
SchedulerView Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SchedulerView.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSchedulerView ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyAccessibilityLiveRegion (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAccessibilityNodeProvider (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyActivated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyActivityGroupingModeReturns/sets how a DayView or WeekView visually groups activities with respect to their associated Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment end time in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the appointment end time in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the appointment end time in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the appointment end time in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeSelectedBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's end time in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeSelectedTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's end time in the AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment end time in the AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentLocationBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the appointment location in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the appointment location in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the appointment location in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentLocationSelectedBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's location in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentLocationSelectedTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's location in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentLocationTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentMarginReturns/sets the margin to use for rendering an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment an an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentScopeReturns/sets the scope of appointments that are displayed in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSeparatorLineBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the separator line between Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointments in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment start time in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the appointment start time in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the appointment start time in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the appointment start time in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeSelectedBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's start time in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeSelectedTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's start time in the AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment start time in the AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the appointment subject in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the appointment subject in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the appointment subject in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectSelectedBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's subject in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectSelectedTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a selected Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment's subject in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewDayHeaderBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a day header in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewDayHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the day header in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewDayHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the day header in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewDayHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the day header in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewDayHeaderMarginReturns/sets the margin to use for rendering the text for the day header of a MonthView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewDayHeaderSeparatorLineBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the separator line between a day header and the day's Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointments in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewDayHeaderTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a day header in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewInterDaySpacingReturns/sets the spacing between months in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewMaximumDateReturns/sets the maximum date for which appointments should be displayed in an AgendaView. When this property is set, its value will be constrained to the MinimumDate and MaximumDate dates.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewMessageFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewMessageFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewMessageFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView..  
Public PropertyAgendaViewMessageTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for the 'No Events' message in an AgendaView.  
Public PropertyAgendaViewMinimumDateReturns/sets the minimum date for which appointments should be displayed in an AgendaView. When this property is set, its value will be constrained to the MinimumDate and MinimumDate dates.  
Public PropertyAllDayEventAreaBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of the all-day event area in DayView and WeekView.  
Public PropertyAllDayEventAreaVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the all-day event area.  
Public PropertyAllDayEventBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an all-day event in the all-day event area in DayView and WeekView.  
Public PropertyAllDayEventFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the all-day event in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyAllDayEventFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the all-day event in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyAllDayEventFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the all-day event in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyAllDayEventTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an all-day event in the all-day event area in DayView and WeekView.  
Public PropertyAlpha (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyAnimationCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyApplicationWindowToken (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBackground (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBaseline (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyCameraDistance (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyChildCount (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyClass (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public PropertyClickable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyClipBounds (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyClipChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyContentDescription (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyContentDescriptionFormatted (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyContext (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDataSourceReturns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.DataSource.ScheduleDataSource to use for obtaining the activity data to display in the control.  
Public PropertyDayHeaderBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a day header in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyDayHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the day header in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the day header in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the day header in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayHeaderTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a day header in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyDaysOfWeekSettingsReturns or sets an object which determines the workdays and working hours for the control.  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment in a DayView or WeekView when there is no resource assigned to the Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment. When there IS a Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource assigned to the Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment this property is ignored and the brush associated with the Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource is used instead.  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentLocationBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentLocationFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the appointment location in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentLocationFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the appointment location in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentLocationFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the appointment location in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentLocationTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment location in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentSubjectBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentSubjectFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentSubjectFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentSubjectFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewAppointmentSubjectTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment subject in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyDayViewBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a DayView.  
Public PropertyDayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the navigation header date in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the navigation header date in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the navigation header date in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyDayViewNavigationHeaderDateTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a navigation header date in SchedulerView in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyDayViewNumberOfDaysReturns/sets the number of days displayed in a DayView.  
Public PropertyDescendantFocusability (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyDisplay (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheBackgroundColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingCacheQuality (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDrawingTime (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyDuplicateParentStateEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFilterTouchesWhenObscured (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFirstDayOfWeekOverrideReturns/sets the System.DayOfWeek to use as the first day of the week instead of the current culture's default first day of the week.  
