
RatingBot Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see RatingBot members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAttributesAttributeCollection property that can be used to add Html markup attributes to the UIObject which will be rendered to the Html stream during the rendering phase. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.UIObject)
Public PropertyCustomAJAXResponseContainer for values passed to client within AJAX response. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyDesignMode (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyEnableAjaxCallbacks (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyEnableAppStylingEnables support on WebTree for the Application Styling Framework(tm). (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyEnableEmbeddedJavaScriptInstructs the control to load its embedded Java Script. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyHasAttributesReturns a boolean value which indicates if the UIObject currently has any Attributes. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.UIObject)
Public PropertyImageDirectory (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyIsCallback (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyIsEmptyChecks if ViewState has any property with not a default value. This property should be overriden by extended class when additional subobjects are supported. IsEmpty will then check each subobject and return a value based on the check of those objects plus itself. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.ObjectBase)
Public PropertyLoadViewStateCalledReturns whether the view state has been loaded yet (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyStyleSetNameName of the Application Styling Framework(tm) style set defining the themed appearance for this control. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyStyleSetPathPath containing the Application Styling Framework(tm) style set files for this type of control. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyTemplate (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.UIObject)
Public PropertyUserAgentInformation about client that is making the request. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Public PropertyXAttributeIndicates which attribute should be used for XAttribute. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyAdditionalClientState (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.ObjectBase)
Protected PropertyCollectionData (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.ObjectBase)
Protected PropertyControlReference to the control that owns this RunBot. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Protected PropertyDeferLoadPostDataProcessingDetermines if the loading of postback data should be deferred until a later point when the object model is properly restored. This situaion occurs when no ViewState is present and the control must databind first in order to populate the object model. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Protected PropertyDelayLoadingClientCollectionsIf true will delay the client collections loading in LoadPostData, after the view state has been loaded. If false the client collections will be loaded in HandleOnInit, when LoadClientState is called. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Protected PropertyFlagsStores all the ClientUIFlags into one integer, that will be passed down to the client in the Client Property Array. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.UIObject)
Protected PropertyIsTrackingViewStateThis method returns a boolean value which indicates whether ViewState is being tracked for the object. Once viewstate is being tracked, all property changes are roundtripped from server to client and back within the ViewState hidden field. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.ObjectBase)
Protected PropertyOptimizeCollectionsStateThe collections client state will be stored in the view state and the client collections will not be sent from the client on postback. This is possible because client collections contain static data that does not change on the client. This data is used by the client API and when something is updated it is stored in the transactions list. If false the collections from the client side will be uploaded as before. Setting this to true, will increase page size in terms of view state, but will decrease the postback time numerously, because the collections state will not be uploaded from the client. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Protected PropertyPropCountOverridden. Returns the total number of properties on the object that should go to the client.. This should be calculated by taking the amount of Properties on the base class plus the amount of properties on this class. If you are deriving from this object and need to add additional client properties, you must override this property.  
Protected PropertySupportsAjaxIndicatorReturns true if control wants to support ajax indicator (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.RunBot)
Protected PropertyTransactionLists (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.ObjectBase)
Protected PropertyViewStateProperty to return the ViewState bag for the object. If none exist, then one is created. (Inherited from Infragistics.Web.UI.Framework.ObjectBase)
See Also