public class DateRecurrence
The DateRecurrence class is used to generate dates based on a formulaic pattern.
An instance of this class can be created from an iCalendar conformant string which represents an recurrence rule (see the iCalendar RRULE expression) using the FromICalendarString(String) method.
To provide bi-directional serialization support, an iCalendar conformant string can be generated from an instance of this class using the ToICalendarString(DateRecurrence) method.
To make an activity such as an Appointment recurring, assign an iCalendar conformant string to the ActivityBase.Recurrence property.
Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+
Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+
DateRecurrence Members
Infragistics.Scheduler Namespace
Recurrence Property
DateRecurrenceRuleBase Class
DayOfMonthRecurrenceRule Class
DayOfWeekRecurrenceRule Class
DayOfYearRecurrenceRule Class
MonthOfYearRecurrenceRule Class
WeekOfYearRecurrenceRule Class
FromICalendarString(String) Method
ToICalendarString(DateRecurrence) Method