
Using Sap Xmla Datasource

The XmlaSapDataSource object is a data source for connecting to SAP and its usage is the same as XmlaDataSource with server credential parameters. The following code examples show how to connect XmlaSapDataSource to SAP server.


    <olap:XmlaSapDataSource x:Key="DataSource">
            <olap:XmlaSapConnectionSettings ServerUri="http://server/sap"/>
            <olap:XmlaNetworkCredential Password="P@ssw0rd"
    <ig:XamPivotGrid x:Name="PivotGrid" DataSource="{StaticResource DataSource}" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim Credentials As New XmlaNetworkCredential()
Credentials.UserName = "Admin"
Credentials.Password = "P@ssw0rd"
Dim DataSource As New XmlaSapDataSource()
DataSource.ServerUri = New Uri("http://server/sap")
DataSource.Credentials = Credentials
Me.PivotGrid.DataSource = DataSource

In C#:

XmlaNetworkCredential Credentials = new XmlaNetworkCredential();
Credentials.UserName = "Admin";
Credentials.Password = "P@ssw0rd";
XmlaDataSource DataSource = new XmlaSapDataSource();
DataSource.ServerUri = new Uri("http://server/sap");
DataSource.Credentials = Credentials;
this.PivotGrid.DataSource = DataSource;