Public PropertyFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusableInTouchMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyFocusedChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyGravity (Inherited from Android.Widget.RelativeLayout)
Public PropertyHandle (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public PropertyHandler (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHapticFeedbackEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasFocusable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasOnClickListeners (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasOverlappingRendering (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasTransientState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHasWindowFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHorizontalScrollBarEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyHovered (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyImportantForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsDirty (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsFocused (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsHardwareAccelerated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInEditMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsInTouchMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLaidOut (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLayoutDirectionResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsLayoutRequested (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsOpaque (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsPaddingRelative (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsScrollContainer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsShown (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsTextAlignmentResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyIsTextDirectionResolved (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyKeepScreenOn (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyKeyDispatcherState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLabelFor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayerType (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLayoutAnimationListener (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutMode (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLayoutParameters (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLayoutTransition (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyLeft (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyLongClickable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMatrix (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMaximumDateReturns/sets the earliest System.DateTime that can possibly be displayed in the control. Defaults to a date that is 5 years later than the current date.  
Public PropertyMeasuredHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredHeightAndState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMeasuredWidthAndState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMinimumDateReturns/sets the latest System.DateTime that can possibly be displayed in the control. Defaults to a date that is 5 years prior to the current date.  
Public PropertyMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyMonthViewAgendaVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of an AgendaView in a MonthView. When true, the MonthView will display an AgendaView showing the Appointments for the currently selected day at the top of its list of Appointments.  
Public PropertyMonthViewAppointmentFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the Appointment text in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewAppointmentFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the Appointment text in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewAppointmentFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the Appointment text in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayActivityIndicatorBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the activity content (indicator or subject) within a day in a MonthView when there is no resource assigned to an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment. When there IS a Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource assigned to an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment this property is ignored and the brush associated with the Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource is used instead.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a day in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayContentDisplayModeReturns/sets the type of content displayed in a MonthView day.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a MonthView day of week header.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the day of week header in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the day of week header in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the day of week header in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderMarginReturns/sets the margin to use for rendering the text for the month day of week header of a MonthView. NOTE: Only the Top and Bottom margin values are applied - the Left and Right values are ignored.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text for a MonthView day of week header.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the MonthView day of week headers.  
Public PropertyMonthViewDayTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a day in the MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewHorizontalSeparatorVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the horizontal separators between weeks in the MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewInterMonthSpacingReturns/sets the spacing between months in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewLeadingDayBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a leading day in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewLeadingDayFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the leading day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewLeadingDayFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the leading day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewLeadingDayFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the leading day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewLeadingDayTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a leading day in the MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewLeadingDayVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the leading days in a MonthView (i.e. days from the prior month that occur in the first week of a given month).  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of the month name in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the month name in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the month name in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the month name in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameMarginReturns/sets the margin to use for rendering the text for the month name of a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameSeparatorLineBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the separator line below a month name in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text for the month name of a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewNameVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the month name of a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the navigation header date in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the navigation header date in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the navigation header date in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewNavigationHeaderDateTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a navigation header date in SchedulerView in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewScrollDirectionReturns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewScrollDirection which determines the direction in which the MonthView scrolls.  
Public PropertyMonthViewSelectedDayBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a selected day in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewSelectedDayTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text of a selected day in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewSeparatorLineBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the separator lines of a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewTodayHighlightBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the highlight circle for the day in the MonthView that represents today.  
Public PropertyMonthViewTodayTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for the day in the MonthView that represents today.  
Public PropertyMonthViewTrailingDayBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a trailing day in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewTrailingDayFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the trailing day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewTrailingDayFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the trailing day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewTrailingDayFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the trailing day in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewTrailingDayTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a trailing day in the MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewTrailingDayVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the trailing days in a MonthView (i.e. days from the following month that occur in the last week of a given month).  
Public PropertyMonthViewVerticalSeparatorVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the vertical separators between days of the week in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewWeekNumberBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a week number in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMonthViewWeekNumberFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the week number in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewWeekNumberFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the week number in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewWeekNumberFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the week number in a MonthView..  
Public PropertyMonthViewWeekNumberTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the text of a week number in the MonthView  
Public PropertyMonthViewWeekNumberVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the week numbers in a MonthView.  
Public PropertyMotionEventSplittingEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyNavigationHeaderBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a navigation header in SchedulerView views that support a navigation header.  
Public PropertyNavigationHeaderBorderBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the border of a navigation header in SchedulerView views that support a navigation header.  
Public PropertyNavigationHeaderVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the navigation header in SchedulerView views that support a navigation header. When true, supported views will display a header with buttons for navigating from page to page.  
Public PropertyNextFocusDownId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusForwardId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusLeftId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusRightId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyNextFocusUpId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOnFocusChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOverlay (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyOverScrollMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingLeft (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingStart (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPaddingTop (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyParent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyParentForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPersistentDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public PropertyPivotX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPivotY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyPressed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyResourceHeaderBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a resource header in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyResourceHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the resource header in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyResourceHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the resource header in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyResourceHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the resource header in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyResourceHeaderTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a resource header in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyResources (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRootView (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotationX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyRotationY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySaveEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySaveFromParentEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScaleX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScaleY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarDefaultDelayBeforeFade (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarFadeDuration (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollbarFadingEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarSize (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollBarStyle (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyScrollY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySelected (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySelectedAppointmentReturns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment that is currently selected in the . Returns null if no Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment is currently selected.  
Public PropertySelectedDateReturns/sets the date that is currently selected in the Scheduler. Returns null if no date is currently selected.  
Public PropertySelectedTimeRangeReturns the Infragistics.Scheduler.TimeRange that is currently selected in a DayView or WeekView. Returns null if no Infragistics.Scheduler.TimeRange is currently selected. NOTE: The DayView or WeekView will highlight the TimeSlot which contains the Infragistics.Scheduler.TimeRange.Start time associated with the SelectedTimeRange.  
Public PropertySolidColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySoundEffectsEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertySystemUiVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTextAlignment (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTimeFormatReturns/sets the manner in which time values are formatted and displayed.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotDescriptorBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotDescriptorFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyTimeSlotDescriptorFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyTimeSlotDescriptorFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView..  
Public PropertyTimeSlotDescriptorTextBrushReturns/sets the brush to use when rendering the text for a time slot descriptor in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotIntervalReturns/sets the amount of time represented by each time slot in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMajorHorizontalSeparatorBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the horizontal separators between the major groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMajorHorizontalSeparatorVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the horizontal separators between 'major' time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMajorVerticalSeparatorBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the vertical separators between the major groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMajorVerticalSeparatorVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the vertical separators between the major groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMinorHorizontalSeparatorBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the horizontal separators between the minor groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMinorHorizontalSeparatorVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the horizontal separators between 'minor' time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMinorVerticalSeparatorBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for rendering the vertical separators between the minor groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotMinorVerticalSeparatorVisibilityReturns/sets the visibility of the vertical separators between the minor groupings of time slots in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotNonWorkingHourBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a non-working hour time slot in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotSelectedBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a selected time slot in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTimeSlotWorkingHourBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the background of a working hour time slot in a DayView or WeekView.  
Public PropertyTop (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTouchables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTouchDelegate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTranslationX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyTranslationY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalFadingEdgeEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollBarEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollbarPosition (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVerticalScrollbarWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyViewModeReturns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode which determines which view is currently displayed in the component.  
Public PropertyViewSplitOrientationReturns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewSplitOrientation which determines whether the primary and secondary views are split vertically or horizontally.  
Public PropertyViewSplitOrientationModeReturns/sets the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewSplitOrientationMode which determines whether the orientation of the split between views is changed automatically based on control aspect ratio changes or manually by the developer.  
Public PropertyViewTreeObserver (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWeekViewBackgroundBrushReturns/sets the brush to use for filling the Background of a WeekView.  
Public PropertyWeekViewDisplayModeReturns/sets whether a WeekView displays activity for all 7 days in a week or just for the days designated as working days for the selected resources.  
