
Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events Namespace

ClassChartBackColorChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the BackColorChanged event.
ClassChartBackgroundImageChangedEventArgs Event arguments for the BackgroundImageChanged Event.
ClassChartDataEventArgs This ChartDataEventArgs class holds information on a particular data point in the chart. This includes the row and column for the data, along with its value, row label, and column label.
ClassChartDataInvalidEventArgs Event Arguments to be associated with Invalid Data events.
ClassChartDrawItemEventArgs EventArgs class which holds information on ChartDrawItem events.
ClassChartScrollScaleEventArgs Class used for ScrollScale related events.
ClassChartTransform3DEventArgs Event Arguments to be associated with Transform3D-related events.
ClassFillSceneGraphEventArgs Class for FillSceneGraphEventArgs.
ClassInterpolateValuesEventArgs Class with properties relevant to an InterpolateValues event.
DelegateBackColorChangedEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle BackColorChanged events.
DelegateChartBackgroundImageChangedEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle ChartBackgroundImageChanged events.
DelegateChartDataClickedEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle ChartDataClicked events.
DelegateChartDataInvalidEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle Invalid Data events.
DelegateChartDrawItemEventHandler Delegate definition to handle ChartDrawItem events.
DelegateChartScrollScaleEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle ScrollScale events.
DelegateChartTransform3DEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle Transform3D events.
DelegateDataItemOutEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle DataItemOut events.
DelegateDataItemOverEventHandler Event Handler definition for subscribers wishing to listen and handle DataItemOver events.
DelegateDrillDownEventHandler This event handler is used internally by UltraWebChart, and should not be accessed from application code.
DelegateFillSceneGraphEventHandler Delegate for the FillSceneGraph event.
DelegateInterpolateValuesEventHandler Delegate for InterpolateValues events.
See Also