
Items Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Items.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorItems ConstructorCreates a new collection to store items for the specified UltraWebToolbar element.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllThe collection as an array of objects (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Public PropertyCapacityGets or sets the number of elements that the System.Collections.CollectionBase can contain. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public PropertyCountGets the number of elements contained in the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. This property cannot be overridden. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public PropertyIsReadOnlyOverridden. Returns a Boolean flag indicating whether this collection is read-only.  
Public PropertyItemReturns the Toolbar item located at the specified index.  
Public PropertyOwnerProvides public access to the owning object of this collection (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyInnerListGets an System.Collections.ArrayList containing the list of elements in the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Protected PropertyListGets an System.Collections.IList containing the list of elements in the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddOverloaded. Adds an UltraWebToolbar item having base type of TBObject, to this collection.  
Public MethodAddButtonOverloaded. Adds an UltraWebToolbar button (or proper subclass) to the collection with the specified text value.  
Public MethodAddButtonGroupOverloaded. Adds an UltraWebToolbar button group to the collection.  
Public MethodAddCustomOverloaded. Adds a custom control wrapper (it may contain another Web Control) to this collection.  
Public MethodAddLabelOverloaded. Adds an UltraWebToolbar label to the collection with the specified text caption.  
Public MethodAddSeparatorAdds an UltraWebToolbar separator to the collection.  
Public MethodAddTextBoxOverloaded. Adds an UltraWebToolbar text box to this collection with the specified initial text value and key.  
Public MethodClearRemoves all objects from the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. This method cannot be overridden. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public MethodCloneCreates a deep copy of this collection.  
Public MethodContainsReturns true if the collection contains this item (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Public MethodCopyToCopies the items into the array (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Public MethodExistsReturns true if an object with this key is already in the collection. Note, if key is null or a zero length string this method returns false (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Public MethodFromKeyString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property that returns generic Toolbar Items.  
Public MethodFromKeyButtonString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property.  
Public MethodFromKeyButtonGroupString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property that returns instances of TBButtonGroup.  
Public MethodFromKeyCustomString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property that returns custom control container instances of TBCustom.  
Public MethodFromKeyIButtonString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property that returns instances of ITBarButton.  
Public MethodFromKeyLabelString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property that returns instances of TBLabel.  
Public MethodFromKeySeparatorString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property that returns instances of TBSeparator.  
Public MethodFromKeyTextBoxString indexer for the Toolbar items collection based on the Key property that returns instances of TBTextBox.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public MethodGetItemOverloaded. Virtual method that returns the object at the specified index (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Public MethodIndexDetermines the zero-based index of the specified Toolbar item, if it exists in this collection.  
Public MethodIndexOfOverloaded. Returns the index of the item in the collection that has the passed in key or -1 if key not found.  
Public MethodInsertOverloaded. Insert the specified TBObject into this collection at the specified index.  
Public MethodRemoveRemoves the specified object from this collection.  
Public MethodRemoveAtRemoves the element at the specified index of the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. This method is not overridable. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Public MethodValidateKeyDoesNotExistOverloaded. Throws an DuplicateNameException if the key already exists (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateArrayVirtual method used by the All 'get' method to create the array it returns. (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected MethodInternalAddAppends the object to the collection (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected MethodInternalClearClears the collection (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected MethodInternalInsertInserts an object into the collection (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected MethodInternalRemoveRemoves an item from the collection (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected MethodInternalRemoveAtRemoves an item from the collection (Inherited from Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.UltraWebToolbar.KeyedObjectCollectionBase)
Protected MethodOnClearOverridden. This property supports the Infragistics control infrastructure and is not intended for use from application code.  
Protected MethodOnClearCompletePerforms additional custom processes after clearing the contents of the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Protected MethodOnInsertOverridden. This property supports the Infragistics control infrastructure and is not intended for use from application code.  
Protected MethodOnInsertCompletePerforms additional custom processes after inserting a new element into the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Protected MethodOnRemovePerforms additional custom processes when removing an element from the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Protected MethodOnRemoveCompleteOverridden. This property supports the Infragistics control infrastructure and is not intended for use from application code.  
Protected MethodOnSetPerforms additional custom processes before setting a value in the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Protected MethodOnSetCompletePerforms additional custom processes after setting a value in the System.Collections.CollectionBase instance. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
Protected MethodOnValidatePerforms additional custom processes when validating a value. (Inherited from System.Collections.CollectionBase)
See Also