
Customizing Cells with Templates (xamPivotGrid)


The xamPivotGrid™ control provides the ability to specify custom DataTemplates for data and header cells. You can specify different templates for different cells based on what hierarchy, level, etc. the cell is in.

xamPivotGrid Customizing Cells with Templates 1.png


Detailed information regarding customization of xamPivotGrid cells with applying custom DataTemplates is covered in the following topics:

Topic Purpose

The xamPivotGrid control enables you to specify custom data templates for data cells and for header column and row cells. This topic is an overview of this feature.

This topic is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to customize xamPivotGrid cells by applying custom DataTemplates for their content.

This is a list of the most notable properties related to the Cell customization feature of the xamPivotGrid.