
xamSyntaxEditor Overview

Topic Overview


In this topic, you will find information to help you better understand the xamSyntaxEditor’s™ functions.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Introduction to the xamSyntaxEditor

The xamSyntaxEditor is a cross platform control providing a code editing experience similar to Microsoft’s Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) code window.

The xamSyntaxEditor provides you with the ability to display and edit the text contained in a TextDocument class. The TextDocument class exposes properties, methods and events for loading, saving and manipulating the contained text. There are no limitations on the size of the text contained in the TextDocument.

The TextDocument class uses highly optimized lexing and parsing algorithms that allow the xamSyntaxEditor control to provide syntax highlighting, (using text colorization) and error highlighting (using squiggly underlines as in Visual Studio) based on predefined language definitions. Where possible, perform time-consuming operations, such as lexing and parsing on-demand and in background threads, which allows you to display very large documents very quickly.

The following screen shot shows the xamSyntaxEditor, in split mode, editing some C# code:

xamSyntaxEditor Overview.png

Features Summary

Features of the xamSyntaxEditor control

XamSyntaxEditor main features:

Feature Description Available by default

Provides the Syntax Editor support for all of the fonts and styles available to all OS’s .


Provides the Syntax Editor support for cutting, coping and pasting textual information within a document or between several documents.


Provides the TextDocument with powerful Find and Replace methods.


These methods support both loading and saving to and from a file or stream.


Enables the xamSyntaxEditor’s build-in margins.


Enables the xamSyntaxEditor’s custom margins.


Provides the TextDocument’s methods for programmatically changing text content.


The Infragistics Undo/Redo framework is used to support unlimited undo/redo changes.


Provides the xamSyntaxEditor support for user input using multiple keyboard and mouse interactions.


The TextDocument snapshots represent the state of the document at a specific point in time and expose methods for obtaining, traversing and searching through its content.


Navigational aide, which supports splitting the editing area into two separate regions, either horizontal or vertical, to simultaneously observe different parts of the file being edited.


Syntax highlighting gives visual cues on how the editor interprets the text (for example, keywords, comments, etc…)


Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides you with systematic instructions designed to help you get the xamSyntaxEditor up and running as quickly as possible.

This section is a gateway to important conceptual and task-based information that will help you use various functions and features provided by the xamSyntaxEditor cross platform control.

This topic explains the input method support of the control.