
Navigate Geo-Imagery Map

Before You Begin

The xamMap™ control’s MapTileSource property is used to configure the source from which geo-imagery is loaded. Please refer to the Supported Geo-Imagery section for a complete list of supported geo-imagery source. However this section will focus only on OpenStreetMap as the geo-imagery source. In addition, the following control will make use of the MapLayer object to display major map coordinates and map the current location.

What You Will Accomplish

You will create a user control containing the XamMap control with geo-imagery and map navigation controls. With this control you will be able to navigate the geo-imagery map by using the navigation controls as well as mouse drag interactions.

Navigate using mouse drag-and-drop on the map control:

XamMap Navigate Geo Imagery Map 01.png

Navigate using Cities Map Controls:

XamMap Navigate Geo Imagery Map 02.png

Follow These Steps

  1. Create a Microsoft® WPF® project with hosting in a new Web site.

  2. Add the following NuGet package references to your project:

    • Infragistics.WPF.Controls.Map.XamMap

    For more information on setting up the NuGet feed and adding NuGet packages, you can take a look at the following documentation: NuGet Feeds.

  1. Add the following namespace declarations for xamMap in MainPage.xaml.


  1. Add the following tags to the user control’s resource dictionary.


<UserControl.Resources >
    <!--TODO: Add LinearGradientBrush for background -->
    <!--TODO: Add Style for regular font -->
    <!--TODO: Add Style for bold font -->
  1. Add a LinearGradientBrush resource for the control’s background.


<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="rscBackgroundBrush" EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
    <GradientStop Color="Black" Offset="1"/>
    <GradientStop Color="Black" Offset="0.2"/>
    <GradientStop Color="Gray" Offset="0.1"/>
    <GradientStop Color="LightGray" Offset="0"/>
  1. Add two Styles for the navigation controls’ fonts.


<Style x:Name="rscFontStyle" TargetType="TextBlock">
    <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Courier New"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"></Setter>
<Style x:Name="rscBoldFontStyle" TargetType="TextBlock">
    <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Verdana"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Center"></Setter>
    <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White"></Setter>
  1. Set the Background property of the Grid to the control’s background resource.


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"  Background="{StaticResource rscBackgroundBrush}" >
        <!--TODO: Add a StackPanel with all map controls -->
  1. Add the main StackPanel control with the following properties.


<StackPanel Margin="5" Width="1100" Orientation="Horizontal" >
        <!--TODO: Add a Grid with the geo-imagery map -->
        <!--TODO: Add a StackPanel with map navigation controls -->
  1. Add a Grid with the XamMap control.


<Grid >
        <igMap:XamMap Name="xamMap" Width="800" Height="500" Margin="5"
            <!--TODO: Add a MapTileSource with geo-imagery source -->
            <!--TODO: Add a MapLayer for map coordinate lines -->
  1. Add a MapTileSource with OpenStreetMap as the geo-imagery source.


        <igMap:OpenStreetMapTileSource />
  1. Add a MapLayer for map coordinate lines.


    <igMap:MapLayer x:Name="mapLayer" Brushes="Transparent">
  1. Add a StackPanel with the map navigation controls.


<StackPanel Margin="5" >
      <!--TODO: Add the coordinate navigation controls -->
        <!--TODO: Add the city navigation controls -->
  1. Add the following controls for coordinate navigation.


<TextBlock Text=" Map Location Pane:"  Margin="5"
           Style="{StaticResource rscBoldFontStyle}" ></TextBlock>
<StackPanel  Orientation="Vertical" Margin="5">
    <!-- StackPanel with Latitude controls -->
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="5" >
        <TextBlock Text=" Latitude:  " VerticalAlignment="Center"
                   Style="{StaticResource rscFontStyle}" >
        <Slider  x:Name="sldLatd" Minimum="-90" Maximum="90"
                 Width="60" Value="0" SmallChange="1" LargeChange="5"
        <TextBlock x:Name="txtLatd" Text="00.00 (00.00 W)" Margin="10,0,0,0"
                   Style="{StaticResource rscFontStyle}" >
    <!-- StackPanel with Longitude controls -->
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="5">
        <TextBlock Text=" Longitude: " Style="{StaticResource rscFontStyle}" ></TextBlock>
        <Slider  x:Name="sldLong" Minimum="-180" Maximum="180"
                 Width="60" Value="0" SmallChange="1" LargeChange="5"
        <TextBlock x:Name="txtLong" Text="00.00 (00.00 N)" Margin="10,0,0,0"
                   Style="{StaticResource rscFontStyle}" >
  1. Add the following controls for city navigation.