Public PropertyWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowId (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowSystemUiVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowToken (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWindowVisibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public PropertyWorkingHoursDisplayModeReturns/sets whether a DayView or WeekView displays activity for working and/or non-working hours.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyBottomFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyBottomPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyChildrenDrawingOrderEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected PropertyChildrenDrawnWithCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected PropertyContextMenuInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyHorizontalScrollbarHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyIsPaddingOffsetRequired (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyLeftFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyLeftPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyRightFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyRightPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertySuggestedMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertySuggestedMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyThresholdClass (Inherited from Android.Widget.RelativeLayout)
Protected PropertyThresholdType (Inherited from Android.Widget.RelativeLayout)
Protected PropertyTopFadingEdgeStrength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyTopPaddingOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected PropertyWindowAttachCount (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddChildrenForAccessibility (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddFocusablesOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddOnAttachStateChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddOnLayoutChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddStatesFromChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodAddTouchables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAddViewOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodAnimate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodAnnounceForAccessibilityOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBringChildToFront (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodBringToFront (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBuildDrawingCacheOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodBuildLayer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCallOnClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCancelLongPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCancelPendingInputEvents (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveTextAlignment (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanResolveTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanScrollHorizontally (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCanScrollVertically (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCheckInputConnectionProxy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodChildDrawableStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodChildHasTransientStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodClearAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodClearChildFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodClearDisappearingChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodClearFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodComputeScroll (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCreateAccessibilityNodeInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodCreateContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDestroyDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchConfigurationChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchDisplayHint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchDragEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchGenericMotionEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyEventPreIme (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchKeyShortcutEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchSetActivated (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodDispatchSetSelected (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodDispatchSystemUiVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchTouchEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchTrackballEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchUnhandledMove (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowSystemUiVisiblityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDispatchWindowVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Overridden. Releases the resources used by the View.  
Public MethodDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodEndViewTransition (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodEnsureDayVisibleInAgendaViewEnsures that the specified date is visible in the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode.AgendaView, and if not scrolls the day into view.  
Public MethodEnsureDayVisibleInDayOrWeekViewEnsures that the specified date is visible in the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode.DayView or Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode.WeekView, and if not scrolls the day into view.  
Public MethodEnsureDayVisibleInMonthViewEnsures that the day represented by the specified date is visible in the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode.MonthView, and if not scrolls the date into view.  
Public MethodEnsureMonthVisibleInMonthViewEnsures that the month containing the specified date is visible in the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode.MonthView, and if not scrolls the month into view.  
Public MethodEquals (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodExportVisualModelOverloaded. Returns the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.VisualModel exported as a Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.VisualModelExport instance for the main view. If the control is displaying more than one view (e.g., MonthView plus AgendaView), and you want the export data for the secondary view, call the overload that takes a Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode parameter.  
Public MethodExportVisualModelSerializedOverloaded. Returns the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.VisualModel serialized as a string for the main view. If the control is displaying more than one view (e.g., MonthView plus AgendaView), and you want the export data for the secondary view, call the overload that takes a Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode parameter.  
Public MethodFindFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewByIdOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewsWithTextOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFindViewWithTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodFocusableViewAvailable (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodFocusSearchOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodForceLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGatherTransparentRegion (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodGenerateLayoutParamsOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodGetChildAt (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodGetChildVisibleRect (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodGetDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetDrawingCache (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetDrawingRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetFocusables (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetFocusedRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetGlobalVisibleRectOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodGetHitRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetIsTimeInWorkingHourRangeReturns true if the specified time is in a working hour time range for the specified Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource (if one is specified) or for ANY Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource if none is specified. Otherwise returns false.  
Public MethodGetLocalVisibleRect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLocationInWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetLocationOnScreen (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetWindowVisibleDisplayFrame (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodGetY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodIndexOfChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodInvalidateOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodInvalidateChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodInvalidateChildInParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodInvalidateDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodInvokeFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodJumpDrawablesToCurrentState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodMeasure (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodNotify (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodNotifyAll (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodNotifySubtreeAccessibilityStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOffsetDescendantRectToMyCoords (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOffsetLeftAndRight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOffsetRectIntoDescendantCoords (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOffsetTopAndBottom (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCancelPendingInputEvents (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCheckIsTextEditor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnCreateInputConnection (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnDragEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnFilterTouchEventForSecurity (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnFinishTemporaryDetach (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnGenericMotionEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnHoverChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInitializeAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnInterceptHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOnInterceptTouchEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOnKeyDown (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyLongPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyMultiple (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyPreIme (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyShortcut (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnKeyUp (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnPopulateAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnRequestSendAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodOnRtlPropertiesChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnScreenStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnStartTemporaryDetach (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnTouchEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnTrackballEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnWindowFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodOnWindowSystemUiVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformAccessibilityAction (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformHapticFeedbackOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPerformLongClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPlaySoundEffect (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostDelayedOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateDelayedOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostInvalidateOnAnimationOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOnAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodPostOnAnimationDelayed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRecomputeViewAttributes (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRefreshInvalidates the control's view and refreshes its layout visual contents.  
