
Formatting a Cell (Infragistics Excel Engine)

The Infragistics Excel Engine allows you to customize the look and behavior of a cell. You can customize a cell by setting properties exposed by the CellFormat property of the WorksheetCell, WorksheetRow, WorksheetColumn, or WorksheetMergedCellsRegion objects.

You can customize every aspect of a cell’s appearance. You can set a cell’s font, background, and borders, as well as text alignment and rotation. You can even apply a different format on a character-by-character basis for a cell’s text.

You can also format cell values by assigning a format string. An acceptable format string follows the .NET standard format and formatting codes.

The following code shows you how to format a cell to display numbers as currency and to color negative values red. The example code assumes you have a reference to a Worksheet named worksheet1.

In C#:

worksheet1.Columns[2].CellFormat.FormatString = "\"$\"#,##0.00;[red](\"$\"#,##0.00)";