public enum OpenPackagingNonConformanceExceptionReason : System.Enum
Member | Description |
ContainsDublinCoreRefinements | The IPackagePart in a IPackage is determined to be the core properties relationship for the package, and that IPackagePart is found to contain refinements to Dublin Core elements other than the 'dcterms:created' and 'dcterms:modified' elements. |
ContainsXmlLanguageAttribute | The IPackagePart in a IPackage is determined to be the core properties relationship for the package, and that IPackagePart is found to contain an element which contains the xml:lang attribute. |
DuplicatePartName | A loaded IPackagePart has the same name as an existing one. |
None | Undefined; used for variable initialization. |
UsesMarkupCompatibilityNamespace | The IPackagePart in a IPackage is determined to be the core properties relationship for the package, and that IPackagePart is found to contain references to the Markup Compatibility namespace. |
XmlContainsDocumentTypeDefinition | A loaded IPackagePart is found to contain a DTD (Document Type Definition) declaration. |
XsiTypeAttributeInvalid | The IPackagePart in a IPackage is determined to be the core properties relationship for the package, and that IPackagePart is found to contain an element which contains the xsi:type attribute, with the exception of the 'dcterms:created' and 'dcterms:modified' elements, for which the attribute is required, and is expected to hold the value 'dcterms:W3CDTF'. |
Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+
Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+