Public MethodRefreshDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveAllViews (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveAllViewsInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveCallbacksOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveOnAttachStateChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveOnLayoutChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRemoveView (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViewAt (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViewInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViews (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRemoveViewsInLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestChildFocus (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestChildRectangleOnScreen (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestFitSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestFocusOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestFocusFromTouch (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestRectangleOnScreenOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodRequestSendAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRequestTransparentRegion (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodRestoreHierarchyState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSaveHierarchyState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScheduleDrawableOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScheduleLayoutAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodScrollBy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodScrollTo (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSendAccessibilityEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSendAccessibilityEventUnchecked (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetAccessibilityDelegate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetAddStatesFromChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetAgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontSizeSets the AgendaViewAppointmentEndTimeFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetAgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontSizeSets the AgendaViewAppointmentLocationFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetAgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontSizeSets the AgendaViewAppointmentStartTimeFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetAgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontSizeSets the AgendaViewAppointmentSubjectFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetAgendaViewDayHeaderFontSizeSets the AgendaViewDayHeaderFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetAgendaViewMessageFontSizeSets the AgendaViewMessageFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetAllDayEventFontSizeSets the AllDayEventFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetBackgroundColor (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackgroundDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetBackgroundResource (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetCameraDistance (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetClipChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetClipToPadding (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetDayHeaderFontSizeSets the DayHeaderFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetDayViewAppointmentLocationFontSizeSets the DayViewAppointmentLocationFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetDayViewAppointmentSubjectFontSizeSets the DayViewAppointmentSubjectFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetDayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSizeSets the DayViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetFadingEdgeLength (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetFitsSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetGravity (Inherited from Android.Widget.RelativeLayout)
Public MethodSetHorizontalGravity (Inherited from Android.Widget.RelativeLayout)
Public MethodSetIgnoreGravity (Inherited from Android.Widget.RelativeLayout)
Public MethodSetLayerPaint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetLayerType (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMinimumHeight (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMinimumWidth (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetMonthViewAppointmentFontSizeSets the MonthViewAppointmentFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetMonthViewDayFontSizeSets the MonthViewDayFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetMonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontSizeSets the MonthViewDayOfWeekHeaderFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetMonthViewLeadingDayFontSizeSets the MonthViewLeadingDayFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetMonthViewNameFontSizeSets the MonthViewNameFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetMonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSizeSets the MonthViewNavigationHeaderDateFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetMonthViewTrailingDayFontSizeSets the MonthViewTrailingDayFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetMonthViewWeekNumberFontSizeSets the MonthViewWeekNumberFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetOnClickListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnCreateContextMenuListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnDragListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnGenericMotionListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnHierarchyChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSetOnHoverListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnKeyListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnLongClickListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetOnTouchListener (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetPadding (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetPaddingRelative (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetResourceHeaderFontSizeSets the ResourceHeaderFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetScrollContainer (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetTag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetTimeSlotDescriptorFontSizeSets the TimeSlotDescriptorFontSize property to a value of the specified units.  
Public MethodSetVerticalGravity (Inherited from Android.Widget.RelativeLayout)
Public MethodSetWillNotCacheDrawing (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetWillNotDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetX (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodSetY (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodShouldDelayChildPressedState (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodShowContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodShowContextMenuForChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodStartActionMode (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartActionModeForChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodStartAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartDrag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodStartLayoutAnimation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodStartViewTransition (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodSuspendRefreshAndPerformActionThis method performs the specified action after temporarily suspending the refresh of the control layout. Once the action is completed, the control's layout is refreshed and and any changes made inside the action will be reflected in the control's UI. Use this method to improve performance when you need to set multiple properties that affect the control's layout.  
