
Infragistics.Scheduler.Core Namespace

ClassAgendaApptEndTimeModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a AgendaApptEndTimeModel.
ClassAgendaApptLocationModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a AgendaApptLocationModel.
ClassAgendaApptStartTimeModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a AgendaStartTime model.
ClassAgendaApptSubjectModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a AgendaApptSubjectModel.
ClassAgendaDayHeaderModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a AgendaDayHeader model.
ClassDayOfWeekHeaderModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a DayOfWeekHeader model.
ClassModelBaseExport Class that exposes exported data for a Model.
ClassModelTypeToExportClassMap Static class that exposes a dictionary of model type to export class type mappings.
ClassMonthNameModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a MonthName model.
ClassMonthWeekNumberModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a MonthWeekNumber model.
ClassSchedulerLayerExport Class that exposes exported data for a layer.
ClassShapeModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a Shape model.
ClassTextModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a Text model.
ClassTimeSlotModelExport Class that exposes exported data for a TimeSlot model.
ClassVisualModelAgendaViewExport Class that exposes exported data for the VisualModelAgendaView.
ClassVisualModelDWViewExport Class that exposes exported data for the VisualModelDayView.
ClassVisualModelExport Abstract base class that exposes exported data for the VisualModel.
ClassVisualModelMonthViewExport Class that exposes exported data for the VisualModelMonthView.
EnumerationActivityGroupingMode Identifies how a DayView or WeekView should group activities.
EnumerationAgendaViewAppointmentScope Indicates the range of appointments that should be displayed in an AgendaView.
EnumerationContentHorizontalAlignment Describes how a view is horizontally positioned within its parent.
EnumerationContentVerticalAlignment Describes how a view is vertivally positioned within its parent.
EnumerationMonthViewDayContentDisplayMode Indicates the type of content displayed in a MonthView day.
EnumerationSchedulerElementRole Identifies the role of a model in the Scheduler control.
EnumerationSchedulerViewMode Identifies the view that will be displayed by the Scheduler control.
EnumerationSchedulerViewScrollDirection Identifies the scrolling direction of a Scheduler view.
EnumerationSchedulerViewSplitOrientation Identifies the orientation of the split between views whan more than one view is displayed.
EnumerationSchedulerViewSplitOrientationMode Identifies whether the orientation of the split between views is changed automatically based on control aspect ratio changes or manually by the developer.
EnumerationShapeType Identifies the type of Shape represented by a ShapeModel.
EnumerationTimeFormat Constants which determine the manner in which a time value is formatted and displayed.
EnumerationTimeSlotInterval Identifies the amount of time represented by each time slot in a DayView or WeekView.
EnumerationWeekViewDisplayMode Identifies whether a WeekView displays activity for all 7 days in a week or just for the days designated as working days for all selected resources.
EnumerationWorkingHoursDisplayMode Identifies whether a DayView or WeekView displays activity for working and/or non-working hours.
See Also