Angular Grid Export to Excel Service

    The Excel Exporter service can export data to excel from the IgxGrid. The data export functionality is encapsulated in the IgxExcelExporterService class and the data is exported in MS Excel table format. This format allows features like filtering, sorting, etc. To do this you need to invoke the IgxExcelExporterService's export method and pass the IgxGrid component as first argument to export grid easily.

    Angular Excel Exporter Example

    Exporting Grid's Data

    To start using the IgniteUI Excel Exporter first import the IgxExcelExporterService in the app.module.ts file and add the service to the providers array:

    // app.module.ts
    import { IgxExcelExporterService } from 'igniteui-angular';
    // import { IgxExcelExporterService } from '@infragistics/igniteui-angular'; for licensed package
      providers: [ IgxExcelExporterService ]
    export class AppModule {}

    In v12.2.1 and later, the exporter services are provided in root, which means you no longer need to declare them in the AppModule providers.

    To initiate an export process you may use the handler of a button in your component's template.

    <igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>
    <button (click)="exportButtonHandler()">Export IgxGrid to Excel</button>

    You may access the exporter service by defining an argument of type IgxExcelExporterService in the component's constructor and the Angular framework will provide an instance of the service. To export some data in MS Excel format you need to invoke the exporter service's export method and pass the IgxGrid component as first argument.

    Here is the code which will execute the export process in the component's typescript file:

    // component.ts
    import { IgxExcelExporterService, IgxExcelExporterOptions } from 'igniteui-angular';
    import { IgxGridComponent } from 'igniteui-angular';
    @ViewChild('grid') public grid: IgxGridComponent;
    constructor(private excelExportService: IgxExcelExporterService) {
    public exportButtonHandler() {
      this.excelExportService.export(this.grid, new IgxExcelExporterOptions('ExportedDataFile'));

    If all went well, you should see the IgxGrid component and a button under it. When pressing the button, it will trigger the export process and the browser will download a file named "ExportedDataFile.xlsx" which contains the data from the Grid component in MS Excel format.

    Export All Data

    There are some cases when you might be using remote operations like Paging and the Grid won't have access to all of its data. In these cases, we recommend using the Excel Export Service and pass the whole data collection, if available. Example:

    public exportButtonHandler() {
      this.excelExportService.exportData(this.localData, new IgxExcelExporterOptions('ExportedDataFile'));

    Export Grouped Data

    To export grouped data you just need to group the Grid by one or more columns. The browser will download a file named "ExportedDataFile.xlsx" which contains the data from the Grid component in MS Excel format grouped by the selected column. Example:

    Export Multi Column Headers Grid

    It is now possible to export Grid with defined multi-column headers. All headers will be reflected in the exported excel file as they are displayed in the Grid. If you want to exclude the defined multi-column headers from the exported data you can set the exporter option ignoreMultiColumnHeaders to true.


    The exported Grid will not be formatted as a table, since Excel tables do not support multiple row headers.

    Export Grid with Frozen Column Headers

    By default Excel Exporter service exports the grid with scrollable (unfrozen) column headers. There are scenarios in which you may want to freeze all headers on top of the exported excel file so they always stay in view as the user scrolls through the records. To achieve this you could set the exporter option freezeHeaders to true.

    public exportButtonHandler() {
        const exporterOptions = new IgxExcelExporterOptions('ExportedDataFile');
        exporterOptions.freezeHeaders = true;
        this.excelExportService.export(this.grid, exporterOptions);

    Customizing the Exported Content

    In the above examples the Excel Exporter service was exporting all available data. There are situations in which you may want to skip exporting a row or even an entire column. To achieve this you may hook to the columnExporting and/or rowExporting events which are fired respectively for each column and/or each row and cancel the respective event by setting the event argument object's cancel property to true.

    The following example will exclude a column from the export if its header is "Age" and if its index is 1:

    // component.ts
    this.excelExportService.columnExporting.subscribe((args: IColumnExportingEventArgs) => {
      if (args.header == 'Age' && args.columnIndex == 1) {
          args.cancel = true;
    this.excelExportService.export(this.grid, new IgxExcelExporterOptions('ExportedDataFile'));

    When you are exporting data from the Grid component, the export process takes in account features like row filtering and column hiding and exports only the data visible in the Grid. You can configure the exporter service to include filtered rows or hidden columns by setting properties on the IgxExcelExporterOptions object.

    Known Limitations

    Limitation Description
    Max worksheet size The maximum worksheet size supported by Excel is 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns.
    Cell Styling The excel exporter service does not support exporting a custom style applied to a cell component. In such scenarios we recommend using the Excel Library.

    API References

    The Excel Exporter service has a few more APIs to explore, which are listed below.

    Additional components that were used:

    Additional Resources

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