
Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls Namespace (Infragistics.Web.jQuery)

ClassAdditionalDataField Similar to Tuple objects - used for getting information - sent from client to server side
ClassFileUploadClientEvents ClientEvents used by the WebUpload class
ClassFileUploadCSS A class holding custom css options for WebUpload
ClassFileUploadExtension A class representing an extension string
ClassFileUploadExtensionCollection Holds a collection of FileUploadExtension objects
ClassFileUploadExtensionIcon A class representing an icon's css class for given extensions
ClassFileUploadExtensionIconCollection Holds a collection of FileUploadExtensionIcon objects
ClassFileUploadingEventArgs EventArguments class initialized when the whole request of the file is processed and it should be saved from temporary file to original file Cancellable event argument
ClassFileUploadLocale A class representing a locale object with properties
ClassRequestProcessor Class which manages processing http request - analyze header, analyzing and processing file chunks from http request
ClassSafeDictionary<TKey,TValue> Thread safe dictionary
ClassUploadBaseEventArgs Represents Base Class for EventArgs All non cancellable EventArgs classes should extend it
ClassUploadCancellableBaseEventArgs Base class for file upload cancellable event arguments
ClassUploadFinishedEventArgs EventArguments class initialized when file is finished
ClassUploadFinishingEventArgs EventArguments class initialized when the whole request of the file is processed and it should be saved from temporary file to original file Cancellable event argument
ClassUploadInfo Represents file which is uploading - its file size, uploaded bytes, filename, etc.
ClassUploadModule Module which process Http Request and manages files uploading
ClassUploadProgressManager Singleton class Proxy class which is used as instance in HTTPModule and HttpHandler - get commands from httphandler and send it to module Get information for each of the file from HTTPModule and send it to httphandler
ClassUploadStartingEventArgs Class for file upload starting event arguments
ClassUploadStatusHandler Handler which process the client commands for file upload
ClassWebUpload Main class for the WebUpload control.
InterfaceISafeDictionary<TKey,TValue> Usually used when you want to extend functionality of shared dictionary which holds information about uploaded files. Used in web garden/web farm scenario
InterfaceIUploadEventArgs Represents interface for uploading arguments - includes basic properties like file size, file name, uploading status, etc.
EnumerationFileError FileError thrown while uploading - e.g. MIME type validation, inner exceptions, etc.
EnumerationFileSaveType How the file will be saved
EnumerationFileUploadMode An enumeration for how many files to upload
EnumerationSizeMetric Enumeration for how file size will be displayed
EnumerationUploadStatus Possible File Modes when file is Uploaded - e.g. Not Started, Started, Finished, etc.
See Also