
DataSourceOperation Enumeration

Constants which identify an operation executed by a data source.
public enum DataSourceOperation : System.Enum 
ConvertDataObjectPropertyThe data source is converting the property value obtained from a data object into the expected type for the corresponding schedule object property.
ConvertScheduleObjectPropertyThe data source is converting the property value obtained from a schedule object back to the expected type for the corresponding data object property.
CreateDataObjectThe data source attempted to create a new data object instance.
DeleteDataObjectThe data source attempted to delete an existing data object instance.
GetDataObjectPropertyThe data source is retrieving a property value from a data object.
InitializeDataObjectThe data source attempted to initialize an activity from a data object.
ModifyDataObjectListThe data source attempted to add an item to or remove an item from the data object list.
QueryThe data source is executing a query.
SetDataObjectPropertyThe data source is assigning a property value to a data object.
UpdateDataObjectThe data source attempted to update one or more properties of an existing data object instance.
VerifyPropertyMappingsThe data source is verifying its property mappings

Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also