
EnsureDayVisibleInAgendaView Method (SchedulerView)

Ensures that the specified date is visible in the Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode.AgendaView, and if not scrolls the day into view.
public bool EnsureDayVisibleInAgendaView( 
   DateTime date,
   bool animated,
   bool scrollDayToTop


The date that should be scrolled into view. The date must fall within the SchedulerView.AgendaViewMinimumDate and SchedulerView.AgendaViewMaximumDate unless SchedulerView.AgendaViewAppointmentScope is set to Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.AgendaViewAppointmentScope.OnlyAppointmentsForSelectedDate.
True to perform an animated scroll, false to perform an immediate scroll.
True to make sure the specified date is visible and scroll the date to the top of the visible area, false to simply make sure the specified date is visible.

Return Value

True if successful otherwise false.
If an Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.SchedulerViewMode.AgendaView has not been selected as a primary or secondary view mode (see the SchedulerView.ViewMode and SchedulerView.MonthViewAgendaVisibility properties) calling this method has no effect and the call will return false.

Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also