<TextBlock Text=" Known Map Cities:" VerticalAlignment="Center"
           Style="{StaticResource rscBoldFontStyle}" >
<!--Note that cities navigation controls are added dynamicly to this StackPanel-->
<StackPanel x:Name="pnlCities" Margin="5" >
  1. Add the City class to the WPF project

In C#:

// class to store data for a map city
public class City
    public string Name = string.Empty;
    public double Latitude = 0.0;
    public double Longitude = 0.0;
    public City()
        Name = string.Empty;
        Latitude = 0.0;
        Longitude = 0.0;
    public City(City newCity)
        Name = newCity.Name;
        Latitude = newCity.Latitude;
        Longitude = newCity.Longitude;
    public City(string newName, double newLatd, double newLong)
        Name = newName;
        Latitude = newLatd;
        Longitude = newLong;

In Visual Basic:

' class to store data for a map city
Public Class City
    Public Name As String = String.Empty
    Public Latitude As Double = 0.0
    Public Longitude As Double = 0.0
    Public Sub New()
        Name = String.Empty
        Latitude = 0.0
        Longitude = 0.0
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal newCity As City)
        Name = newCity.Name
        Latitude = newCity.Latitude
        Longitude = newCity.Longitude
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal newName As String, ByVal newLatd As Double, ByVal newLong As Double)
        Name = newName
        Latitude = newLatd
        Longitude = newLong
    End Sub
End Class
  1. Add Cities static class with a list of known cities to the WPF project.

In C#:

// class to store cities with known map coordinates as a collection
public static class Cities
    static Cities()
        _List = new List<City>() {
            Washington, Toronto, Mexico, Montevideo,
            London, Madrid, Rome,
            Paris, Warsaw, Moscow, Sydney, Johannesburg,
            Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, HongKong,
            Cairo, Casablanca
    private static List<City> _List;
    public static List<City> List
        get { return _List; }
    // Asia
    public static City Tokyo = new City("Tokyo", 35.67, 139.74);
    public static City Beijing = new City("Beijing", 39.90, 116.38);
    public static City Seoul = new City("Seoul", 37.55, 126.97);
    public static City HongKong = new City("Hong Kong", 22.28, 114.12);
    // Americas
    public static City Washington = new City("Washington", 38.89, -77.03);
    public static City Mexico = new City("Mexico", 19.43, -99.13);
    public static City Toronto = new City("Toronto", 43.64, -79.38);
    public static City Montevideo = new City("Montevideo", -34.88, -56.16);
    // Europe
    public static City Moscow = new City("Moscow", 55.75, 37.61);
    public static City London = new City("London", 51.51, -0.13);
    public static City Madrid = new City("Madrid", 40.42, -3.70);
    public static City Rome = new City("Rome", 41.90, 12.49);
    public static City Paris = new City("Paris", 48.85, 2.34);
    public static City Warsaw = new City("Warsaw", 52.23, 21.0);
    // Australia
    public static City Sydney = new City("Sydney", -33.86, 151.20);
    // Africa
    public static City Johannesburg = new City("Johannesburg", -26.20, 28.04);
    public static City Cairo = new City("Cairo", 30.14, 31.74);
    public static City Casablanca = new City("Casablanca", 33.60, -7.63);

In Visual Basic:

