
Worksheet Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Worksheet.

Public Properties
Public PropertyColumnsGets the collection of columns in the worksheet.  
Public PropertyConditionalFormatsReturns a collection to which conditions can be added to control the visual attributes of a WorksheetCell based on user-defined criteria.  
Public PropertyDataTablesGets the collection of data tables in the worksheet.  
Public PropertyDataValidationRulesGets the collection of data validation rules applied to cells in the Worksheet.  
Public PropertyDefaultColumnWidthGets or sets the default column width including padding, in 256ths of the '0' digit character width in the workbook's default font.  
Public PropertyDefaultRowHeightGets or sets the default row height in twips (1/20th of a point).  
Public PropertyDisplayOptionsGets the object which controls the display of the worksheet.  
Public PropertyFilterSettingsExposes methods to identify a region in the worksheet and to apply filters and optionally sort criteria to that region.  
Public PropertyHasProtectionPasswordReturns a boolean indicating if the Sheet has been protected with a password. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public PropertyHyperlinksGets the collection of hyperlinks applied to cells and regions in the Worksheet.  
Public PropertyImageBackgroundGets or sets the background image for the worksheet.  
Public PropertyIndexGets the zero-based index of this worksheet in its parent Workbook.Worksheets collection.  
Public PropertyIsProtectedReturns a boolean indicating if the Worksheet has been protected. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public PropertyMergedCellsRegionsGets the collection of merged cell ranges in this worksheet.  
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the sheet name. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public PropertyPrintOptionsGets the object which controls how the worksheet prints.  
Public PropertyProtectedGets or sets the protection state of Excel worksheet.  
Public PropertyProtectionReturns an object that provides information used when the Worksheet has been protected.  
Public PropertyRowsGets the collection of rows in the worksheet.  
Public PropertySelectedGets the value which indicates whether this worksheet is selected. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public PropertyShapesGets the collection of shapes on the worksheet.  
Public PropertySheetIndexGets the zero-based index of this sheet in its parent Workbook.Sheets collection. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public PropertySortSettingsExposes methods to identify a region in the worksheet and to apply sort criteria to that region.  
Public PropertySparklineGroupsReturns a collection of Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sparklines.SparklineGroups (read-only)  
Public PropertyTabColorInfoGets or sets the WorkbookColorInfo to use for the associated sheet's tab in the tab bar of Microsoft Excel. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public PropertyTablesGets the collection of WorksheetTable instances, or regions formatted as tables, in the worksheet.  
Public PropertyTypeOverridden. Returns a value indicating the type of sheet  
Public PropertyWorkbookGets the Workbook that owns the worksheet. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public Methods
Public MethodDeleteCellsOverloaded. Deletes a region of cells.  
Public MethodGetCellOverloaded. Gets the cell at the specified address or name.  
Public MethodGetCellConditionalFormatGets the cell conditional format for the cell at the specified row and column index.  
Public MethodGetDefaultColumnWidthGets the default column width in the specified units.  
Public MethodGetRegionOverloaded. Gets the region at the specified address or name.  
Public MethodGetRegionsOverloaded. Gets the regions at the specified address or name.  
Public MethodHideColumnsHides the columns in the specified range.  
Public MethodHideRowsHides the rows in the specified range.  
Public MethodInsertCellsOverloaded. Inserts a region of cells.  
Public MethodMoveToIndexMoves the worksheet to a new position in the owning workbook's collections of worksheets.  
Public MethodMoveToSheetIndexMoves the sheet to a new position in the owning workbook's collections of sheets. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public MethodProtectProtects the worksheet without a password.  
Public MethodSetDefaultColumnWidthSets the default column width in the specified units.  
Public MethodUnhideColumnsUnhides the columns in the specified range.  
Public MethodUnhideRowsUnhides the rows in the specified range.  
Public MethodUnprotectRemoves the Sheet protection. (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs after a property value has changed (Inherited from Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sheet)
See Also