
Component Locking (xamPivotGrid)


This topic introduces the locking components feature of the xamPivotGrid™ and the end-user functionality it provides.

Required background

The following table lists the materials required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.


Components Locking summary

The xamPivotGrid allows the disabling of rows, columns, filters or measure areas from editing. This capability is called “Component Locking”. This feature is useful when a droppable area of the xamPivotGrid or xamPivotDataSelector™ should remain disabled for editing by a user. The locked area takes on a dimmed (greyed out) appearance when using the default styling. In the following picture, the rows area has been disabled to prevent editing. The red surrounding boxes highlight those areas.

Locking Components (Overview) 1.png

By default, the components are enabled in the control to allow editing.

When editing is disabled for rows, columns, or measures, there is no visual indication for the row headers panel, columns header panel, and the data cell panel in xamPivotGrid , but drag-drop is still disabled for these panels. In the following illustration, the filters, measures, rows, and column areas (highlighted in red) are locked (and visually indicated as locked), but drag-and-drop is disabled also for the corresponding areas in data portion of the xamPivotGrid and there is no visual indication for this.

Locking Components (Overview) 2.png

Component locking is managed by dedicated properties (one for each supported area) inside the AreaFieldSettings class object. For details, refer to Locking/Unlocking Component Areas.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic explains, with code examples, how to lock/unlock component areas of the xamPivotGrid .