' class to store cities with known map coordinates as a collection
Public Module Cities
    Public ReadOnly Property List() As List(Of City)
            Return New List(Of City)(New City() {Washington, _
                                                 Toronto, Mexico, Montevideo, _
                                                 London, Madrid, Rome, _
                                                 Paris, Warsaw, Moscow, Sydney, _
                                                 Johannesburg, Tokyo, Beijing, _
                                                 Seoul, HongKong, _
                                                 Cairo, Casablanca})
        End Get
    End Property
    ' Asia
    Public Tokyo As New City("Tokyo", 35.67, 139.74)
    Public Beijing As New City("Beijing", 39.9R, 116.38)
    Public Seoul As New City("Seoul", 37.55, 126.97)
    Public HongKong As New City("Hong Kong", 22.28, 114.12)
    ' Americas
    Public Washington As New City("Washington", 38.89, -77.03)
    Public Mexico As New City("Mexico", 19.43, -99.13)
    Public Toronto As New City("Toronto", 43.64, -79.38)
    Public Montevideo As New City("Montevideo", -34.88, -56.16)
    ' Europe
    Public Moscow As New City("Moscow", 55.75, 37.61)
    Public London As New City("London", 51.51, -0.13)
    Public Madrid As New City("Madrid", 40.42, -3.7R)
    Public Rome As New City("Rome", 41.9R, 12.49)
    Public Paris As New City("Paris", 48.85, 2.34)
    Public Warsaw As New City("Warsaw", 52.23, 21.0R)
    ' Australia
    Public Sydney As New City("Sydney", -33.86, 151.2R)
    ' Africa
    Public Johannesburg As New City("Johannesburg", -26.2R, 28.04)
    Public Cairo As New City("Cairo", 30.14, 31.74)
    Public Casablanca As New City("Casablanca", 33.6R, -7.63)
End Module
  1. In the MainPage.xaml.cs file, add the following namespace

In C#:

using Infragistics.Controls.Maps;
using Infragistics;

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Controls.Maps
Imports Infragistics
  1. Add the following local variables

In C#:

private double _MapLatitude = 0;
private double _MapLongitude = 0;

In Visual Basic:

Private _MapLatitude As Double = 0
Private _MapLongitude As Double = 0
  1. Handle the xamMap control’s Loaded event.

In C#:

private void xamMap_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Point winTopLeft = this.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(new Point(-180, 90));
    Point winBottomRight = this.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(new Point(180, -90));
    Rect winRect = new Rect();
    winRect.X = Math.Min(winTopLeft.X, winBottomRight.X);
    winRect.Y = Math.Min(winTopLeft.Y, winBottomRight.Y);
    winRect.Width = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.X - winBottomRight.X);
    winRect.Height = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.Y - winBottomRight.Y);
    this.xamMap.WindowRect = this.xamMap.WorldRect = winRect;
    this.xamMap.Layers[0].WorldRect = this.xamMap.WorldRect;
    MoveMapToLocation(0, 0);

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub xamMap_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
    Dim winTopLeft As Point = Me.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(New Point(-180, 90))
    Dim winBottomRight As Point = Me.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(New Point(180, -90))
    Dim winRect As Rect = New Rect()
    winRect.X = Math.Min(winTopLeft.X, winBottomRight.X)
    winRect.Y = Math.Min(winTopLeft.Y, winBottomRight.Y)
    winRect.Width = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.X - winBottomRight.X)
    winRect.Height = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.Y - winBottomRight.Y)
    Me.xamMap.WorldRect = winRect
    Me.xamMap.WindowRect = Me.xamMap.WorldRect
    Me.xamMap.Layers(0).WorldRect = Me.xamMap.WorldRect
    MoveMapToLocation(45, 0)
End Sub
  1. Add a method to add map location tracker

