Occurs when the IsDropDownOpen property has changed from true to false and the Drop-Down is closed.

Occurs when the value of the IsDropDownOpen property is changing from false to true.

Occurs when the value of the IsDropDownOpen property has changed from false to true and the drop-down is open.

Related Topics

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic describes how to configure the executed action when the user types and after that hits 'Enter' key in the input text field in the xamMultiColumnComboEditor control.

This topic explains how to bind the xamMultiColumnComboEditor control to data and configure the items layout in the control’s drop-down list.

This topic describes how to configure items filtering in the xamMultiColumnComboEditor control.

The topics in this group explain selection feature in the xamMultiColumnComboEditor control and its use.