Public MethodToArray<T> (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodUnscheduleDrawableOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodUpdateViewLayout (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public MethodWaitOverloaded.  (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Public MethodWillNotCacheDrawing (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public MethodWillNotDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddViewInLayoutOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodAttachLayoutAnimationParameters (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodAttachViewToParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodAwakenScrollBarsOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodCanAnimate (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodCheckLayoutParams (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodCleanupLayoutState (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodClone (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollExtent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeHorizontalScrollRange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollExtent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollOffset (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodComputeVerticalScrollRange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDebug (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDetachAllViewsFromParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDetachViewFromParentOverloaded.  (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDetachViewsFromParent (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDispatchDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchFreezeSelfOnly (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDispatchGenericFocusedEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchGenericPointerEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchHoverEvent (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchRestoreInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSaveInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchSetPressed (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDispatchThawSelfOnly (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodDispatchVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDrawableStateChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodDrawChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodFitSystemWindows (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodGenerateDefaultLayoutParams (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodGetChildDrawingOrder (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodGetChildStaticTransformation (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodInitializeFadingEdge (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodInitializeScrollbars (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodJavaFinalize (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodMeasureChild (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodMeasureChildren (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodMeasureChildWithMargins (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodOnAnimationEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnAnimationStart (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnAppointmentClickedUsed to invoke the AppointmentClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnAppointmentSelectedUsed to invoke the AppointmentSelected event.  
Protected MethodOnAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnConfigurationChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnCreateContextMenu (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnCreateDrawableState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDayClickedUsed to invoke the DayClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnDayOfWeekHeaderClickedUsed to invoke the DayOfWeekHeaderClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnDetachedFromWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDisplayHint (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDraw (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnDrawScrollBars (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnFinishInflate (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnFocusChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnLayoutOverridden. Called when child views should be arranged.  
Protected MethodOnMeasureOverridden. Measure the view.  
Protected MethodOnMonthHeaderClickedUsed to invoke the MonthHeaderClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnOverScrolled (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedUsed to raise the PropertyChanged event when a property of the object has been changed.  
Protected MethodOnRequestFocusInDescendants (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodOnRestoreInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnSaveInstanceState (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnScrollChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnSelectedDateChangedUsed to invoke the SelectedDateChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSetAlpha (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnSizeChangedOverridden. Called during layout when the size of this view has changed.  
Protected MethodOnTimeSlotClickedUsed to invoke the TimeSlotClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnTimeSlotSelectedUsed to invoke the TimeSlotSelected event.  
Protected MethodOnVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOnWeekNumberClickedUsed to invoke the WeekNumberClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnWindowVisibilityChanged (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodOverScrollBy (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodRemoveDetachedView (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodResetResolvedLayoutDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodResetResolvedTextDirection (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodSetChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodSetHandle (Inherited from Java.Lang.Object)
Protected MethodSetMeasuredDimension (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Protected MethodSetStaticTransformationsEnabled (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Protected MethodVerifyDrawable (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public Events
Public EventAnimationEnd (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventAnimationRepeat (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventAnimationStart (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventAppointmentClickedOccurs when an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment is clicked in the SchedulerView.  
Public EventAppointmentSelectedOccurs when an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment is selected in the SchedulerView.  
Public EventChildViewAdded (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventChildViewRemoved (Inherited from Android.Views.ViewGroup)
Public EventClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventContextMenuCreated (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventDayClickedOccurs when a day is clicked  
Public EventDayOfWeekHeaderClickedOccurs when a day of week header is clicked  
Public EventDrag (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventFocusChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventGenericMotion (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventHover (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventKeyPress (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventLayoutChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventLongClick (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventMonthHeaderClickedOccurs when a month header is clicked  
Public EventPropertyChangedInvoked when a property of the object has been changed.  
Public EventSelectedDateChangedOccurs when a new date is selected in the Scheduler.  
Public EventSystemUiVisibilityChange (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventTimeSlotClickedOccurs when an Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.TimeSlot is clicked in the SchedulerView.  
Public EventTimeSlotSelectedOccurs when an Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.TimeSlot is selected in the SchedulerView.  
Public EventTouch (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventViewAttachedToWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventViewDetachedFromWindow (Inherited from Android.Views.View)
Public EventWeekNumberClickedOccurs when a week number is clicked  
See Also