In C#:

private void AddMapLocationTracker()
    Point mapLocation = this.xamMap.WindowCenter;
    // Get worldLocation using a projection from Cartesian to Geodetic coordinates
    Point worldLocation = this.xamMap.MapProjection.UnprojectFromMap(mapLocation);
    String elemCaption = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                         Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                         String.Format("Long: {0:0.00}", worldLocation.X) +
                         Environment.NewLine +
                         String.Format("Lat:  {0:0.00}", worldLocation.Y);
    Point elemLocation = mapLocation;
    // Create Symbol Element
    SymbolElement mapTracker = new SymbolElement()
        Name = "mapTracker",
        Caption = elemCaption,
        FontSize = 16,
        Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green),
        Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green),
        StrokeThickness = 4,
        SymbolOrigin = elemLocation,
        SymbolType = MapSymbolType.Bubble,
        SymbolSize = 20
    // Add the Symbol Element to the map control

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub AddMapLocationTracker()
    Dim mapLocation As Point = Me.xamMap.WindowCenter
    ' Get worldLocation using a projection from Cartesian to Geodetic coordinates
    Dim worldLocation As Point = Me.xamMap.MapProjection.UnprojectFromMap(mapLocation)
    Dim elemCaption As String = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _
                                Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _
                                String.Format("Long: {0:0.00}", worldLocation.X) + _
                                Environment.NewLine + _
                                String.Format("Lat:  {0:0.00}", worldLocation.Y)
    Dim elemLocation As Point = mapLocation
    ' Create Symbol Element
    Dim mapTracker As New SymbolElement()
    mapTracker.Name = "mapTracker"
    mapTracker.Caption = elemCaption
    mapTracker.FontSize = 16
    mapTracker.Foreground = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green)
    mapTracker.Stroke = New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green)
    mapTracker.StrokeThickness = 4
    mapTracker.SymbolOrigin = elemLocation
    mapTracker.SymbolType = MapSymbolType.Bubble
    mapTracker.SymbolSize = 20
    ' Add the Symbol Element to the map control
End Sub
  1. Add a method to add map coordinate lines.

In C#:

 private void AddMapCoordinateLines()
    // add map major longitude lines
    for (int i = -180; i < 180; i += 5)
        if (i%15 == 0)
            AddMapLongitudeLine(i, Colors.Black, 0.5);
            AddMapLongitudeLine(i, Colors.LightGray, 0.5);
    // add map major latitude lines
    for (int i = -90; i < 90; i += 5)
        if (i % 15 == 0)
            AddMapLatitudeLine(i, Colors.Black, 0.5);
            AddMapLatitudeLine(i, Colors.LightGray, 0.5);
    // add map Tropic of Cancer line
    AddMapLatitudeLine(23, Colors.Yellow, 1);
    // add map Tropic of Capricorn line
    AddMapLatitudeLine(-23, Colors.Yellow, 1);

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub AddMapCoordinateLines()
    ' add map major longitude lines
    For i As Integer = -180 To 179 Step 5
        If i Mod 15 = 0 Then
            AddMapLongitudeLine(i, Colors.Black, 0.5)
            AddMapLongitudeLine(i, Colors.LightGray, 0.5)
        End If
    ' add map major latitude lines
    For i As Integer = -90 To 89 Step 5
        If i Mod 15 = 0 Then
            AddMapLatitudeLine(i, Colors.Black, 0.5)
            AddMapLatitudeLine(i, Colors.LightGray, 0.5)
        End If
    ' add map Tropic of Cancer line
    AddMapLatitudeLine(23, Colors.Yellow, 1)
    ' add map Tropic of Capricorn line
    AddMapLatitudeLine(-23, Colors.Yellow, 1)
End Sub
  1. Add a method to add longitude line.

