
PrimitiveAppearanceData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PrimitiveAppearanceData.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyCanvasLeftThe left position of the primitive.  
Public PropertyCanvasTopThe top position of the primitive.  
Public PropertyCanvaZIndexThe z index of the primitive.  
Public PropertyDashArrayStroke dash array of the primitive.  
Public PropertyDashCapThe value of the line dash cap.  
Public PropertyFillThe fill color of the primitive.  
Public PropertyFillExtendedThe fill color of the primitive.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleWhether the primitive is visible.  
Public PropertyOpacityThe opacity of the primitive.  
Public PropertyStrokeThe stroke color of the primitive.  
Public PropertyStrokeExtendedThe stroke color of the primitive.  
Public PropertyStrokeThicknessThe thickness of the stroke of the primitive.  
Public Methods
Public MethodScaleFromDevicePixelsScales back from device pixels.  
Public MethodSerializeSerializes the current object to a string  
See Also