
AxisAppearance Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by AxisAppearance.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAxisAppearance ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Fields
Public FieldaxisNumberThis class supports charting framework. Not to be used explictly in the code.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyChartComponentThe charting component which owns this ChartAppearance object. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.ChartAppearance)
Public PropertyExtentGets or sets a value that specifies the breadth of any margin between an Axis and the edge of the Control, in pixels.  
Public PropertyLabelsReturns a reference to or sets the AxisLabelAppearance object that specifies the appearance of the labels on an axis.  
Public PropertyLineColorReturns a reference to or sets a Color object that specifies the color of an axis line.  
Public PropertyLineDrawStyleReturns or sets a value that determines the style of an axis line.  
Public PropertyLineEndCapStyleReturns or sets a value that determines the style of the end of an axis line.  
Public PropertyLineThicknessReturns or sets a value that determines the thickness of an axis line, in pixels.  
Public PropertyLogBaseGets/Sets Log base of log axes.  
Public PropertyLogZeroGets or sets a value to be used as the log of zero.  
Public PropertyMajorGridLinesReturns a reference to or sets the GridlinesAppearance object that specifies the appearance of an axis' major grid lines.  
Public PropertyMarginContains properties which affect axis margins. Axis margins are the space allocated on each end of an axis where data is not plotted.  
Public PropertyMinorGridLinesReturns a reference to or sets the GridlinesAppearance object that specifies the appearance of an axis' minor grid lines.  
Public PropertyNumericAxisTypeGets or sets this Axis to linear, logarithmic or an itemized (discrete) scale.  
Public PropertyRangeMaxGets or sets the maximum limit (or index) of this Axis' range.  
Public PropertyRangeMinGets or sets the minimum limit (or index) of this Axis' range.  
Public PropertyRangeTypeAdjusts how the range of this Axis will be calculated.  
Public PropertyStripLinesReturns a reference to or sets the StripLineAppearance object that specifies the appearance of an axis' major grid lines.  
Public PropertyTickmarkIntervalSpecifies how often to place tick marks and labels along a chart axis as numeric data value when AxisTickStyle is set to DataValue.  
Public PropertyTickmarkIntervalTypeThe type of unit to use for intervals on this axis.  
Public PropertyTickmarkPercentageSpecifies how often to place tick marks and labels along a chart axis as a percentage of the axis data range when AxisTickStyle is set to Percentage. The value specified is outside the range of valid values.  
Public PropertyTickmarkStyleThis property determines where tickmarks are placed.  
Public PropertyTimeAxisStyleSpecifies how separate TimeAxis piles compare to each other.  
Public PropertyVisibleToggles the visibility of a chart axis.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertydirtyA dirty flag for any operations that we want to optimize. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.ChartAppearance)
Protected PropertynoUpdateSet the noUpdate flag to true to prevent parent notification on updates. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.ChartAppearance)
Public Methods
Public MethodResetTimeAxisStyleResets the TimeAxisStyle property to its default value.  
Public MethodSetAxisNumberSets the AxisNumber in context for this axis.  
Public MethodToStringReturns a string representation of an AxisAppearance object.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateInstanceDescriptorCreates an InstanceDescriptor representing an AxisAppearance object.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeRangeMinReturns a Boolean value that determines whether the RangeMin property is set to its default value.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeTimeAxisStyleCheck if TimeAxisStyle has a not default value.  
See Also