In C#:

private void AddMapLongitudeLine(int longitude, Color clr, double stroke)
    List<Point> coordPoints = new List<Point>();
    coordPoints.Add(new Point(longitude, -90));
    coordPoints.Add(new Point(longitude, 90));
    // polyline collection for end-points of line
    MapPolylineCollection coordLine = new MapPolylineCollection();
    // Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    // Create path element and set points using polylines
    PathElement lineElement = new PathElement() { Polylines = coordLine };
    lineElement.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(clr);
    lineElement.StrokeThickness = stroke;
    lineElement.ToolTip = "Longitude: " + LongitudeToString(longitude);
    lineElement.Caption = LongitudeToString(longitude);
    // Set world rect for the path element
    Rect worldRect = lineElement.WorldRect;
    worldRect = coordLine.GetWorldRect();
    lineElement.WorldRect = worldRect;
    // Add the path element to the map control

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub AddMapLongitudeLine(ByVal longitude As Integer, ByVal clr As Color, ByVal stroke As Double)
    Dim coordPoints As New List(Of Point)()
    coordPoints.Add(New Point(longitude, -90))
    coordPoints.Add(New Point(longitude, 90))
    ' polyline collection for end-points of line
    Dim coordLine As New MapPolylineCollection()
    ' Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    ' Create path element and set points using polylines
    Dim lineElement As New PathElement()
    lineElement.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(clr)
    lineElement.StrokeThickness = stroke
    lineElement.ToolTip = "Longitude: " & LongitudeToString(longitude)
    lineElement.Caption = LongitudeToString(longitude)
    ' Set world rect for the path element
    Dim worldRect As Rect = lineElement.WorldRect
    worldRect = coordLine.GetWorldRect()
    lineElement.WorldRect = worldRect
    ' Add the path element to the map control
End Sub
  1. Add a method to add latitude line.

In C#:

private void AddMapLatitudeLine(int latitude, Color clr, double stroke)
    List<Point> coordPoints = new List<Point>();
    coordPoints.Add(new Point(-180, latitude));
    coordPoints.Add(new Point(180, latitude));
    // polyline collection for end-points of line
    MapPolylineCollection coordLine = new MapPolylineCollection();
    // Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    // Create path element and set points using polylines
    PathElement lineElement = new PathElement() { Polylines = coordLine };
    lineElement.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(clr);
    lineElement.StrokeThickness = stroke;
    lineElement.ToolTip = "Latitude: " + LatitudeToString(latitude);
    lineElement.Caption = LatitudeToString(latitude);
    // Set world rect for the path element
    Rect worldRect = lineElement.WorldRect;
    worldRect = coordLine.GetWorldRect();
    lineElement.WorldRect = worldRect;
    // Add the path element to the map control

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub AddMapLatitudeLine(ByVal latitude As Integer, ByVal clr As Color, ByVal stroke As Double)
    Dim coordPoints As New List(Of Point)()
    coordPoints.Add(New Point(-180, latitude))
    coordPoints.Add(New Point(180, latitude))
    ' polyline collection for end-points of line
    Dim coordLine As New MapPolylineCollection()
    ' Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    ' Create path element and set points using polylines
    Dim lineElement As New PathElement()
    lineElement.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(clr)
    lineElement.StrokeThickness = stroke
    lineElement.ToolTip = "Latitude: " & LatitudeToString(latitude)
    lineElement.Caption = LatitudeToString(latitude)
    ' Set world rect for the path element
    Dim worldRect As Rect = lineElement.WorldRect
    worldRect = coordLine.GetWorldRect()
    lineElement.WorldRect = worldRect
    ' Add the path element to the map control
End Sub
  1. Add a method to add map city navigation buttons.

In C#:

private void AddMapCityButtons()
    // add buttons for all known cites
    for (int i = 0; i < Cities.List.Count; i++)
        Button btn = new Button();
        btn.Content = Cities.List[i].Name;
        btn.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(5, 2, 5, 0);
        btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btnCity_Click);

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub AddMapCityButtons()
    ' add buttons for all known cites
    For i As Integer = 0 To Cities.List.Count - 1
        Dim btn As New Button()
        btn.Content = Cities.List(i).Name
        btn.Margin = New System.Windows.Thickness(5, 2, 5, 0)
        AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf btnCity_Click
End Sub
  1. Implement the Click event for all map city navigation buttons.

