
PackagePart Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PackagePart.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPackagePart ConstructorCreates a new instance of the PackagePart class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyContentTypeGets the MIME type of the content stream.  
Public PropertyContentTypesXmlDocumentGets the document specifying the content types in the package.  
Public PropertyPackageGets the parent Package of the part.  
Public PropertyRelationshipsReturns a collection of all the relationships that are owned by this part.  
Public PropertyRelationsXmlDocumentGets or sets the document representing the relationships for this part.  
Public PropertyUriGets the path of the part in the owning Package  
Protected Properties
Protected Internal PropertyPartStreamGets or sets the part content data stream.  
Protected Internal PropertyZipEntryGets or sets the ZipEntry this part represents.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCreateRelationshipCreates a part-level relationship between this PackagePart to a specified target PackagePart or external resource.  
Public MethodGetRelationshipReturns the relationship that has a specified Id.  
Public MethodGetRelationshipsReturns a collection of all the relationships that are owned by this part.  
Public MethodGetStreamReturns the part content data stream.  
See Also