In C#:

private void btnCity_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Button btn = (Button)sender;
    // find the city name and zoom to it on the map
    for (int i = 0; i < Cities.List.Count; i++)
        if (btn.Content.Equals(Cities.List[i].Name))

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub btnCity_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
    Dim btn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
    ' find the city name and zoom to it on the map
    For i As Integer = 0 To Cities.List.Count - 1
        If btn.Content.Equals(Cities.List(i).Name) Then
            Exit For
        End If
End Sub
  1. Add a method to zoom in the map to a city.

In C#:

private void ZoomMapToCity(City mapCity)
    // Create coordinates for zoom box
    Point worldTopLeft = new Point(mapCity.Longitude - 2,
                                   mapCity.Latitude + 2);
    Point worldBottomRight = new Point(mapCity.Longitude + 2,
                                       mapCity.Latitude - 2);
    // Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    Point winTopLeft = this.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldTopLeft);
    Point winBottomRight = this.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldBottomRight);
    Rect winRect = new Rect();
    winRect.X = Math.Min(winTopLeft.X, winBottomRight.X);
    winRect.Y = Math.Min(winTopLeft.Y, winBottomRight.Y);
    winRect.Width = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.X - winBottomRight.X);
    winRect.Height = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.Y - winBottomRight.Y);
    this.xamMap.WindowRect = winRect;

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub ZoomMapToCity(ByVal mapCity As City)
    ' Create coordinates for zoom box
    Dim worldTopLeft As New Point(mapCity.Longitude - 2, mapCity.Latitude + 2)
    Dim worldBottomRight As New Point(mapCity.Longitude + 2, mapCity.Latitude - 2)
    ' Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    Dim winTopLeft As Point = Me.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldTopLeft)
    Dim winBottomRight As Point = Me.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldBottomRight)
    Dim winRect As New Rect()
    winRect.X = Math.Min(winTopLeft.X, winBottomRight.X)
    winRect.Y = Math.Min(winTopLeft.Y, winBottomRight.Y)
    winRect.Width = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.X - winBottomRight.X)
    winRect.Height = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.Y - winBottomRight.Y)
    Me.xamMap.WindowRect = winRect
End Sub
  1. Add a method to move map to a geodetic location.

In C#:

private void MoveMapToLocation(double longitude, double latitude)
    Point worldLocation = new Point(longitude, latitude);
    // Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    Point winCenter = this.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldLocation);
    this.xamMap.WindowCenter = winCenter;

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub MoveMapToLocation(ByVal longitude As Double, ByVal latitude As Double)
    Dim worldLocation As New Point(longitude, latitude)
    ' Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
    Dim winCenter As Point = Me.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldLocation)
    Me.xamMap.WindowCenter = winCenter
End Sub
  1. Handle the xamMap control’s WindowRectChanged event

In C#:

private void xamMap_WindowRectChanged(object sender, MapWindowRectChangedEventArgs e)
    Point mapLocation = this.xamMap.WindowCenter;
    // Convert Cartesian to Geodetic coordinates
    Point worldLocation = this.xamMap.MapProjection.UnprojectFromMap(mapLocation);
    _MapLongitude = worldLocation.X;
    _MapLatitude = worldLocation.Y;

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub xamMap_WindowRectChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MapWindowRectChangedEventArgs)
    Dim mapLocation As Point = Me.xamMap.WindowCenter
    ' Convert Cartesian to Geodetic coordinates
    Dim worldLocation As Point = Me.xamMap.MapProjection.UnprojectFromMap(mapLocation)
    _MapLongitude = worldLocation.X
    _MapLatitude = worldLocation.Y
End Sub
  1. Add a method to update the map location pane

In C#:

private void UpdateMapLocationPane()
    // format coordinate for the map location pane
    this.txtLong.Text = LongitudeToString(_MapLongitude);
    this.txtLatd.Text = LatitudeToString(_MapLatitude);

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub UpdateMapLocationPane()
    ' format coordinate for the map location pane
    Me.txtLong.Text = LongitudeToString(_MapLongitude)
    Me.txtLatd.Text = LatitudeToString(_MapLatitude)
End Sub
  1. Add the following two methods for formatting the coordinates to string.

In C#:

private string LongitudeToString(double longitude)
    string str = String.Format("{0:0.00}", longitude);
    if (longitude < 0)
        str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} W)", longitude);
    if (longitude > 0)
        str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} E)", longitude);
    return str;
private string LatitudeToString(double latitude)
    string str = String.Format("{0:0.00}", latitude);
    if (latitude < 0)
        str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} S)", latitude);
    if (latitude > 0)
        str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} N)", latitude);
    return str;

In Visual Basic:

Private Function LongitudeToString(ByVal longitude As Double) As String
    Dim str As String = String.Format("{0:0.00}", longitude)
    If longitude < 0 Then str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} W)", longitude)
    If longitude > 0 Then str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} E)", longitude)
    Return str
End Function
Private Function LatitudeToString(ByVal latitude As Double) As String
    Dim str As String = String.Format("{0:0.00}", latitude)
    If latitude < 0 Then str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} S)", latitude)
    If latitude > 0 Then str += String.Format(" ({0:0.00} N)", latitude)
    Return str
End Function
  1. Add a method to update the map location tracker.

In C#:

private void UpdateMapLocationTracker()
    // format coordinates for the map tracker
    String trackerCaption = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                            Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                            LatitudeToString(_MapLatitude) +
                            Environment.NewLine +
    Point trackerLocation = this.xamMap.WindowCenter;
    // find and update the map tracker (symbol element)
    for (int i = 0; i < this.xamMap.Layers[0].Elements.Count; i++)
        if (this.xamMap.Layers[0].Elements[i].Name != null)
            if (this.xamMap.Layers[0].Elements[i].Name.Equals("mapTracker"))
                this.xamMap.Layers[0].Elements[i].SymbolOrigin = trackerLocation;
                this.xamMap.Layers[0].Elements[i].Caption = trackerCaption;

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub UpdateMapLocationTracker()
    ' format coordinates for the map tracker
    Dim trackerCaption As String = Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _
                                    Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + _
                                    LatitudeToString(_MapLatitude) + _
                                    Environment.NewLine + _
    Dim trackerLocation As Point = Me.xamMap.WindowCenter
    ' find and update the map tracker (symbol element)
    For i As Integer = 0 To Me.xamMap.Layers(0).Elements.Count - 1
        If Me.xamMap.Layers(0).Elements(i).Name IsNot Nothing Then
            If Me.xamMap.Layers(0).Elements(i).Name.Equals("mapTracker") Then
                Me.xamMap.Layers(0).Elements(i).SymbolOrigin = trackerLocation
                Me.xamMap.Layers(0).Elements(i).Caption = trackerCaption
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
End Sub
  1. Handle the latitude Slider’s ValueChanged events.

In C#:

private void sldLatd_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
    _MapLatitude = e.NewValue;
    this.txtLatd.Text = String.Format("Lat:  {0:0.00}", e.NewValue);
    MoveMapToLocation(_MapLongitude, _MapLatitude);

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub sldLong_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of Double))
    _MapLongitude = e.NewValue
    Me.txtLong.Text = String.Format("Long: {0:0.00}", e.NewValue)
    MoveMapToLocation(_MapLongitude, _MapLatitude)
End Sub
  1. Handle the longitude Slider’s ValueChanged events.

In C#:

private void sldLong_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
    _MapLongitude = e.NewValue;
    this.txtLong.Text = String.Format("Long: {0:0.00}", e.NewValue);
    MoveMapToLocation(_MapLongitude, _MapLatitude);

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub sldLong_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of Double))
    _MapLongitude = e.NewValue
    Me.txtLong.Text = String.Format("Long: {0:0.00}", e.NewValue)
    MoveMapToLocation(_MapLongitude, _MapLatitude)
End Sub
  1. Run the application. The xamMap control will display the geo-imagery map with major map coordinates and map navigation controls.